[Question] Winter Event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GodChronos, Nov 30, 2016.

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  1. glesia

    glesia Advanced

    id rather work and make real money instead of doing these coin runs lmao
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    What your work has got to do with the rewards' worthiness ?
    It is like saying: That pretty chick likes me ... I like her ... but because I have to work I will have to ditch her.
    You are not the only one working ... you only need to organise your spare time.
    Also, you are mislead ... and you actually think it takes a lot of time to get 1500 coins ... but in fact it doesn't.
    You will have to play 4-5 hours per day when the challenges are active ... and I am sure you are spending lot more time in the worthless arena.
    Now ... if you already spent a fortune and bought all those gems and you can't equip more ... that is different story ... but that doesn't diminishes the reward's worthiness.
  3. knifesss

    knifesss Forum Apprentice

    I'm new to the game and will not be able to do the mini events lv 46 DK and that is OK. However, I do need an epic mount and like the gems at the end.

    I figure around 53 Big Paws kills will cover it from where I'm at now. So the basicly the event is very doable, though a bit of a grind.:)
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2016
  4. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    That is what i would do if i was level 46. the solstice gem is a nice gem for a brand new player.
  5. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    That feeling when you get a +11 ruby from the mini event gem bag.

    IB-BANSHEE Forum Apprentice

    You said it Trakilaki! As a still up and coming (growing) player, I do loves my DRAKEN! (along with All the other items offered) So yeah! BRING IT! ;-)
    trakilaki likes this.
  7. knifesss

    knifesss Forum Apprentice

    got an onyx dang it but the mount and last gem are great
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Lucky you ... I got cyanite
  9. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    That feeling when you get a +7 ruby from today's gem bag.
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