Would you rather Reject a craft when the game crashed or disconnected?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by cdeepal, May 9, 2017.

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Would you rather Reject a craft when the game crashed or disconnected?

  1. Yes, I prefer reject

  2. No thanks. I prefer the way it eats our items with gold lines.

  3. I am new to crafting. So, no opinion on this matter.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    But you are crafting items from the ground without picking them up ... right?
    Ah ... silly me ... now it all makes sense. :rolleyes:
  2. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Obviously they cannot give you back things you never had, that is common sense.
    It is also common sense that they cannot give you back things that you melt or throw away.

    However, until you accept a craft you do not have that item, you should still retain the 4 pieces.

    If the game crashes/disconnects, the simple solution should be that players are returned to the crafting screen and be forced to accept or revert. 100% solves the problem without creating cheating.

    Maybe the DSO developers are not talented enough or simply do not care enough to create such a scenerio, but stating that it is not possible stretches the imagination a bit considering all the other ways that they are able to restore items.
  3. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    Long story short:
    - player A says: "everything is stored"
    - player B says: "not true, here are the proofs"
    - player A says: "I don't care"
    - player B says: "not my problem"

    Noone ever said this (at least I never did), re-read carefully my posts
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Dude seriously ... you don't even understand what I am proposing as a solution ... everyone else do but you don't.
    I am a programmer myself ... not at the level of the DSO team but yet I know how easy it can be. Of course if one have basic knowledge in Drakensang Online.
  5. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    You MAY be a programmer but definatly not a software analyst and that's the problem.
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Computer Scientist .. the exact title ... which is irrelevant. Here is why.
    Do You have friends that lost some item or claimed that someone deleted their item. And later on their items were recovered by support people? We all know at least 10 people that got their items back.
    Take for example the latest "pinata exploit". How did they find the exploiters and took away their gems ... if they had no information whatsoever?

    I am pretty sure that this proposal is pretty much the best we have ATM ... of course the devs might have got better one and we won't oppose them as long they fix the issue. And this issue is very LARGE.
    And i am completely fine even if they
    I already lost tons of items both at TS and Live Server because of : game crash, connection failure or hitting another key by accident.
    I lost 2x rings with 18.40% crit damage just recently.
  7. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    From this screen shots:
    What we know..
    1. After combined, ingredients are still in database. They are waiting to be deleted or keep 2. By what process? Let's just say process A.
    2. Combine result. Being in database or let's say unknown memory. Also waiting to be deleted or keep. By what process? Let's just say process B.
    3. The possibilities of what trigger process A & B.

    What we don't know is WHEN does the process A & B happen in case of there is disconnection. Disconnection can be client disconnected or server down.

    I wonder if the combine result not in database and the server down.. How the system would know/remember what to give us?
    In our PC? It is possible.. but you know the rest of this..

    Edit 1:
    This is my try to simulate crafting and let the server down.

    This is the combine result. 20 Damage, 378 Hp, 326 Resist, 0.13 Block Strength.

    Let's see later what result do I get when I comeback online

    Edit 2:
    Back online after maintenance finished.
    The crafted ingredients & some of loot that already sold to merchant, are back to my inventory.
    The position of the ingredients are changed from tab 2 to tab 1.

    So server down for sure not trigger anything for process A & B.
    When back online it read some minutes way before the server being down.

    I find it interesting.. since I did identify & sold the other loot first then did craft those amulet ingredients.
    Why the other loot back in state unidentified while the amulet ingredients identified...
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
    bLaind likes this.
  8. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    That's because... Since you didn't log out to create a savepoint yourself, they made a savepoint probably after your last map change, therefore the state of your character was exactly that.
    It's like that every time the servers go down for maintenance.
  9. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    Exactly the same I would have thought.
    They applied a rollback to your character with the last saved point that probably occurred when you changed map last time or, more probably, every x seconds/minutes.
    This happens only when you have a server side "crash" because, everytime it's a client crash, the game will start the "logout countdown" every few seconds that the client doesn't update your position on the map.
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