Ban/Rollback/Do Nothing

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by _Baragain_, Aug 17, 2016.

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What do you want to happen to the cheaters.

Poll closed Sep 14, 2016.
  1. Do Nothing.

  2. Roll Back

  3. Permanent Ban, No Matter How Long It Takes!

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  1. lewcar

    lewcar Padavan

    So... It takes outrage of the entire playerbase just to encourage second thoughts on a resolution? They don't realise themselves doing nothing obliterates any integrity the game had? Thats comforting. People that were literally stealing from the company..
  2. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    why not fix as soon as possible? or shut down all servers ? i prefer to stop playing for a day or 2 rather then playing with alien names bug users
    i remember mortis bug was so easy to kill they where VERY EFFECTIVE and fixed it in 24hr time
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I see. But I doubt they care enough.
  4. Beldak

    Beldak Regular

    A very hard thing to do after the "we are very sorry to announce that there won’t any". What? do they need the rage from the community to see how wrong it was? or did they thought it will go away quietly?

    I hope the last announcement was not created just to shut us up, and they are indeed checking that, but for now i can't trust them!
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Don't shot the messenger. I'm sure he was just a pissed off as us, but he actually has to pretend to support BigPoint through this mess.
    Troneck86 and Beldak like this.
  6. Beldak

    Beldak Regular

    Can't shot the messenger, and if i could, my dmg is low, my bow doesn't have high ranked rubies ;)
    Sunlight, _Baragain_ and Armando like this.
  7. Kyrara

    Kyrara Forum Greenhorn

    Permanent Ban is the best option and it's fair with the honest players ;)
  8. anonima

    anonima Forum Greenhorn

  9. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @Beldak ,

    We all understand your feeling and our friend @_Baragain_ wrote that too.

    Everyone understand that currently we are far away from the best solution. I meant that: players mobilisation ("rage" as you called it) gave fruits (like social movements), and our investigations restarted. This is a good new ;) So, worse than it is now, cannot become, buddy ;)

    We are doing further investigation. Rest sure of that ;) We all hope that the result will be as positive as we all want ;)

    We just need to keep calm for now. Our team is trying to give you a fast solution.

    Hey there @Kyrara ,

    We have really no more information to confirm that :( What we know for now is that our investigations are happening. They are looking into it, which is something good for now ;)

    Cheers and... keep calm, heroes! :D
  10. babu_o_babu

    babu_o_babu Advanced

    Are you willing to let go of your main account too because just like you I believe that cheater need to be punished regardless of if they use the bug with their alter char or main char or was just testing.

    I can not cast vote because my suggestion would be to ban all the accounts connected with that IP address of the user.
    .krom70. and ipodsie1 like this.
  11. Beldak

    Beldak Regular

    I just want to point out that my rage (players mobilisation as you called it ;)) is not in any way directed towards you or anyone of the moderator team of the forums, and i'm sorry you guys need to handle the fire.
  12. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Sure. If you want to lose your account for using the relog bug in the PWs, or corner glitches, or any other stupid little thing under the sun. No one is 100% clean in this game, even if it is by accident.

    And I don't know if you misread or just can't type clearly, but it wasn't just an alt character on my main account. It was an account made purposely for the testing of this bug and with the hope that it gets banned.

    Normally, I would have tested the bug on test server, but since the event was already off of the test server, I couldn't. In fact, I would have loved to exploit it on the test server because they don't mind that and it would have given my test server account a much needed boost (since I only spend a couple hours on him a week). But if you really think that I deserve a ban or doing one hour of curiosity testing on a throw away toon that will never even reach level 17, you can go ahead and push for that so that the rest of us can laugh at you. That idea is even more stupid than a rollback or doing nothing.
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't think he was testing with his main account.
    Best way to test is to make fresh new account and be aware it will be banned when the time comes.
    Of course best method is testing at TS ... but sometimes you can't test there simply because some events are not active.
    VukChe likes this.
  14. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    As said above.

    I'm not stupid. In fact, I'd be willing to argue that I'm one of the smarter ones when it came to exploring my curiosity.
  15. babu_o_babu

    babu_o_babu Advanced

    This thread was created to generate poll regarding the recent event bug, nothing is mention regarding the PW relog bug. So your defense against my suggestion is invalid. Create a poll regarding bans on those relog bug, I might add some suggestion... no hard feelings.

    If I recall about the bot bans, CMs mention all accounts that were found using bot were banned regardless of how long they used bot or what level their char were or if they used bot on purpose or out of curiosity. I am only suggesting extreme measure -- that all the accounts of the players using this event bug me banned so that in future they would not dare create another account to try out the bug/ bot. If you disagree with me that's fine it is only a suggestion, just like those three suggestion mention in this thread, there is no need to get too personal.
  16. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Padavan

    EDIT No one told ME there were free gems! :( LOL!

    i'm really gonna get beat up in 5v5 now!!! LOL

    is there no way to check if someones CV doubled in the time these gems were available?
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 17, 2016
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    How can you do that? :D
    That is impossible.
    mrmlja and VukChe like this.
  18. steelfox1973

    steelfox1973 Someday Author

    If BP consider this just a game,not a business,and not ban ppl, just whait 4 the next exploit.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 17, 2016
  19. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    In the case of the bots, they banned accounts, not IPs (too much) or individual characters (too little). I am expecting something similar.
    artemisz1221 likes this.
  20. VukChe

    VukChe Forum Apprentice

    If somebody want to do something he find the way to do that, if somebody do not want to do something he find excuse. So BP find excuse, and now this thread can be named "so long suckers". It is incredibly, BP repeating we can not do anything, we can do anything, .... If it is like you say, at least you can tell all community, hey folks there is exploit use it.
    artemisz1221 likes this.
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