Feedback Release 182

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Sunlight, Jan 18, 2017.

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  1. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Greetings Heroes,

    Please post in this thread your comments regarding Release 182

    Positive or negative, constructive criticism and ideas for improvements are, as always, welcomed. Please keep discussions on topic.

    If you are unsure what sort of feedback is being asked for, please read this thread.

    Any off-topic posts/pointless rants will be deleted.

    Best regards,

    Your Drakensang Online Team
  2. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    The additional skill bar is useless if you ask me, first of all you have to assign 2buttons for quick use of the bar so if you want to access a skill quickly from bar 2 you have to push a button to change the skill bar and then your skill, i thought that at least it would continue from the numbers 8,9,0 for example, that would be more useful. I wouldn't pay for that. The rel was not announced and the patchnotes came a bit late. Not that it matters but its so frustrating every time to see that the higher-ups don't care about theirs users.
  3. nikolabozic

    nikolabozic Forum Apprentice

    No no no no...and yeah, no
    Here's what you development team need to do and I sure most of players will agree.

    1. Remove this new option, it's useless without redesigning experience points
    2. Remove mount slot and just add 8th skill slot.
    3. Redesign talent points from 2-3-5 to 1-2-3
    knifesss, CHImeraNa and Yogo like this.
  4. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    Wow this is a good suggestion about the slot who needs the mount for quick access when you have an extra skill at your bar.. About the 3rd suggestion i don't quite agree though. It will make some classes stronger than others.
  5. Dümbledore

    Dümbledore Someday Author

    I really liked the additional skill bar. I expect improvements in guild tools.
  6. noor1991

    noor1991 Someday Author

    I believe that the main reason for this new feature is to switch between PvP and PvE settings, not to access additional skills, which is actually helpful. I just wish that they included the three skills to the right (left & right mouse buttons, and TAB) to be editable in the additional bars.
    Dümbledore likes this.
  7. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    What is this event "Storm of Bones"?
    Where do I start?
    Is there a guide to this event?
    Why does the last reward requires you to be level 51?
  8. LordKotton

    LordKotton Forum Apprentice

    Yeh, whats up with event? Is it not complete or what?
  9. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @cdeepal ,

    We don't know any info regarding that event.
    We are trying to know what's going on and we will back to you when we have that information.

    Dümbledore and Melethainiel like this.
  10. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    what in the world are you talking about? there is not such thing as Storm of Bones event. where did you see such a name, because there is nowhere to be found and you say you even saw the rewards? hahah... what?
  11. LordKotton

    LordKotton Forum Apprentice

    Evendently you havent clicked on event icon at top, I have the same event "Storm of Bones"...
  12. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @thouvou000 ,

    It is an event currently running on Agathon server. We were/are not informed about that, so please remain patient and keep focused on Release 182 feedback.



    Event that was running live on Agathon is now cancelled.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2017
  13. LordKotton

    LordKotton Forum Apprentice

    Yes and OK, It is gone now. Not sure what was going on...
  14. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    When the change as to when patchnotes would be released was announced I only grumbled just a bit. After all patches occur at 0100 hours (1am) my time and these old bones are typically fast asleep :D

    As luck (or lack thereof) would have it I was feeling restless last night and was still playing at 0040 hrs when server is going down for maintenance in 30 minutes msg appeared. Since i was just killing time I finished up and logged off. But I hastened to the forums to post a "what in the blazes is going on... lack of communication" msg until I recalled the new policy.

    This policy seriously needs to be revisited by the devs. What ever reasons they have for doing it; it is a total disservice to the players. Poor communication from the devs has been a fairly frequent posting of late and this only reinforces the message that the devs do not care about player's concerns.

    As for the patch contents itself:
    Fixing the legacy items. Thanks I guess. A bit late for me since I already re-equipped the two players that were my primary concern by opening their solstice presents and legendary gear gear boxes I had planned on saving until they made level 50. Still I have others on other accounts that although I have not played them recently I probably will some time in the future.

    As for the additional skill bar I cannot express how elated I am that I can finally hotkey my emotes :rolleyes: (I sincerely hope the concept of sarcasm is understood here :p) The notes also mention potions... um just what potions are being referred to here o_O In one of the rare useful releases last year we already got hotkey slots for the two types of potions that are actually used.

    Additionally the selling of even more skillbars only confirms suspicions that the devs primary mandate is to monetize the game in any way possible. Players needs/concerns are secondary.

    Perhaps the new skill bar bar is being put in place for some future change. Sadly we will not know what that is until after the fact thanks to the new policy of keeping us in the dark :(

    Luck be with ye,
    Azra86, ULTRAPEINLICH and Dragonnns like this.
  15. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    At 4am this morning (MST, USA) I was up and thought I'd check the forum. Looky what I found.

    I have soooo much to put here and little time. Thus I'm going to start and finish (by editing) later tonight. As I don't know how to quote multiple
    people, and nowhere is there instructions on doing it, and here I so need to, you'll have to bear with me. Hey, I accidentally figured it out while trying to partial copy others posts. :)

    Item 1: Not useless without exp. I'm putting my 30 minute and 3 minute buffs (they are "potions") in the second bar. I also put my bombs and frost bombs there. Maybe I can use them.
    Item 2: Agreed. However, lets go a step further and get rid of the right mouse key tab and alternate skill there and add slots 8 and 9. That would be far more useful than the 3 keystroke fiasco that is the "tab, click, tab" that exists now.
    Item 3: That would be nice. Or a 1-2-4 would work.

    I own a Logitech G13 GamePad. Took me some work to figure out how to use the 2nd bar. I used "Num 1" and "Num 2" for the hotkeys and then changed one of my G13 keys for "Bar 2" and then changed all my 1-7 keys to be "1, time delay, Num 1" etc. so that when I press a button from the second bar, the skill is used and the bar automatically changes back to Bar 1 and I keep going. This provides a good way to test a new skill without messing up Bar 1 or your battle "technique". I was actually able to successfully use the Frozen Sphere (and it sucked, like I need another SW skill that does half damage since nothing stays at the right distance to be affected by it's end almost explosion). The one draw back is I need to keep one slot on Bar 2 open for "Cancel Bar 2" functionality (probably be slot 7, which key would be "7, Num 1" and thus just return).

    I'm very disappointed that I can't add my Spirit Stones to the Bar 2. I was looking forward to a way to quickly be able to use them on others that are not in my party.

    An item I think most people would like is to be able to change mouse wheel up/down from the useless Zoom to "rolling" the Bars, in addition to having hot keys (Num 1, Num 2, etc). As for the zoom, I only ever want to zoom further out so I can see the AHole monster that is off screen and attacking me that I can't attack back !!!

    One last item: We are all getting "Bar 2" for 15 days. I haven't been able to find out how much Bar 2 is going to cost once the "free time" has expired. Bar 3 is beyond my Andermant and so also doesn't say how much. Even if someone can't afford something, the price should still be quoted.

    Edit d17-0122 @ 19:30

    Ok. I've been working with my G13 and I've come up with a pretty good combo. This lets me utilize 12 of the 14 skills.

    Gets rid of the "Stop right clicking - G20 - start right clicking again" sequence that didn't always work. The G20 key did "Tab - Right mouse - Tab" with time delays. It was unreliable cause I'd sometimes right click during it and thus interupt the sequence. This would also leave me with the 1 minute cooldown "Mind control" on the right mouse which wouldn't fire and thus my attacks would stop mid battle.

    So, here is my new, very workable and reliable key layout:

    The "1 (R)" to "7 (R)" keys press the number then the Num1 key that returns the bar to Bar 1. The key G20, which used to control the fiasco with the Tab key, now just switches the bar to Bar 2. So it's a two key press that is not messed up by the mouse. Just as I paused mouse pressing for the slots before, I'm doing the same on Bar 2 and then continuing normally. :)

    The Tab 2 Slot 7 is empty cause I'm using it as a "Cancel Bar 2". Works. Maybe I'll use it for doing the consumable emotes like fireworks. Who knows. Anyway: I'm very happy now with the second bar. Can't see ever using a third+.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2017
    Azra86 likes this.
  16. smparadox

    smparadox Forum Greenhorn

    Well, I finally learned today why mycustom key bindings were invalidated. My laptop does not have a numberpad, so when the game was altered to add keyboard editing, I was elated - it was the most useful change made to the game in its history, or at least top 3. Since I use a mouse with my left hand at home (to give my dominant hand a break from all the mousework at work) I reassigned every function to the keys along the right side of the keyboard, with the down arrow key substituted for the tab. When additional editable options were created, I assigned the remaining arrow keys to them.
    The last update locked out the up and down arrows, so I have been trying to come up with an almost-as-good substitution, and now I find that my keyboard bindings were taken away in order to add a paid function. While I will admit that extra skill slots wold be a good thing, additional skills bars are not. They will be too clunky for use in combat.
    There needs to be some way to opt out of them and regain use of the up and down arrows. Every other key in the right portion of the keyboard is invalid - you can't use \ or | or ] or } or ' or " or / or ? !!! (You never could.) the firther to the left i am stretching my fingers, the greater the chance of hitting the wrong key. (For now I went with L for tab and K for Mount, and I have already had the map go full-screen on me in the middle of a fight!)
  17. jayr3d

    jayr3d Regular

    alot of crashes/dc's since this update not just me many in my group experienced same
  18. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    I haven't collected by free bar prize yet. When I click the + on the second bar, I can get two slots for 2400 Ander. I believe Trakilaki may have already posted what it will cost to open all of the slots on bar 2. (3600 for the next three is sort of what I'm remembering.)
  19. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    I searched and didn't find anything. Where did he "maybe" post it, because a seach for "bar cost" and "bar" didn't get there.
  20. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    Right here. The first additional row will probably cost 2400 Andermant, possibly the second as well.
  21. rpfo

    rpfo Padavan

    The new is always welcome! But do DSO players need that tab?
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