PvP boo

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by sebastian_fl, Oct 29, 2016.

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  1. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Disclaimer. In no way Im asking to punish anyone. This has been around forever and used by many, so became the tacit normal.

    So I came across this issue in one of the other lang forums, and I have seen a lot of this myself, so I wanted to ask what is BP official position on PVP boosting, especially in respect to upcoming change of the Rules/ToS/CoC.

    [Here was an image of a guy with two chars 15M honor points each. Same account, two chars.]
    [image removed]

    Thats one guy, and guess of what level? 6! SIX! Right, its 5+1, 6!

    There are two issues here, one being how the hell the game lets people become grandmarshals at level 6, but lets leave that aside for the purpose of this thread.

    Issue number 2 is letting people to 'abuse' the mentor bonus to earn 3x more honor points per char comparing two those who dont do that.

    For those who dont know, the booster plays 1 match with one char, then switches to another and so on. In every match he receives 3x honor points thanks to a mentor bonus from the other char, and that round char becoms the mentor himself. And so on.

    Lots of people do that, including on a very top, for instance Crymaker at grimmag (using his name as he is the guy from the first screen). Nothing personal, as both of his chars are uber strong and he would be on top anyway, but perhaps not that easy.

    So whats the issue?

    My assumption is, which might be wrong, that the only intention of mentor bonus created ny the game design team was letting people grow their new class characters faster, so they dont need to go through the same long routine 4 times.

    Those guys dont use the feature according to the game design team intention, but to earn personal benefit and develop 2x faster than others, becoming Fame lvl50 faster, and finally getting lots of points to spend on items.

    I understand that it might be not explicitely prohibitted by current rules but what about those new ones?

    What do you guys think of an issue, does BP allow that and sees that as something completely normal?

    There are quite a few of solutions to it. For instance, the mentor bonus might only work when one of the chars has substantially more points, or higher pvp level, and it will stop working completely on any pvp50 char.


    1. Is it allowed?
    2. Is it going to be allowed moving forward?
    3. Just simply what do you guys think of it?
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2016
  2. Atair

    Atair Forum Apprentice

    pvp in this game can be abused even without twinking..
    In tegan, EDIT is there by getting a lot of help from EDIT
    dont have any proof, but who the heck would lose 16k matches..
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 29, 2016
  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Last edited: Oct 29, 2016
  4. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Do not post images with player's name in it or name the players in public.
    If you have got concerns about someone abusing the game, please contact support.
    No names in public please.

  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You don't ask for punishment ... but I do.
    Because it is not what you think ... it is not just the mentor bonus in question (which is legal).

    They are ruthlessly breaking all game rules:
    1. pushing - they play with more than one characters/accounts (more than 5 sometimes) for personal gain
    2. boosting - deliberately losing the games in order to boost the other toon (in fact they don't even play the game ... only one character is playing the others are sheep)
    3. using 3rd party software - it is a case of players using multiboxing ... which requires involvement and usage of 3rd party software.
    ... ... ...

    All in all ... they are blatantly breaking the game rules and MUST be sanctioned (perma banned).

    No it is not allowed.
    They should be permanently banned.
  6. Beldak

    Beldak Regular

    I agree 100% with trakilaki, it's just ridiculous.
  7. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Sorry, didnt know that. It was like thay in other lang forum, seen and ignored by mods so I came to conclusion its ok.

    No IGNs because Im kind of reporting something? Or no names overall?

    Anyway, I dont care about specific names, there are hundreds of them I just wanted to know if it is okay or not.

    I just didnt want to make any bold statements, no reason to it :)

    And if you read me through, I didnt talk about level 6 grandmarshalls, thats clearly ridiculous. Im talking about those who 'normally' play, without double boxing. Just switching to other just as soon as current has higher honor.
  8. joe6699

    joe6699 Junior Expert

    I don't really care about paper champ, in fact you can find them in every sports...The paper champ will hit the wall when their bad luck turns out and they face real champ in pvp...
  9. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    Yeah, we wouldn't care either if those ranks were earned in a "legit" way/"legit" battles, but they're being obtained through pushing/boosting/multi acc, which is even lowest than twinking and a clear violation of the game rules.

    Also, if honor points and pvp level/rank were useless, we wouldn't care either, but why would we stand to BP let them get all those skill points illegaly and basically for free when there are a lot of people fighting through PvP quests and/or Honor levels through actual effort and legal gameplay?

    Yes, I know ranks mean nothing when these fellas level up to 50, ask the twinks who bullied me at low levels how they fair against me now that they're level 50, but these particular level 6 marshal cases are still an illegal way of obtaining an advantage through fame tree, currency for gear in PvP merchant and probably rewards from PvP quests as well.

    Just my 2 pesos, regards.
    Beldak likes this.
  10. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Is pvp flip flopping now not permitted?
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  11. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    Well, maybe I've been misunderstanding the T&C up to this point, but I have the idea that it was never permitted, but we enter a gray zone here, just as with Khalys' bug, I'll elaborate:

    Here's the thing, there's a not so small difference between flip flopping matches just to complete a daily quest or help a guildmate/friend with his/her daily quest, maybe handing some free kills in open map to get him/her a couple of worthy enemy player kills, and between farming 15 million honor points against yourself, your friend, your couple, etc.

    Considering this, we might enter the same ground as in the aforementioned bug, O.A. goes like this: "If a player needs to kill Khalys for a daily challenge, or for a quest, then that's fine. However, if we do discover users who abuse this in a consistent pattern, we will of course take steps to identify and punish them.", so my wild guess is that it would work in a similar way "if you flip flop a couple 1v1 matches or open map kills to help someone with a daily quest, that's ok-ish, if you flip flop with yourself using multi accounts or with a friend up to an insane amount of gains, we'll go for you", or at least this is the way it should be, in my opinion.

    If it was permitted, what would stop me and my couple from killing each other for days until we both reached level 50 honor?, or any other players with the time to do it?, but it isn't a common thing, am I right?, well, that's because not so deeply we know it is an exploit of the system, thus punishable, I'd rather play fair and preserve my account than wearing ill earned titles/mounts/costumes that won't even prevent a legit player from mopping the floor with me, my title, my costume and my mount.

    That's an extra 2 pesos from me, regards.
  12. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I thought flip flopping was playing pvp arena matches on whichever one is getting the honor bonus, but always playing to win the match. In other words, pvping only with the character that's getting the bonus. Not intentionally tanking.
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  13. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    Ah, my bad, I thought we were talking about win trading.

    My personal opinion is that I don't see any reason why it could be illegal if you're playing your matches legit, they made the mentor bonus to work that way and it's exactly what a lot of people does with their Wisdom mentor bonus as well, if it was ill conceived, they'd have tweaked it a long time ago.

    The thing with fame mentor bonus is that, if you play your matches legit, it requires effort to switch it back and forth between two characters, the factors involved are numerous, such as match queue, if you/your team wins or losses, how much honor points you got from that match, the type of match you're playing, thus, the time consumed, repeated match-up against OP player (s), and so on.

    Then having all those factors involved in effectively switching the mentor bonus for honor points from one toon to the other if you play legit, it makes no sense at all (to me at least) that it would be made illegal, but again, that's my personal opinion, I can't assure the team's POV aligns with mine.

  14. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Guys, please read my original post. Satying low, not playing to win and becoming grandmarshal at lvl6 is clearly not okay. But I didnt want to talk about it. I said lets ignore this issue for the purpose of this thread, and lets talk about 'flip floping', especially in respect to upcoming changes to rules. Flip Floping is the only subject of the post)

    The question is whether it is boosting or not according to upcoming rules, and is it what the design team intended the mentor bonus for.

    No claims on whether it is legit or not. I have no idea. But it has some flavor of boosting in it IMO.

    Sry for not using FlipFloping term, was not aware of it)
  15. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Due to specific reasons, we don't permit reporting of hacks, exploits, bug abuse or any other illegal actions in the game.
    Other forum teams may encourage these kind of actions in their forums, but we as English Moderation Team, strongly disagree with that practice. Making public reports are only making the things worse. Therefore, we are only processing private reports via support.
    Players may discuss them in our forum but only when following our rules (not mentioning involved players/characters, detailing bugs/exploits/hacks etc).
    If you need to report something/someone, please use our support.

    _Baragain_ likes this.
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Switching the mentor bonus is legal.
    BUT ...
    The question is are the methods they are using legal. I doubt ... a single person can't play the arena on his own and get 50M honor points on both characters. Even if they play 68 hours per day ... it is not possible ... knowing that those are relatively new characters.
    So there must be multiple people "gang-banging" one account ... and that is against the rules.
    EhtovK likes this.
  17. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Talk about being off-topic. Pretty much every post in this thread is off-topic to the original post.

    I don't know the intention of the development team about PvP flip-flopping to gain mentor bonus. I always thought it was legal.

    Think about it this way, if you have multiple characters, and if you would like to maintain their PvP ranks similar, there is no way you can avoid getting the mentor bonus.
    So, even if it is illegal, if you are not playing the highest ranked character, you are always gaining mentor bonus.

    Therefore, i doubt if it is illegal. However, if you really want to find out, I suggest you ask the question in CM thread.

    Also, it seems like some of the players posted here don't really understand how the mentor bonus works. You cannot get mentor bonus between accounts. You must have characters in the same account to get the mentor bonus.
  18. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    If you are lets say lvl50 pvp, and you play you lvl30-49 other char, mentor bonus makes sense.

    If you are lets say lvl50, and 1M points ahead of your other lvl50 fame char, mentor bonus makes sense.

    But if you are lvl50 and 1 point ahead of your other char, and then you switch to get 3x points with the first one, then back to the second to get another 3x points - its not okay. It is boosting by tweaking the system intended for something else.

    Assuming you play only one char earning 2k points per match, you will get 18k points in 9 matches.

    Now with flipfloping, you will get 18k points in 3 matches per char. Or, in total of 6 matches you will have 2 chars at the level you would have single char after 9 matches.

    This is too much of benefit. Just imo.

    I would personally do either
    1. Limit mentor bonus by 2x.
    2. Have mentor bonus only if other char is substantially higher, 100k points would be enough.

    Or a combination of both.
  19. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Because there is only one short answer ... and many BUTs.
    It is 100% legal ... otherwise there wouldn't be mentor bonus at first place.
    However ... the real issue is:
    That is clearly breaking of the game rules based on "sharing" account with other people.

    Boosting is:
    When your friends, "friends" or guild mates let you win the fight or deliberately weakening the team they are playing in so the other team can win.
    EhtovK likes this.
  20. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    What this guy said:

    Of course they're both our personal POV, and perhaps they only apply for mortals like me who have only one "decent" character, for instance, while trying to complete the "participate" part of my DQ with my weak L50 DK (something-centurion), I got the same SM Marshal 13 out of 14 duels, who mopped the floor with him so badly that assured he almost got ~0-100 points in every single match (with mentor bonus lol).

    So, if you don't have a consistent "method" or win ratio, it's not prone to be abused, let's say one tries to snatch points from a 5v5 match (6v6 is non-existent in Tegan, period), due to my server's population I've been in queue for as long as 30-45 minutes for a 5v5 match, again, it's not viable to even try to flip-flop mentor bonus if you play legit because of all those factors involved.

    Although I'm aware some heavy payers might have 2, 3 or even 4 capable toons in the same account, OR, some have a decent L50 toon and a filthy twink in the same account, but then, if one was to do this flip-flop effectively, there must exist a shady method in the majority of the other cases, just like Trakilaki said:

    Then again, I don't think the mentor bonus is "THE problem", but the "methods" that accompany the flip-flop of it, also this:

    I think that particular tweak would eliminate some of the factors I mentioned earlier that make flip-floping the mentor bonus harder, thus making it easier to take advantage of, slower, but easier.

    Gonna run out of pesos in this thread, regards.
  21. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Well, it is a matter of interpretation of new rules. Im not saying flipfloping is easy, but it is doable, and one guy from the very first page on grimmag does just that. And he is pretty consistent with the points he get. Im sure he sometime needs to play 2 rounds with one of the char, but still.

    In other words, are you saying the one who is capable of flipflopping effectively does deserve to flipflop and he earned that benefit?

    But my original question is still valid.

    In respect to upcoming ToC change, which mentions boosting, is it considered boosting or not?

    If not, I might decide to reincarnate my second char and enjoy triple points to spend on weapons.

    Another kind of question. Assuming you are all right and it is legal (which looks it is), would you want to adjust how it works to eliminate flipfloping or you are perfectly fine with it? If you guys are fine, lets call it consensus and close the thread.

    Keep some change for manana.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2016
    EhtovK likes this.
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