New new moon event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Wllf, Aug 6, 2016.

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  1. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    I've stop making opinion on the game.

    But I assume you asked my personal opinion about Cratar post.
    In my opinion what Cratar said is valid.
    And if this issue is considered critical to players.. above info must be corrected or make New Moon monsters drop the Bone Dust.
  2. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    Cratar is not correct but at the same time he is not wrong either. Worthy opponents in theory means that any monster should drop bone dust, even in event maps.However, this game does not work like that, either you like or not. Worthy oppenents in an event that does not have an event map of its own are monsters only in global maps and PW, not in event maps. I cannot explain it to you more clearly. You either understand that drops of one event dont drop inside another events map "normally", or you dont. The choice is yours.
  3. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    You don't have to. Only here passing by confirming Wolfie54 said.
    Should Bone coin drop or not in New Moon map I don't mind.:)
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't know how many of you know (maybe you are new to the game) ... but when trakilaki is saying something ... usually it should be taken as commandment. :cool:
    Drops from other events are not dropping in other event's map.
    That is not true ... there are certain rules how you can get the event drops ...but there are also "Exceptional Rules" . We all call those Exceptional Rules ...bugs.
    Example : the last DDH event ... were you able to collect impure viscanium in New/Full Moon maps? I don't think so.
    The second miniboss inside the Steamship Harbor was not dropping Burners ... and sometimes he was dropping Materi Fragments. Does that mean Steamship Harbor is PW map? No means we have one of the "Exceptional Rules" implemented in that map.
    Lost Truth event is the same example.
    more examples:

    Could Battle Trophies drop inside other event maps like i.e. Winter Solstice map, New/Fullmoon map ... etc? No.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Could Time Dust drop inside the other event maps? No.

    Could you get [​IMG] Phestos' Egg Opener inside the other event maps? No.
    Could you get [​IMG] Sugar Beets or Honey Cookies inside the other event maps? And vice versa ... could you get Impure Viscanium or Battle Trophies inside Winter Summit map? No.
    ... etc ...etc.

    Worthy opponents means in general world unless a certain location is being noted.
    gun and EhtovK like this.
  5. wolfie54

    wolfie54 Active Author

    Traki , I'm sure what you are stating is in indeed how the game mechanics are to work. I was just stating what I experienced. I thought it quite odd that I got those drops of bone dust. Haven't seen any more in the subsequent runs I've made.
    trakilaki likes this.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    That is because minibosses have a standardized drop table and it seems that the Devs are always forgetting to update it for minibosses in event maps. Long story short: it is a bug that benefits players and hurts no one, so I'm not going to complain about it. But, at the same time, I'm not going to complain that the other monsters don't drop the progress.

    Another example of this this bug is realm frags. Some mini bosses in event maps will drop them, but they shouldn't. Am I going to complain that they drop once in a while when I'm not expecting them? No, I'm going to enjoy the pleasant surprise.
    EhtovK likes this.
  7. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Yes. I got some from the mini-bosses inside the New Moon boss map (Karabossa) during WSF.:p
  8. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Key there is "Mini Bosses." :p
    Enjoy the bug while it lasts. :D
  9. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    :D LoL, 1 sugarbeet per mini-boss, I was picking them because they look like the progress, and when I saw them in my inventory I was throwing them away... a single 9999 stack is enough for me inventory. :D
  10. Unagiri

    Unagiri Someday Author

    The black queen has been dropping regular items for the past 5-7 times I've killed her. What's worse is that she drops 'common' grey items. I think after all the trouble and farming one has to do to even reach her realm, the devs shouldn't rub salt into the wound by dropping common items. I understand that a unique item should be rare and thus arguably, should have a lower drop rate. But at least let the queen drop items that are 'pink' or higher. Like one poster said earlier, this is the ultimate insult.

    I know I've said it. But if I spend all my time farming to get 1,700+ Fairy Fire to get scrolls AND also enough Fairy Wood to reach her and then kill her, at least make her drop 'pink' items and higher. I'm not even going to ask for a higher drop rate for the unique items she loads.

    Furthermore, I'm not sure if this is currently in the algorithm but the quality of the drop should also be commensurate with the amount of total damage dealt/death-rate/level/base-damage of the group. I mean, sometimes when I solo her without dying, the dropped items are still crap.

    If it isn't clear by now, yes, I'm irritated. Very.
  11. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    still no mini bosses or special map for higher fairy fire stacks so we have to clean the event map 50 times and pick up 4500 golden trophies manually (no autopickup) 1 by 1. No, thanks
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2017
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  12. enigmac

    enigmac Forum Apprentice

    My sad story:(
    I started with this event with the idea of improving the critical impact and critical damage of my Mage.
    In my character class is very necessary (by the way is the only character I have)
    But as only you can get 10 scrolls that are equivalent to 50 flowers by killing the spider boss (it gives 5 flowers by default) and as it is worth 160 flowers in level 3 and taking into account that one to another can leave 8 or 10 flowers if Are you lucky (that if you kill it fast:confused:) Buy the golden amphora that costs 2000 andermantes .​
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
  13. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    This isn't the kind of event that you do in one month and get all the gear. You make reasonable goals and work on them a little each month. Also, spending andermant on amphora keys is a bad choice since you can pick up a ton of them in the upcoming Dark Dwarf Heist from just farming.

    Second, over 40% of your "cost" is the fifth slot on the cape. No one but the bigger P2Ws opens that 5th slot, and only the more dedicated players even try to open the 4th slot since you don't know when you may have to trade your cape for a new one and that becomes andermant wasted. Take out the 4th and 5th slots and your projected cost drops down to 192,400 andermant. I still wouldn't pay that when I can farm the keys free in the next event, but it isn't as crazy as your wild number

    Finally, I wouldn't spend my blossoms yet if I were you. The gear may be LVL 55, but they still have the old style of stats which means that you will not get the most out of them. I'd wait until they fix the gear and give us proper LVL 55 sets from the new moon before spending those hard earned blossoms.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
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