New new moon event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Wllf, Aug 6, 2016.

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  1. ViktorG75

    ViktorG75 Active Author

    I dream of the moment that i will gather more than ~15 items per run.
  2. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    I dream the moment that i will gather more than 9~10 fairy wood per run, the drop is soooooooooooooooo low...
  3. ViktorG75

    ViktorG75 Active Author

    New Moon:
    Start: 28th January 2017 12:00 noon CET (UTC +1)
    End: 30th January 2017 12:00 noon CET (UTC +1)

    Full Moon:
    Start: 2nd January 2017 12:00 noon CET (UTC +1)
    End: 5th January 2017 12:00 noon CET (UTC +1)

  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Players who are playing smart don't farm wood ... they get them from amphoras. And the argument "I don't buy keys" is not a valid one ... because neither do I but there were and there will be plenty of events that are giving amphora keys. One single regular one key amphora drops 50+ wood (if you spend 10 keys that is enough for 10 kills .. or entire event because you get 8 scrolls from the progress and you may get 2 more from the DQ) and sometimes a scroll . I have more than 6K wood only from amphoras ... I don't even farm wood.

    Last edited: Jan 30, 2017
    ViktorG75 likes this.
  5. BlackHat

    BlackHat Junior Expert

    This is an event that I hate.
    Today in 3 runs I dropped only 2, 6 and 4 woods.
    I think it is terribly low :(
  6. awaroa

    awaroa Advanced

    am i not smart because when i kll the boss i need to pay 50 wood when i click on the caldron.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    If you don't like it don't play it man ... that is what I do ... I don't play something i don't like.
    You think I play this event? Yea right :D ... i only spend my amphora keys and get 3-4 scrolls from the progress.


    You think i am thrilled to play for such a "good drop"? No ... that is why I save the amphora keys from the past events ... until I get the second achievement ... and then this event goes to my ignore list.
    BlackHat likes this.
  8. Tilwin90

    Tilwin90 Padavan

    Good observation traks. Besides, the way they made the event now, with the limited number of scrolls and poor wood drop you have to wait a long time and do lots of useless grinding to get the items you need in an efficient timeframe.
    I said bye-bye to my andermant until I could get my hands on the full Karabossa set and spent it heavily on the Amphorae keys. Why? Because that's how the event plays out right now. It's silly, it's not consistent with any other events in the game, so I'll just play the game the way it is "designed".
    I'm just curious seeing how awful and slow the tokens drop is, who in the world would spend a ridiculous 400 amount to buy the darn broom. Since the brooms dropped by Kara/Mago are already epic mounts, I see no point in investing in those (another useless item added to the game only a handful of people will actually bother with).
    Gevilson likes this.
  9. awaroa

    awaroa Advanced

  10. Totentamten

    Totentamten Junior Expert

    Great, on new moon event you can't receive bone dust. Awesome. 3 days less...
  11. Cratar

    Cratar Someday Author

    Indeed . they need to add bone dust to the new moon event ..
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Why would they do that?
    They are drop from other event.
    You people are lacking a vision :p ... read the Storm of Bones thread ... I will explain to you when to play the event . :D
  13. Cratar

    Cratar Someday Author

    I think ur the one who need to read the storm of bones thread. Because it says Collect Bone Dust from Worthy oppenents and it did not mention any specific map .. so any worthy oppenent should drop it.
  14. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    Dude, trakilaki was absolutely correct and clear when he said that "they drop from other event". You cannot get progress for 1 event by killing monsters in another event map. When it says worthy monsters, it does not include monsters in event maps. It was always like that and it will be, i suppose
  15. Totentamten

    Totentamten Junior Expert

    Really? You're both wrong. You can find bone dust on the second map (where Karabossa or Magotina is) in THIS event. So where is the consequence? Storm of Bones is a global event for every map where is only one condition - worthly opponents. Same was with q2 event, wasn't it another event? But you could find bone dust there too, why? I'm not crying, just asking. If I'll have to I'll spend another 2,5k ander, doesn't matter.
  16. Cratar

    Cratar Someday Author

    But sir , Not because they drop from other event . then they should not drop inside new moon event .. because the bones event doesnt have a specific map to go like varholm or blackborg And the description of storm of bones event saying "Drops from Worthy Monsters" and did not mention any map ... so we were pointing out that this should be revised nthing more .. u r supossing things because what happened in the past and ur not sure like we are.
    I won't go more inside this conversation ;) since i was only pointing out smthing and thats all.
    Have a good day

    Edit: Also look the reply above me . ouch
  17. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    Guess what? You are as wrong as Cratar is.

    First of all, yes storm of bones is a global event.However, global means that bone dust drops only from worthy monsters in the global maps. Event maps are not global, they are event maps and only event items drop there.As for the m2 of new moon, yes bone dust drops there, but this is an exception, though it should not be and dont know why it is.

    Lastly, the materi storm is an event that you farm to fill the progress bar in a specific parallel world, Q2 the last time. This means that you farm normally in the map, but materi frags drop from specific monsters that were added for that purpose. It is not an event with an event map of its own. So, it goes without saying that bone dust will keep dropping there, why should it not be? Monster hunt was a similar event to storm of bones with the only difference that no special monsters were added to be farmed in a specific Q and you could farm any Q to fill the bar, but even in that event you could not farm inside event maps.It is as simple as that.


    First of all, i think there is a misunderstanding in the way trakilaki wanted to express it. He said: "they are drop from other event". This sentence is a little misleading. Event maps are not global maps. They serve only 1 specific event that runs in a specific time. So, bone dust cannot drop inside new moon maps, because it is another event and "worthy opponents" refers to monsters in global maps. If it included monsters in events maps, it would state it clearly. You have to have in mind that event maps are unique, thus monsters drop only event-related" stuff and thats why they cant drop bone dust, which is a drop of another event

    Lastly, you referred to the new moon maps. Well, as far as i know only in m2 of new moon bone dust drops or so i have heard, because i had no bone dust dropped whatsoever. This has to be answered by the game designers and not me, but what is clear is that it is unintentional and should not drop there, because its still an event, not a global map

    P.S: You dont know me or how long i am playing this game, so dont conjecture that i am making assumptions, because i never write something, if i dont have proven facts first. Have a nice day, glad to help you find the answers you want anytime buddy :D
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 25, 2017
    Cratar likes this.
  18. wolfie54

    wolfie54 Active Author

    First post....... I don't have screen shots for visible proof, but I have gotten 2 bone dust drops from regular bosses within the New Moon event. I'm a relatively new player (started in Sept. when I retired) so I am not familiar with all the nuances of the game and events. Just wanted to give my info.
  19. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    Confirmed. And that minibosses also drop progress or items from other events if I remember correctly.
  20. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    Normally, event items from one event dont drop in another event map. However, its not the first time that event items drop in a map of another event. This does not mean that this is the way it works. I think its clear, isnt it?
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