
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by trakilaki, Jun 29, 2017.

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  1. Mesala

    Mesala Advanced

    And be happy is just that, rangers are too strong, especially in PvP.
    Randomly spamming an area with arrows without seeing an oponnent by using the "cheat" mini map (this goes for mages too) in pvp.
    Killing an oponnent with explosive arrow without actually hitting him.

    Take any worldclass ranger/mage against a worldclass 2-hand tank on pvp, 9 out of 10 times ranger/mage is gonna beat the tank.
    There is just too much of one hitting chars on lvl 55, some nice block or block runes should impact the one hit thing. The entire lvl 55 pvp is based on who can run faster and deliver dmg.

    Or they could just come out and say, use 1-hand for pvp, 2-hand for pve.

    I hope that in the future they deliver, either solve mini map, introduce better block shoulders or runes, introduce ranged dmg, nerf the gazillion amount of Charge stunes on the tank and the regeneration that just enables them to run like chickens in pvp.

    As for the farming, come on, any character now with some hard farming, can build up his char for solo farm just about anything.

    Their goal was to encourage team play, honestly, they have failed, why not use some simple solution like that heredur pet that impacts bosses defense and ressistance. 5 team members, 5x 5%, 25% resistance or armor or whatever lowered from boss, something like that.
    lovatic66 and Demon like this.
  2. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    I have a rank 3 weapon from Spider with yelow max damage, i can grow that yelow line to rank 4 with augment cores?or i must transfer that new base form an item with yelow base dmg?

    LE I have seen this.

    it seems that upgrade the base of old item or he give a new base stats.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
  3. Ren_Alanera

    Ren_Alanera Someday Author

    Are you serious?

    Are you even considering that they are nerfing a PVE set, while you are claiming they should balance thing in PVP?

    I don't care for pvp, I do it only for dailies, I like to farm and it was a long difficult period, as Gevilson said rangers have a serious issue at sustain and recover concentration, and this problem gets really heavy when fighting bosses (where we can't use skilled blade dance to reduce skills cooldown). Q7 bonus set is not The Solution, but it is better than nothing. And they are stealing it.

    If you are so angry about explosive arrow in PVP, ask to make it explode on impact, I won't protest, PVE would not be affected, but leave Q7 bonus set as it is.

    It doesn't make sense to me to nerf a PVE bonus (q7 bonus set in pvp is usefull only sometimes in 6v6, because you can use it on fixed or slow moving-easily predicted targets. If you are so slow to be caught by the net in a duel or in the other pvp arenas, you should really consider to quit the game.), when the only claimed issue about rangers is in PVP (and mainly the explosive arrow).
    MademoiselleCaramel likes this.
  4. .Baraba.

    .Baraba. Advanced

    At least after R194 we will not have &/#$% crying about twinks or defending twinks. There are more important things in this game then twinks.

    Waiting for that rework since critical hit become issue after new 2H weapons. Hope they will do it right :) .
  5. Flapcz

    Flapcz Forum Greenhorn

    Go cry malasuerte1 :) Some xpblocks are stronger than you :p Kidoo/dunno
    Btw bigpoint getting all money from low lvls , so i think all have to know that bankrupt coming to this game :)
  6. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    Have faith , Longbows are not dead yet....over my grave... those 2 seconds still gives you 3x rocket provided the speed is at least have decent.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I didn't say anything :D ...but I will now.
    Like I said before you can't balance a class with item/set.
    It is a one second that I don't care about ... what I do want to see is new unique items (especially bows and quivers) for 1H builds for all classes. Now we only have items that support 2H and tank builds ... that is BS. A lot of players are using 1h damage builds ... especially rangers with longbows.

    About the Augment cores ... it looks like this augment transfer crafting is pretty great. I was testing yesterday a bit ... and here is how it works:
    You can raise the tier but you keep the enchantments (if any already crafted item) ... your Base Stats are not going random either. You keep the base stats as well ... but they are going higher because the tier is higher.
    You only need a junk leg item ... one level higher than the unique item.


    This way you can use any item of any tier ... because the cores are pretty cheap to buy.
    Demon, alchimista, EhtovK and 5 others like this.
  8. Redkiller12

    Redkiller12 Forum Great Master

    Nerfing the duration to 2 seconds would affect pve and pvp and i think the problem here is only the pvp.Rangers are bad at farming,yet they nerf the only set that makes them viable to patries,bosses,etc.So instead,they could just change the duration to: 3 sec( 2 sec for pvp).
    Btw,I'm using longbows too,i think they're more useful than siege bows,but the devs are just going to kill rangers with that nerf.

    P.S.I hate it that there aren't any unique longbows worth searching for.I think q4 bow should have been a longbow instead of siege bow as the q4 bonus affects a skill that needs a lot concentration and its hard to actually spam it.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
  9. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    How happy will be the ones that did the pristine cores transfer and get their weapons nerfed.

    The least they should do is to give back the cores, the original weapons (both the leg and the unique) that someone used for the craft and I won't consider how much time someone spent for something that gets nerfed months after things were released.

    I've checked better the video Ren was talking about and the pics are taken from the Q7 for RA.
    I do expect this will be true also for dwarfs (since the bonus was basically the same) and obviusly, what I said is still valid because you can't change things without any warning.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
  10. MademoiselleCaramel

    MademoiselleCaramel Junior Expert

    Just for once they could let us, rangers, to enjoy PVE.

    Since the change still did not come on live servers, I hope they will reconsider this nerf, and maybeeee they will put it only for PVP. Personally, I don't play PVP and I really don't care about that. But pleeeease let me have fun in PVE. :(
    Redkiller12 likes this.
  11. SillySword

    SillySword Regular

    How could player upgrade the tier of unique cloak?
  12. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    //troll// :rolleyes:

    I do not mind the Q7 set nerf. I am a longbow Ranger and will be to the bitter end. I have not bought into the devs ham fisted attempts to force players into a particular build. Nobody will see a laser at my feet when I Dive either. (Although when doing my 1v1 pvp dailys I love it when others waste a stun-break to play Obi-Wan Kenobi :D)

    Anyone that gave up on a perfectly good build to try to get some instant OP only gets a :p from me.
    There was a time on the old homepage under the classes section that talked about building a toon the way a player wanted to. I do not know why this concept was tossed in the bin. Variety makes a game fun. Cookie Cutters make it boring.

    As for the other thing in this release the Currency Bag get a kudos from me. It address two of my major issues. Storage and screen clutter (although the latter only marginally.)

    The new core crafting is very welcome as well. It is nice to see the devs realize that their original ideas with this may not be all that viable for a lot of players.

    The beginning of the end of twinks is cause for celebration. Although it will take some time for them to go away if this is the only measure implemented. The big cash twinks are still viable without xp blocking. Still it is a major first step.

    Luck be with ye,

    I forgot to say... Praise the Gaming Godz for adding difficulties to New Moon. I rarely play normal maps anymore but I still do this event for the celerity runes. Now I can look forward to doing it in half the time; skipping my monthly game induced lobotomy :cool:
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
    trakilaki likes this.
  13. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    Due to the good changes (including exp block) i bought prem for the 1st time, here you go guys you deserved this for a change...
    Oh the rage from the abusers... I remember when i started the game and i was hitting against a wall from those xp blockers with the cool event items...
    trakilaki, _Baragain_ and EhtovK like this.
  14. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    It's lovely to see that, in your tantrum about your twink being stripped off his comfort zone, you deliver your frustration in the form of such delusions, with a somewhat healthy arena for new players your statements is as worrysome as last year's snow. :D
  15. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend


    This is the single most important change in ages. It marks a step in the right direction, and, if followed up with other anti-twink measures, it will improve low level PvP for new players in amazing ways.

    As I've always said, I call it like I see it. When BigPoint does something good, I'll gladly praise them from the mountain tops. And in the same way, when they make a poor decision, I call them... well, lets just say that I call them mean names. Wouldn't want to get banned now, would I? :p:D:p
  16. ТнeRock

    ТнeRock Forum Apprentice

    So this new cores can I use them with a t5 leg torso with spider t4 torso too? or only pw uniqs?
  17. JPDayz

    JPDayz Forum Apprentice

    Am I the only one that thinks that moon sets should have an unique modifier like full moon does, something that let us change the blue stats and still enjoy some critical rate improvement? They should add that at least on the new moon set..
    Hiro73 likes this.
  18. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    Do you know if i keep my gem slot? I have opened a 5th slot on my unique weapon. If i get it to tier4 will it disappear? Or it has the same logic with the enchantments?
  19. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    ATM you can do that only with Soul Core transfer crafting.
    There are not T5 items ATM ... but you can use them with any tier.
    This crafting system is working with all eligible unique items .
    Yes you are keeping the slots :D

    Now... those who are after the old enchantments (like weapon attack speed) better farm fast ... because they will be gone.
    All items at all levels are following the same pattern now


    ... except the unique items lower than level 50 ... they don't have base stats.

  20. stegon

    stegon Forum Apprentice

    Redkiller12 likes this.
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