Suggestion Testing Gnob's items before buying.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by bLaind, Oct 1, 2016.

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  1. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    So, I was thinking: "What if we could test an item before we actually use our resources (most likely draken) to buy it?"
    On the previous "Dragonache" offer I was tempted to buy myself another Bloodtooth, but without knowing the results it will have on my build... I didn't bought it. Hence:
    What if we could buy all the items that are offered by ze Gnob (darkness, sargon, dragonsilver, warlord...) with... let's say 1 Gold per item (maybe lower)? Offered permanently, logically, let's say by ze Gnob.
    The items won't have any melting or selling values and will be available only in the city, disappearing from inventory once you change map/instance, leaving them, hopefully, unexploitable.
    Therefore you could actually try them out and see how they affect your build before you actually buy them.
    Zo... watt zer ya stink?
    Morinphen likes this.
  2. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    It aint that hard to calculate yourself the effects of a certain item. Also some items have buffs in combat like for exmaple the dragan ring so how will you test that?
  3. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Oh really?!
    Well you can't buy that from anywhere currently, so, that won't be on the offer. Ok, this is meant only for le Gnob items ... And it's meant to test them passively, battle activated effects are out of the question since none of the Gnob items have such things, except the 6000 draken items, and I just want to see their influence on my STATS.
  4. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    You dont have to do THIS, I understand what you want but I dont think this will be added since it basically just saves you a couple of seconds of checking yourself. If You want to see how much will the bloodtooth help you then remove all %crit rate items and see how much is 25% of it and just add it to your crit rate amount and do the same for health and you got yourself your new STATS.

    Not trying to say I am right, maybe I am wrong and this will be useful.
  5. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Guessing/attempting to calculate and actually seeing the actual impact on your build... I'd go with the real effect anytime, not with a guess.
    And I also wanna test the darkness and the warlord sets, so that I know how to plan out my future objectives.


    Could someone rename this to:
    Testing Gnob items before buying.
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 1, 2016
    Morinphen likes this.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I don't know what you are talking about... "guessing"... "attempting"...? I don't guess and I don't attempt. I simply calculate. For example, with respect to Bloodtooth, you take the crit you have and divide it by to total % increased crit. For example, if you have 5482 crit and you have the Darkness helm (35% crit), you divide 5482/1.35 and you get 4060.74. If you have any crit on the ring that you would replace with a Bloodtooth, you would subtract it from this muber before continuing. Lets say you are planning to replace a ring with 530 crit with a Bloodtooth; you multiply (4060.74-530)x1.6 and you get 5649 crit meaning that you would end up gaining 167 crit. That is not a guess or an attempt to calculate... that is a matter of fact. From there, it would be a simple matter to also calculate the HP gains and any other losses based on the stats that the original ring had.

    Either learn the math of the game and do the calculation before changing your build or go by instinct, but there is no need for fake temporary items. The only variation that I'd be able to get behind is if you they actually made the compare loot feature functional to the point where it would show you the stats that would change as a result of the switch. That is simple, functional and much easier than whatever problems this unnecessarily complicated idea would bring.
  7. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    I was talking about myself. Not everyone is a math geek you know?
  8. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    You don't need to be a math geek to make such basic mathematic operations.

    P.S. I don't support this suggestion.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2016
  9. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    If you say so...
  10. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    I understand what made bLaind make up this suggestion, as not everyone will go through math to see if they should get an item or not, and would feel more at ease if they could temporarily test them within their builds fast and effortlessly. No, you don't have to be a math-geek to do those calculations, but why bother if you could see results in a split? Then again, maybe more than just Gnob's item would be subject to the aforementioned (say I'd want to test a PW item, or those Andrakasch sets - to name a couple), so it would really get complicated in terms of implementation (though some good anti-exploitation elements were mentioned in the original post).

    I think that what would make a more practical solution is if the DSOptimizer would get updated and improved in such a way that it would be a very handy side-tool. Then you could simulate any build you like, with absolutely no drawbacks or anything, even more so since it's not an in-game tool (which is good, because I think I don't have to name many, if any, to prove the point that most we have is not too useful). But as of right now, if you need exact numbers, you have to put your math-hat on and grind the numbers into the hard facts you want.
    bLaind likes this.
  11. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    I would vote yes for the idea, but as a side tool made by bigpoint.

    What I hate about Optimizer or excel tools is the effort required to configure all the items.

    Let them own the optimizer, or make it opensource and implement the export of items from the game in a CSV/XML format so we can open it in Optimizer, and then play with all the possible items in there including those you currently own. Plus, BigPoint knows exactly how the upgrade works, so they can utilize the in-game db what would make it up-to-date always.

    That would be beneficial.

    And to those who claim the math of the game is simple, its not. I have wrote the brutforce tool to compare all the possible (amost) item combinations of items and the results were quite surpising. I wouldnt have guessed the right combo, even though I know the math. You just dont always know what combo to test. Without such a tool, I wouldnt know on what I should focus all my effort and crafting. Now I know what should the 2h look like, I know to throw/cell all items with absolute dmg and only focus on critical rate and critical dmg instead on the left.
  12. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    What exactly would you want in that side tool? Just asking.
  13. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Making it up to date. The said tool is far behind the game right now (pets, unique items, set bonuses, etc.).
    If we could directly selects uniques and only bother to manually simulate non-uniques, it would be quite nice.
  14. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    I am pretty sure there is already such a thing, not a part of dso ofc but a web with that side tool. Maybe in my spare time I will try to do something like that. The only problem would be that I would need to know the formulas for how the game calculates 20% crit rate for example from 1200 or something like that.
  15. Atair

    Atair Forum Apprentice

    What you could do..
    • Buy the item
    • Play it for a day or whatever you want
    • Write a ticket to support and get the drakens back
    A lot of people are doing this o_O
  16. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    So I buy the item for a day and use it. After the day is gone I get my drakens back and just buy it again. Infinite times?
  17. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    I didnt learn any college education but instead I just used my logic and stuff I heard in the game.

    There is a simple way to do stuff and I will show you it later.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
  18. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Guys, you have messed it up)

    The OP wants a simple thing - Improved User Experience/Usability/Information Architecture etc. Those lay in the UX land, something BP has no clue about, and you can google that stuff if interested.

    Is it easy to calculate stuff, or is it hard to calculate stuff doesnt really matter. In any case such an option would improve usability. Dont you agree?

    Why wouldnt you rather focus on improving his idea, elaborating it, using all your experience with optimizer, excel, some other magic instead of just saying 'dude, go learn basic math'.

    I would absolutely love being able to use some 'tool', in game or a side one, to be able to manipulate all the possible uniques and items, including my own. What should be format of such, I dont know. But it surely will be useful for a vast majority of players, excluding you math freaks, perhaps))

    I would even want to have a map where I can test all those builds - with no loot, no coins bo nothing - just a static 'mobs' so I can test combos, and understand what does mana mean for that build, what does speed mean, what do all those new crazy bonuses mean, which you cannot really quantify in excel.

    Make sense?)
    bLaind likes this.
  19. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    Seb, I understand where you're coming from, but your suggestion is a whole different thing than that of the OP, a side tool where we could input our gems and play around with different item sets/values would be a dream come true for everyone and would save us from all those excel spreadsheets we have around, but the alternative of "temporary items" seems full of glitch/bug/exploit potential, at least I come from the point of view where I'd rather have the team away from developing such things, an external app developed by them could be a reasonable option, just as you said.

    As for the test-map, I'd already discussed about that idea with my couple, it'd be nice to have a map full of decoys of different ranks to test the effects/damage of our skills, cumulative damage of combos, etc., but again, that's a completely different idea (albeit a very good one) than the one posted here.

    And last but not least, when I said "basic mathematic operations" I was referring specifically to the Bloodtooth one, does knowing how to add 25% to a given number makes me a math freak?

    sebastian_fl likes this.
  20. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Well, I apologize, I exaggerated a little bit, maybe too much. Didnt mean to be mean and personal.

    Also, I tend to generalize the ideas. In software dev processes, we have a common issue - product management telling Dev to implement something that specific way, instead of saying 'I need that kind of benefit, and you dev go figure out a solution'. So they should say What not How. (At BP, finance department is obviously playing the How role :))

    Similar, the OP step into this road, telling How instead of what. His original problem is that '

    he, as a User, wants to be able to test Gnob items (and other) in some way, so he could understand where to focus his effort'

    In my comment, I assumed above is correct. So the dev/design team/whatever they call that guy/ should go and figure out the way to do it. What he later wrote I only take as an example to a possible solution, but it doesnt need to be exactly like that.

    Maybe Im wrong. Anyway, guess we understand each other)

    Btw, look at where he started:

    'So, I was thinking: "What if we could test an item before we actually use our resources'.

    Pretty generic, isnt it? And then goes the example.

    1. Test an item - dev, figure out the way
    2. Resources - drakens, or farming specific map or a mob, investing time and/or money on a specific thing.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
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