Feedback Test Server Database Performance Improvement

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by teddy.bear, Jan 28, 2016.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello Heroes,

    Our developers have implemented a fix on the test instances today at 11:00 am. The fix is meant to improve the performance of the database and can achieve – in theory – great results.

    However, it is the first time that the developers have implemented a fix of that kind. So, we would like to monitor the test server until Monday and see if you notice any improvement or any weird abnormalities.​

    Abnormalities can include (examples):​
    • Character has different appearance
    • Extreme rubber-banding effects
    • Crashes
    Please report them by commenting in this thread.
    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
  2. Red_Jaeger

    Red_Jaeger Junior Expert

    Well, I had just one bug, but apparently the most severe bug possible.

    The game crashed while I was playing and now, whenever I try to log in, I get the following message. I cannot join any server and, obviously, I cannot contact the support for the test server. My test server account is therefore completely locked.

    Devilll likes this.
  3. Ayato641

    Ayato641 Forum Greenhorn

    I noticed one thing after some testing but i am nos hure if it is related to this fix

    I noticet that i get less blue and grean equipment drops on my warior so i checked it whit my mage an mechanic and after lvling to lv 25 on all of them the result was

    The Warior is get around a 1 third less drops but id did not affect the uniqe drops
  4. ifucan

    ifucan Forum Greenhorn

    how can i enter the test server ????????????????
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Make an account at and play like normal.
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