Bug Double surprise

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ViktorG75, Aug 30, 2016.

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  1. ViktorG75

    ViktorG75 Active Author

    Chest can be opened two times:

  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    That is an old bug that only effects a couple chests. I think that might be the only one left.
  3. ViktorG75

    ViktorG75 Active Author

    I am regular in Catacombs becose of Daily challenges, and this is the first time i see this. Some sort of jumping bug? :)
  4. bloodyneo

    bloodyneo Forum Master

    dont open it second time bro or you will be bann...be careful!!!
  5. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @ViktorG75 ,

    Thank you for your report.
    We are forwarding it to our Team ;)

  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    This is a very old bug ... more than a year or two old.
    They have reworked the maps ... reworked the chests ... yet never removed that extra chest.
  7. thuglifederp

    thuglifederp Active Author

    Double chest in catacombs? 2 drops from the same chest ? You mean double coin drop? Like 1 silver ?
    Who would take the time to fix that ?
  8. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    As in, "you can open the same chest twice because there are two stacked on the same spot."

    The only really useful thing about this is that it doubles your chance of getting a lock pick right there.
  9. thuglifederp

    thuglifederp Active Author

    Still dosent compare with the vases from cradle of death. Got a few legend items just from craking those vases.
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