Announcement Ask the CMs in English

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    If I may, a few tips from a youngster. I am only in my 60's :cool: but I can definitely relate to the whole reflexes/reaction time issue.

    I am just guessing by your post that have not been playing this game that long. That is actually a much bigger issue than being a bit slow on the draw. I first played this game in Dec 2011. The experience I have pretty much much offsets my half blind, slow and shaky physical limitations for two reasons. One is that I have much better character builds than a newer player. But more importantly is that I understand the game and in most situations I can anticipate rather than react.

    The kids (anyone under 40 :p) that play are very good at reacting... it's just what they do. However I also have seen them drop to the ground like over-ripe fruit when faced with a new situation. The same does not happen to me (well, not often anyway :D) even when new content is added to the game since the game mechanics, including the monster AI, is still basically the same as it ever was.
    Things like this, as daunting as they may seem, a simply a matter of planning and time. This particular quest takes a while to complete. I have done this quest with newer characters that had very little gold when I began. I planned accordingly and by the time I had all the quest ingredients I also had the gold.
    One last example here. This map has been around for years. It was used for different events in the past with different mobs. Still, having been through it many times I could use the terrain and my understanding of the monsters that now inhabit it to my advantage the first time I played the current DDH event.

    So if there are any aspects of this game you enjoy... the graphics, story, game play, building characters, the community, etc... just hang in there. Things will get better.

    Luck be with ye,

    //edit// Just so I stay on topic for title of this thread (although nobody seems to any more) I will ask ask... does this thread server any purpose now that CMClayton has begun his own (often locked) thread to respond to the community? o_O
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2017
    AnnaConda and Opalsion like this.
  2. Was that question rhetorical, Mikey? Or were you actually expecting a straight answer?
    VMmage, -Skygazer- and MikeyMetro like this.
  3. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Yes and No :D

    Luck be with ye,
    VMmage, Opalsion and Allogeneous like this.
  4. AnnaConda

    AnnaConda Someday Author

    Thanks for your encouraging reply, I've only been playing for about a year, but it seems to be not long enough (my ranger is now a third of the way through level 34). I'll keep doing the "easier" quests from the Resistance Command Centre (mostly the various Tegan ones, but also the ones to get the next cloak). When I started wth my Spellweaver Lvl 38) I didn't know about the cloak quests. But I've discovered the Drakensang Wiki which is a great help.
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  5. edrogers58

    edrogers58 Regular

    Have a few questions regarding your game if the CM ever decides to respond

    1 Is your development team going to continue with trying to make this game solo ? ie PW Leader boards

    2 Lag in game I use your Latency monitor since it was introduced started at 232 before PW Leaderboards moved up to 282 afterwards still playable.
    Tonight when I log in it is at 323 now non playable go into PVP because of course your dailies now require everyone to PVP to get a clover before I am rezzed I am in arena dead so yeah that was fun

    3 Events made for new players ( which I don't mind ) and twinks/mentors (which I do ) If people are honest the only reason anyone that is an end game player would of only done your Dwarf Heist for the Jewels of Enhancement plus with the nerfing of Julov appearing made the event just a grind boring why log into Drakensang to do that when you can do something more enjoyable ??

    4 Why do the developers Nerf every event when a good idea comes up from the playing community to help all players I have already seen a Mod call this BS in another forum mate you are stupid if you believe the game is not being nerfed everytime something good comes along

    5 Trust Issue after you pretty much got us to Grind Dragan then go we only got 20k+ kills to go Agathon bring us home and to fail by 2k that was pretty much a lol moment and if you look at the amount of time Julov appeared in Dwarf Heist event IF that does not answer your Trust questions players have with your development team nothing will

    6 If your answer to any of this is we have read it will pass it on things will change just don't bother because you are full of bs

    A response would be nice and tbh I am limiting my time on your game because the only thing you guys take from the forums and your Facebook page is to make this game worse
    Guado11 likes this.
  6. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    You are taking it out of context or you did not understand it.
    "Any suggestion that the mods are responsible for any event nerfing is BS" - that is the true meaning of what you are referring to.

    -Skygazer- likes this.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    "Toblerone bug" is super annoying.
    When will "Toblerone bug" be fixed?
    VukChe likes this.
  8. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    CMClayton, what's your communication plan again?

    I did a quick scan back to late December here in this thread, don't believe I saw you commenting at all.

    Instead, you opened your own thread, commented on Jan 11, 12, 16, 17, 20, 25, 27, 29, and Feb 3 and ... silence.

    Much of what you wrote were generalities about your future efforts to dialogue with both us and the developers to improve the game; oh, and a request for feedback on your Dragan community challenge. You received a ton of feedback, but didn't respond to it.

    Worse, you locked the thread, so we're forced back here, talking to ourselves again


    Ok, to my main set of questions: What are the events for February? I see a mod posted a general upcoming February events announcement (a week into the month :(), but no details. What is a "Parallel Worlds Event?" What is a "Drop Chance Event?"

    The wiki suggests that Parallel Worlds Event is probably the Materi Storm event apparently seen at some point on the test server (I don't have a TS account ... do I have to create one in order to find out anything about this game before it actually is live in production? That is absolutely >NOT< a dig at trakilaki and anybody else contributing to the wiki, that's a criticism of BP and you), but details are sketchy. The event is scheduled to begin 5 days from now on my server of (poor ;)) choice, Tegan; would be nice to know something about the event in advance to determine if I should shift anything in my schedule to participate.

    There's nothing anywhere on the "Drop Chance Event."

    Can we get something, a crumb of info, please?
    Troneck86 and -Skygazer- like this.
  9. -Skygazer-

    -Skygazer- Advanced

    I have a feeling Clayton is no longer with the company..... this is my only explanation. It appeared that he did give a sh*t initially, and I was watching his attempts to be proactive and be on players side. So, his absence tells me he is gone... or... adopted Bigpoint's general attitude towards their gaming community.
    VMmage, DocWhisky and jayr3d like this.
  10. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    Seems they have a new policy of keeping all info in house. Seems.....

    Yup, seems he has disappeared ... or maybe they are holding him hostage and brainwashing him.... hmmmmm :(

    Thanks, Doc.
    -Skygazer- likes this.
  11. Troneck86

    Troneck86 Forum Great Master

    The forums are more for us than a platform for the Devs. They are instistent about having us use Facebook for anything relevent. The only real posts made here are from Moderators who are just as much in the dark as we are in most cases.
    DocWhisky likes this.
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    People ... don't be naive :)
    They are reading everything. If i fart here in the forums they already know who did it ... before you even smell it :D
    Zed, ultra75, VukChe and 5 others like this.
  13. Dylannn

    Dylannn Board Analyst

    DocWhisky and jayr3d like this.
  14. Farmerjoe

    Farmerjoe Forum Greenhorn

    hi...i have Quests as Name..balance of life and death the are bug with my What do I

    and I try delet Game and I can Not com out Queste New place?
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2017
  15. Dronemonger

    Dronemonger Forum Apprentice

    I suspect Google Translate here.
    Where are you from, FarmerJoe? There are DSO Forums in many languages. Have you tried getting help on the Forum of your own language? It may be easier and faster for you.
    Here are a lot of helpful people indeed, but it seems hard to figure out what you are asking.
  16. fab

    fab Advanced

    This game NEVER misses a day in lag, well done.
    I'm pretty sure players will like it even more if it disconnected in an instant
  17. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    Is this the teaser for lvl 55? I know the event was named Dunes of desolation then was renamed to Storm of Bones.


    Lvl 51-52 rewards from chest, exp buff (Improved perception)...So my question is, will we get lvl 55 on 28.02.2017 or very soon?
  18. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    ultra75, VukChe and Yogo like this.
  19. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    trakilaki likes this.
  20. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    Gevilson likes this.
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