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Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. LudiGrozd

    LudiGrozd Advanced

    Dear CM's (who ever you are right now, if any) I donno is it just me but it seems like SW hass one skill that is totally bugged, the AF w/ Mind Control to give use of all skills for 1s. Now for teleport its workinf fine, but for Vortex it's not working at all.
    If you're not able to do anything I'll go to TS and speak to one of the admins I used to hang-out/help-out in game (MM), 2 releases have passed and it's not fixed, so please take a note of this.
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  2. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    2 releases, huh. Over a year, or two :))

    Singularity, destruction, frost wind, frost nova, meteor - all of them are not working with MC properly, because client and server are out of sync.

    The second singularity (if you are below 1.77 attack speed or so, need more testing) doesnt actually appear on the server. So if you try to reset cooldown staying in the first one, it it will work, but the second will not actually have armor break working on mobs. If you stay in the second, cool down will not really reset, despite client showing it did, so the next time singi will disappear, as it will be client-server collision and the server will revert the client prediction.

    I know exactly this is the issue, but over a year and no fix. They are fixing mounts and costumes instead.

    Destruction also has a crit bug, and even though you might have 80% crit like I do, you will often see 15 mobs hit without a single yellow dmg line, which is close to impossible with 80% crit (chance is 0.0000000003% or something like that) and I see that once in 5-10 destructions. It might be that the fitst mob no crit means no crit for all of them, or something similar.

    But, instead of fixing a very core function of the game - skills, they work on some useless junk, defects noone was aware about. Dwarfs have skills bugged, archers have targeting issues, they dont care.
    jayr3d and Gevilson like this.
  3. madmice

    madmice Forum Greenhorn

    Anyone knows where to download the full client of this game?
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I know.
  5. madmice

    madmice Forum Greenhorn

    can you give the link pls?
  6. LudiGrozd

    LudiGrozd Advanced

    I took a brake of few months and I did get the AF recantly so for me it's just 2 releases :oops: (sorry) I did not know.
    I'll talk to an Admin tomorow, did not know that this was so bad.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

  8. jayr3d

    jayr3d Regular

    dont know if anyone else also noticed that some skills dont work in certain areas or position i should say.. u haveto move a little to make it work again
  9. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Thats known too. Q3m1 is a good example.

    Also sphere is bugged and doesnt target on stairs, for instance.
  10. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    That is true ... my skills are not working in Grimford :D
  11. jayr3d

    jayr3d Regular

    for me it happens alot of places i have a gaming computer and really high internet speed so i dont bother reporting to support cause they always say it must be my internet connection
    Kordunas likes this.


    Any official announcement/statement about the current massive dmg bug caused by the blood moon set? When is it going to get fixed?
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  13. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    does it really work or is it just visual?


    It does work. I've seen a ranger taking down grimmag with 230k prec shots in 20-30 seconds. Imagine what a dwarf could do...
  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I have seen stupid people using it in the arena.

  16. Gevilson

    Gevilson Active Author

    Well... some dwarves already kill grimmag in less than 30 seconds, so maybe with the bug he dies before they can put up the 2nd turret? :eek:
  17. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    what is this screenshot for?) I don't see any impressive number)
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Probably you don't play much 6v6 :D
    See the stats for the first ranked player in my group.
  19. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    You right, I dont. But are those really insane numbers for 6v6? Im not arguing, just asking, as I have no clue :) but Im sure I have done 1.5M or so in 5v5. Is it a lot different?

    Upd. Tried it. Those are pretty good numbers)
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
  20. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Elusive, imaginary CM: I know there are a million things to fix, but it sure would be nice if the devs would reconsider the drop tables at the various difficulty levels.

    Just did two runs of Varholm during the day, one at Painful, the 2nd at Normal.

    Normal netted me more than twice the "worthy" monsters spawned (5 versus 2), twice the silver essence (~650 versus ~350), twice the (I forget what they're called) dirty amphorae spawned (6 vs. 3), 4 times the number of random items dropped (19 versus 5; to be fair, I did get one exo in the Painful run, junk, but at least slightly better glyph melt, while I picked up 3 whites in the Normal run), and 3 x the number of gems (3 [including a second level resistance gem] vs. 1). Oh, and zero andermant drops on Painful, one drop of 14 andermant on the Normal run.

    So, mobs twice as dangerous in Painful and 5 times slower to kill (not literally true as I run through the Normal mobs using no essence, and had to work at the Painful mobs using green essence, but not 5 x as much), but the rewards are 1/2 or less than on Normal, depending on the measurement?

    Yes, this sample size is too small to predict future performance, but I've had several previous Painful runs with similarly weak rewards, and no Painful runs with markedly improved results. Every once in a while I tell myself it can't really be that bad and do another Painful run, but only to be disappointed.

    I'm too weak to run Parallel Worlds on Excruciating, but I've read numerous comments from other players on the forum who have similar laments for those dungeons.

    So, please have the devs consider narrower ranges for the drop tables at each level where the overlap isn't quite as large causing many, many, many of us to conclude that there are really only two levels of any dungeon: The lowest which 95% of us should be playing at, and the highest which only the strongest should consider. The middle level is a complete waste of time, and the highest is typically beyond the reach of a normal player, while the low expectation of increased rewards do not justify the effort of stepping up to that highest level until you're OP.
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