Crafting 2.0 Results

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by _Baragain_, Jun 1, 2016.

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  1. jslaughter

    jslaughter Forum Apprentice

    ok well what i did was removed all rubies and looked at just the pure numbers without any extras and for some reason with the dragan gun equipped i show more damage than with the legendary equipped. The legendary has more damage though so im just trying to understand why its not reflecting more damage when equipped?
  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Removing the rubies would result in the increased damage modifier giving you the best boost, becaused increased damage also works on you + damage from other gwar (and + damage is now a common base stat).

    If you compared the legendary with rubies in it tovthe dragan with rubies in it, the numbers might be closer and it is possible the legendary will be better at that point.
  3. jslaughter

    jslaughter Forum Apprentice

    oh, ok that helps alot, thanks for that, that's the one step i didn't try.
  4. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    bLaind, _Baragain_ and gun like this.
  5. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    Wow beauty!:rolleyes:
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend


    I've done multiple calculations for people demonstrating why %DotI is almost universally better than %ID. Long story short, beyond what Novadude has already told you, if you plan on using blue ess or higher (which is likely what you will use for the harder places where damage matters), then the %DotI is significantly better than %ID. If you some how have enough resources to have separate PvP and PvE crafted weapons, then you can build a pure %ID weapon for PvP and use your pure %DotI weapon for PvE, but barring this insanity, just make a pure %DotI weapon and thank me later.
  7. Озирис

    Озирис Forum Greenhorn

    Ok. I play with a mage lvl 55 and just crafted a weapon with 3 golden lines. The total status is 177% increased weapon dmgs (3 % lines) and 64% increased dmgs (1 line). You think that weapon is good for crafting in the Bearach unique or I should continue with the crafting until I get an item with 4 % lines weapon dmgs - e.g. in total 280% weapon dmgs?
  8. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Aim for the 280%. After all, you ae going to try to craft a 4/4 gold line legendary, so might as well do it right the first time.
  9. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    continue until you get even 300%
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  10. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Agreed. 280% should be the minimum goal with the true goal being 300%+. Before they nerfed the availability of 75% and higher, I would have said the minimum was 300% with the goal being 315%.
  11. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    The 177% increased weapon damage a bit low for me. But depend on my current weapon.
    I would compare my damage between current weapon & this crafted one(after being transfer craft with Bearach unique of course, perhaps you also consider the base damage from Bearach unique being better in comparison with the legendary).

    Does the crafted weapon give significant damage boost? Let's say over 1500 damage...
    And does my toon would have significant performance? Let's say with current weapon I need to use blue ess to speed up farming in excruciating & fatal, with crafted weapon able to use green ess. Another example would be, with current weapon I need to use purple ess to kill fatal boss, with crafted weapon able to use blue ess.
    Let's just say the answer are yes. That's mean improvement of my game play experience. So why not?

    No guarantee I will get 4/4 in period of time. That period of time is also a chance that I may have better game play experience.

    For me it is situational.

    For example as you may see my ats glove above. What I would like to have is minimum 38% ats. Took almost a year to get 36%, the best lines did not came up. I accept it. And going to transfer it to unique once the core needed available & use it.
    I'm at 1,31 attack/sec atm without that glove.. In matter of days I would play in 1,47 attack/sec.

    Another example is my current crit helmet:
    I would like to have min 50% Increased critical hit rate. I have another 3/4 and already tried to crafted it multiple times with combination of 3/4 3/4 2/4 2/4. No luck yet..
    The plan is, if I can get it to 50% going to transfer to Dragan's helmet. So I can use Herald's glove.
    But then I realized that I don't need 50% Increased critical hit rate on a helmet in achieving long term goal to get overall 70% or even 80% crit rate.
    And the 9% more HP not a bad line either.
    So my decision is to try craft it again later 1 more time. If I don't get it 50%, it's fine. Yet I still have the other 3/4 to keep trying in the future.
  12. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Also, 177% is pretty low for 3 idoti (increased damage on this itme) lines as well. If I was doing a 3x with the 4th line being something, I would want a minimum of 222%. idoti is the most valuable line type, so if you are going to settle for 3 of them, make sure they're 3 near perfect idoti lines.

    As for how I approached creating 2H weapons for my characters, on my dk I am still playing with my old level 50 2H axe (has 231% idoti and +1069 crit at level 54) similar to baragain does with his dk, but on my mech I put my old level 50 gun stats (237% idoti and +114 damage at level 60) onto a tier III herald gun as fast as I could. I don't necessarily think that putting excellent stats on a q4 or q7 set as soon as possible is a mistake for a dk as the result would be a dk that can score pretty well on the pve leaderboards on agathon, but I can also see the value in waiting for an unique 2H axe to be introduced in the game. For a mech, getting good stats on the q7 as quick as possible is still an optimal play.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2017
  13. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    Junks FTW!:cool:

    One weakness I forgot to screenshot the 4th ingredient which has 17.2 line. Thought I had it.. oh well..:oops:

    Got another crit dam ring today :)
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2017
    bLaind likes this.
  14. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    So I finally replaced my old LVL 50 torso.
    Not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination, but compared to my old one, it is amazing. I gained over 1000 armor (after bonuses), close to 1000 HP (also after bonuses), the 32 damage, and 9.33% damage. It came out LVL 53 because I used a 2/3 exo that I've had laying around since pre 185 days and it was the one that contributed the 9.95% damage line seen above.

    I'm a little behind the times as I play catch up due to my reduced playing time, but I will get there in time.
  15. Nostradamus88

    Nostradamus88 Active Author

    Hi all! If i craft two legendaries with 6 gold bonus (3 and 3) together with two legendaries with 2 gold bonus (1 and 1) as junk items, how many are the probabilities to get the 4 gold bonus leg? I never studied statistic sorry (if you want, teach me the method to calculate it by myself for the future). Thank you all!
  16. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    Awesome craft but... why did you do the transfer on Grimmag's adornament and not Magotina's? (obviusly when it will be avaiable)
  17. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    I don't have screen shot but whats the chances of getting a magic boots with 2 gold % hp on this item when I crafted 2 weapon decs, 1 boots, and 1 shield. I wanted to get magic of one of them is why I did it and got so lucky. With that luck it seems I should have 1 4 gold item but no only have 3 gold legendary.


    This must of been crafted before he/she knew about magotinas adornament. it was just reworked.

    I don't know how to merge my posts so can someone tell me how finally.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 19, 2017
  18. Erebus

    Erebus User

    You can't, whenever you need to add something to your previous post you need to click on the "Edit" option on the bottom, best regards.
  19. Sayen85

    Sayen85 Forum Greenhorn

    Recent crafts, some done carefully some done accidentaly, some wiht luck from pinks, other from legendaries ;)

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    Last edited: Jul 20, 2017
  20. Arx_X

    Arx_X Advanced

    you put 8 gold lines out of 16 possible.. so logic would say you have a 50% chance to get those gold enchantments
    but it is rather complicated and you could try this 50 times without success and get 1 gold a 3 randoms all the time