Suggestion Exp in pvp

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DracoMeteor2000, May 28, 2017.

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  1. DracoMeteor2000

    DracoMeteor2000 Forum Greenhorn

    so I was out farming for exp in stalgrad (lvl44) and the average monster gives 200 exp minimum and u r killing hundreds so u get loads of exp. I decided to do some 6v6 cos it can be fun and I killed 10 ppl... I got (at max) 100exp TOTAL!!! this is utterly stupid. pls some how fix this. thanks
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    You and I both want more XP in PvP, but for different reasons. Low level PvP is a joke and the XP in PvP is a big part of the problem.
  3. smurfaki

    smurfaki Someday Author

    It will be better if the xp was removed from pvp completely..:oops: the xp is only for pve reasons. :rolleyes:
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Ummmm... HUH? In what world does that make sense? Then, twinks stay low forever and make the problem worse than ever for new players. They need more XP so that the level up faster and fight people who will actually teach them the meaning of PvP instead of the art of bullying people with a third of the stats they have.
    -MalaTeta- likes this.
  5. oOKellueHazeOo

    oOKellueHazeOo Regular

    The "twinks" worked hard to get their items levelled up, Don't blame me if I wanna kill 1000000 noobs in pvp because they don't know how to farm :), OR to make it better, They should make it more fair, like pvp tiers? You know, so then my level 20 war doesn't vs Aim, with 3.6k dmg at level 16 :) ?
    Also I see a lot of low level players that are clearly pay2win and their stats are crazy, pvp should be based either rank wise or stat wise, so then noobs can V noobs, More advanced players can play more advanced players and veteran players can vs veteran players ? :)
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Twinks cheated hard in every possible way :)
    You wanna 1000000 kills ... good ... level up to 55 and I will do it first at your expense ... and then you can do the same with the new comers.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  7. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    :D Good luck selling that one. A lot of players base their positon about twinks on feelings; i.e., they have never built or played one. I have. There is no hard work involved at all.

    The two basic ingredients for twinks are leeching and/or cash. Where's the "hard work" in those? A well built twink may be the one doing the killing running with a gapper in pw or event. But a well built twink easily kills mobs at least ten levels higher then themselves... so again, where's the hard work?

    Anyway back to the OP
    In Feb. 2012 r039 introduced XP gain in the arena (singular, there was only one pvp format back then.) It was in response to the general community being upset with twinks. It was also the precedent for all anti-twink measures to follow. That is to say it was a token move that ultimately accomplished nothing.

    So requesting more xp gain in pvp is going nowhere. But is that really important? Gaining xp in pve is fairly easy.

    Luck be with ye,
    _Baragain_ and trakilaki like this.
  8. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    There is already a place for this... It is called LVL 55.

    What twinks do is bully newer players and ruin PvP for new players. They walk in expecting a fair fight and they get killed in one hit while they can't even scratch the twink's HP. Balanced low level PvP in this game is dying which kills PvP in the end game because those same players who are trying PvP and getting kicked around by the twinks quit PvP and never come back. This hurts the game as a whole.

    Congrats. You are helping to ruin the game and destroy PvP on the large scale. Know what that makes you? A selfish bully that is overcompensating for something by being the tough guy who can kill noobs in a single hit.

    Are you getting the feeling that I detest players like you yet? Yes? Good... I do. Your kind are a cancer to this game. Go level up and pick on someone who can teach you what the true meaning of PvP is.

    I've never played a twink, but even I know that there is no hard work involved. It is only a matter of patience/money (leaching takes patience after all).
    -MalaTeta-, Fynkz, Novadude and 2 others like this.
  9. warrax111

    warrax111 Forum Greenhorn

    Well, problem of "twinks" is, (and I am describing in in other theme) that they really destroying low level pvp, but I don't see problem, that they are not getting xp, and using xp block. I see problem, that they have access to high level areas, and getting too much glyphs. Another problem is, that they can upgrade their equip to level 50 or higher. What's the point. Nothing is more destroyed, than low level PvP.
    Because upgrade equip from level 35 to 50, is not so overpowered for you cathegory, like to upgrade it from 10 to 50. Another problem is high level on other character slot, that can farm adermant for another character, which is low level. This I find also unfair. There should two types of adermant, the one that you buy, and you can spend it on any char, but that, which find character by farming, should be used only for him.

    This all are problems for low level PvP, that really demoralize new players. They really give up, not even PvP, but as I saw recently, they completly left the game (after 1 hour of playing, and few PvP matches, level 15 told me, that he is finding other game... he asked me, why everyone is one-shooting him, when I explained it to him, and how the PvP is, he immidiately quit, told me just, that he is going to find other game... he was also suprised, that you can level equipment above your level)

    I've put suggestion in my theme named "low level PvP", which is good, that you can level equipment only 5 level above basic level, and weapons maximum 10 levels. I think, this would solve the problem of twinks. The only way how to overpower them, this way, would buy gems.

    I also find not good idea, that new player payer can buy so good equip and destroy everyone in PvP.
    This simply demoralize players...I see no problem for PvE, but for PvP is just unfair, PvP should be always about skill, and some farming, not paying. Maybe a good solution would be, that you can level equipment only for PvE, but for PvP, maximum 5 level, like I said. (sorry for my bad english)
  10. smurfaki

    smurfaki Someday Author

    It's absulutely the choice of the players whatever choose to lvl up or play pvp instead so i will ask too what almost every player who play pvp wants, bring us the block exp as choice simple and wonderfull. :D
  11. Llogos

    Llogos Junior Expert

    I would say put xp to the twinks no matter the different of the level they have within their team, meaning if they run with +2 different of level or +4 or +6, +10, to still get xp. Then, if they want to stay low level and doing only pvp, they will have the same power etc as a new player. Simple as that. XP for all the twinks no matter the level difference with the rest of the team, finish the xp block finally BP! -make them to pay, not leeching.-
  12. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Instead of talking about just twinks. I think we should talk about PvP as a viable form of leveling up. When the new class comes out (hopefully soon), I may want to level him up quickly and since I have already done all the quests from level 1-55, 4 times already on my current characters, it would be refreshing to level up a new character only by doing PvP.

    However, in order to do that the current amount of Exp received from PvP as all you know is simply not adequate. I would think around levels 20-30, I should be able to gain a level from every 5-10 battles. That mean each battle should grant me around 10-20k exp.

    After level 30 it should give even more as levels need more exp. I would say gradually increasing by around level 50 to grant about 200k exp for each battle would be ideal in my opinion.

    I would be glad if this gets implemented. :D
  13. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    Even mobile games give a fair amount of exp every PvP match :rolleyes:
  14. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Perfectly stated. If anyone at DSO cared the tiniest bit about this game at all, fixing the twink issue would be goal number 1.

    The saddest part is that the easy solutions to fixing this problem have been laid out here many times on the forum and yet the developers care so little about the game that they only ignore the issue.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  15. smurfaki

    smurfaki Someday Author

    Pls BP bring us the exp block as a choice like the group choices and all low pvp level players will be happy! ;):):p:rolleyes::oops::D:cool:
  16. warrax111

    warrax111 Forum Greenhorn

    smurfaki - so you think, ranger at level 10 striking for 3500 damage without mark, and stay at level 10 forever, is good welcome of new players, that are playing 30 minutes, and try pvp? And then, at level 15, they see, that part of the quest, is to make some pvp duels, and they see also adermant like reward, they enter arena first time, and they loose all 10 matches, one-hited to death, because, players like you will make overpowered flag-bearers at level 10, 15, and 20... this is really your dream?

    I say, these new players, that playing game for hour, or two, when they see this pvp, and are one-hited for 1000-3000 damage, they imidiately quit the game, cause they think, it's pay to win. DSO is loosing many players because of this. I am playing low -level PvP (lvl 6-20) for several weeks, and I can tell, that 50% of matches, there are twinks all around. I had thrilling, balanced matches in 3v3 maybe like 3-4 times, when I said, finally a balanced and long battle, that took about 10 minutes to finish. This is, what PvP should look like, and only way is to limit power-differance between new-average and maximum boosted players.

    My suggestion do it very good - level 10 players can have only level 20 equipment maximum, and not strongest of gems, i suggest sacred gem to have minimum level of 12 for example. It's still overpowered, when level 10 use lvl 5 gems.
    I would also raised minimum level of paralel world to level 20. And limit all ways to fast getting glyps of powers. This way, would be finally balanced, and more fun, at low levels. If you limit it this way, you can really even get xp block in pvp, cause maximum power will be limited, and matches will be much more balanced and fun!

    (btw most of twinks are farmed, not paid... this will not help even BP, they dont pay, they are just psycho-nolifers, that enjoy to ruin low level pvp, and have some kind of mental issues, that they need to be best, by one-hiting noobs, or non-farmers) Most of twinks farm 1-2 months in paralel world, they also gain lots of gems for daily reward and ancient wisdom. After 2 months, they have 30000 ancient wisdom only for waiting. (they make new low level character even in advance, so they have new one with ancient wisdom, after their old one finish low-level pvp) They farm few hours a day, this is they way to play DSO. Then, they meet in low-level arena. There is already enough of them at low-levels, that you meet them again and again.)
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
    -MalaTeta- likes this.
  17. jarans2

    jarans2 Forum Apprentice

    I not sure about low lvl players in general but i have one myself i dont use it to bully others in pvp i use it to help weaker players farm pve and only in some special thing like daily or something i help them with pvp. And in what way is staying low lvl cheating?
  18. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Most of the people who stay low use XP blockers to do it so that they can boost their equipment up to seriously OP levels for their XP level. This allows them to easily obliterate new players who are playing this game as it is meant to be played (level up regularly and not camp out at one level for as long as possible). A sizable percentage of the players on the forums hold a highly negative view of these kinds of players and make sure to tell them if they ever show up bragging about how OP their twink (that is what these are usually called) is or complaining about how their twink got killed by another, more powerful twink.

    Now, you say you have a low level toon on your account, but do you actively play it every day and go out of your way to avoid getting XP while building up your gear to insane heights? If the answer is "no" then you are not a twink. You are simply a player with a lower level toon. If the answer is "yes" then I find it difficult to believe that it is not PvP related.
    bLaind likes this.
  19. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I guess you didn't help much so far ... otherwise you wouldn't be a low level.
    Or maybe I misunderstood you ... are you helping weak level 55 players with your low level toon?
    bLaind likes this.
  20. jarans2

    jarans2 Forum Apprentice

    not yet so strong but if i get to that point i would. I enjoy playing ing roups not solo. And at the end of the day everyone can decide what are they doing in game. Game is made that non-cashers can make just as strong toon as casher difference is that it takes longer time. And i made my toon from farming and pvp only when i have 1 bar left to lvl up like right now. I decided to do that just because i hate when some lvl 20-35 players just oneshot me with 1 hit with around 3k-11k as max.


    Cannot disagree with that.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 19, 2017
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