few questions, request and Rant

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nashedi000, Jul 10, 2017.

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  1. nashedi000

    nashedi000 Someday Author

    hi there
    I have been playing as a DK in tegan server since 2013, took a long break in 2014 to may 2017, came back lvl'd my DK to 55, got dragon balicose and beetleborn set,
    there is very little updated info available on forums and wiki, like i was asking player about ROD drop in "Ocean of Bones" from knight, nobody was sure in my server, i looked up in the forum and found no confirmaton on it,
    as per wiki vender still selling Items in PW but i found out that after beararch vendors dont appear,
    Can somebody plz update info about these little things,
    now my rant about tegan server, It was a mistake that i choose tegan. I randomly came across this game , made an account and game itself suggested tegan according to my location, well i believed it, my bad.
    tegan is a sleepy server, just handful ppl playing. Its hard to find party for maps, almost non existing help to do fatal or higher maps for a weak player, I have been trying to get a party for fatal dragon from the start of the event, offered 40 free entries but never found a team to take on dragon with a weakling ..I'm sure other server have player waiting for free entry just to collect draken cores .
    so long story short, tegan has very low population It compels me to farm solo in easier maps which hinders my toons growth .
    plz let the dev know that tegan is in need of help, merge it with other server or give it spacial care to boost its population
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2017
  2. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    I'd like to know what is ROD... Probably you meant Artaya's Ring of Life?
    Because in like 1 min I found http://drakensangonline.wikia.com/wiki/Artaya's_Ring_of_Life and it's pretty clear where it drops (actually it's exactly the first line in the page, even before the pics of the item and its stats)

    This applyes for any ring.
    Shame that, on Tegan, few ppl were able to give you informations, anyway the forum and the wikia has a lot of informations, you just need to know how to search them.

    Infact they are still selling em and the vendor it's there once you kill the boss, can't understand what are you missing.
    Note that the SETS are avaiable only from fatal mode.

    BTW, the wikia is updated only from volunteers and it's quite rude to have complaints about their work, sure the game could have more embedded guides but, so far, no game I've played, had such a full extensive guide on where and what to drop (not even AAA games) and this because many developers explicitly want that players find it out by themselves.
    Demon likes this.
  3. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    i assume he means Mortis Ring of Death. you get it q6 from the death knight just before end of map, or the priest just before entrance to mortis. mortis may drop it himself I don't know.
  4. nashedi000

    nashedi000 Someday Author

    sorry my bad, ITs ring of death from ocean, I was confused coz nobody on my sever was sure about it, they got it from knight but it was changed or not they cant tell.
    about vendor, people told me that after beararch they dont come as I was hoping to buy herald's weapon in future. I havent been able to do any fatal map so i cant know for sure :(
    also can sombody tell me what is drop chances for ring of death from knight in painful mode, I meen so far i have done it 200+ times
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2017
  5. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    Hi nashedi000,

    The vendor appear if only you do the quest, you start the quest just by entering the first map in PW.
    Of course the quest end after you kill the end boss, such as Bearach for Q4.
    In your case perhaps you went to Bearach directly.

    No one know the drop chance in DSO. You just need to keep trying. I got 2 Mortis Ring in a 6 days specifically killing the knight that tassadar1977 mentioned above.

    As for buying Herald's weapon, make sure you have 70k Materi Fragment, 50K more if would like to buy glove also.
    Find A190714 in Tegan. I'll help you kill Herald in fatal.
  6. nashedi000

    nashedi000 Someday Author

    @gun Thanx for response . I know about finishing quest, the thing was that i was asking about the herald wepon in my server as i told them i cant get an fatal or Infernal party often I would like to buy that weapon in my first infernal chance, Its then I have been told that vendor wont appear after beararch. Perhaps they were joking .
    I will definitely contact U ingame .. I'm at beararch quest right now and farming matari frags along with it.
    I was hoping to get a good wpn like heralds to be able to farm in excruciating maps solo.. for matari and for gold line items
  7. ArunaSky

    ArunaSky Forum Apprentice

    Herald is Q7, Bearach is Q4. You cant have Herald weapon from Bearach. Herald (Q7) drop/sell Herald weapon. If you are at Q4 now, you need to open Q7 first to be able to access Herald. The vendor not appear if you tp to boss room, you have to do all map1-map2-boss and he will be there after boss have been killed as Gun already stated.
  8. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    Continuing our conversation in game.
    So your plan is to speed up farming materi fragment by doing higher difficulty map with the help of group.
    And you would like to use the materi fragment to buy PW uniques once you have the chance.
    In result you hope you could perform better in higher difficulty to develop you toon further.

    I beg different point of view on this one.

    Offensive wise. Unique weapons such as Herald's or Bearach's will not have it full potentials alone.
    Take a look on the enchantments of both weapons at Tier 4 below:
    Buying unique does not mean we will get max base stats & enchantments value. So spending materi fragment on it also have a risk that we need to consider before PRNG let us down.
    2/3 pink weapon with good random line definitely better than those above. Pink weapon also cheap to upgrade.

    Defensive wise. PW uniques will boost our defense, especially in resistant. Yes! No doubt about it.
    Good defense does not mean we can speed up farming in higher difficulty map.

    For 2H DK. Enough HP, Armor & Resist, with better and better damage output(including crit rate & crit dam) is what you looking for.
    This will guarantee you perform better and better in farming.

    Let's say you bought Herald's weapon but you also have pink weapon with slightly better potential damage output.
    Or let's say you have Sigri torso, but you have 3/4 %damage legendary torso.
    Which one you would use?

    What you need is better and better crafted items.

    Crafting items need ingredient items with good enchantments, golds, and the more & faster we getting it the better.
    Farming higher difficulty map won't speed up getting golds since the price of items any tier is equals.
    Getting ingredient items with good enchantments is based on luck.
    From my experience by far, my main ingredients comes from normal & painful maps.
    Simple explanations. I get more items in period of time in these map, rather than from higher difficulty maps.
    Thus makes my chance of getting ingredients bigger.

    Consider to break down you plan & objectives into pieces and see how it fits with the condition of the game(Tegan) and of course your play time. Perhaps my point of view, or maybe others who would like to share their's, some what reasonable for you.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2017
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  9. nashedi000

    nashedi000 Someday Author

    @ArunaSky yep, know herald is at Q7 :) and it will take me 10 days to reach it if dont do dragon event farming much.
    @gun thanx for your input, that makes sense . I was collecting goldline cafting items , already got 3 extro pink 2xIDOTI wpns.. and farming for more, but as u told me ingame my dmg is alright for painful maps, its defence and crit that ii need to boost first. :)
  10. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    I will recomend you to join a guild that use Ts3 or skype, is much easier to get the info you need while you play the game.
  11. Merging Tegan server with Agathon would be amazing. I am an ex tegan player and switched to Agathon due to extremely low population. I also made the same mistake of using the 'then' recommended server.

    However, I did make very good friends on Tegan and a few of them still play. I would love to be able to play with them again. I have to log in on an old account on tegan just to chat with them sometimes. I want to play with them.

    Please merge the servers!

    ps. Sorry for the bump. I wanted to start a thread about merging Tegan and Agathon but I found this topic through search so there's that.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
  12. nashedi000

    nashedi000 Someday Author

    yep, plz let the Dev Team know about the request of Tegan+agathon merge PLZ PLZ Pretty plz :)
  13. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Let's not knock the ghost server (Tegan) too much.

    Sure, it is difficult to find groups with less than a thousand characters in the PW, but at the same time, our leader boards are like participation awards. A couple of runs and you get prizes. If we had lots of players, you would actually have to put in some real effort and time to get this.

    Yeah, pvp wait times are forever, but there isn't a lot of complaining about OP players winning all the time either.

    Plus, with so few players keeping a friends list is nice an easy. On an active server, you might meet more than a handful of players and then how would you keep track of them?

    As an added benefit those pesky calls for groups don't happen on our little ghost server. You can sit in the PW for hours and hours and not see a single person ask for anything in the public chat.

    How many other servers get to say this :D

    I would be quite happy to play on a server with more than a couple hundred people on it, but I'm not convinced that DSO could transfer us without messing something up really badly.
    MikeyMetro likes this.
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