Suggestion Mass combining of gems

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Touchwood-, Jun 27, 2017.

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Do you agree with mass combining of gems?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. -Touchwood-

    -Touchwood- Someday Author

    When you right-click сarry one stone (as it is now).
    When you right-click + ctrl all stones are transferred.[​IMG]
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
  2. Universeea

    Universeea Advanced

    Was going to suggest that. Having 99 flawed of each kind is depressing lol
    -Touchwood- likes this.
  3. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

  4. BlackHat

    BlackHat Junior Expert

    Yes, Yes, Yes.
    -Touchwood- likes this.
  5. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Okay, let's ignore the "how do you choose the number of gems in those stacks?" part... but wouldn't it make more sense to use stacks of 9?:rolleyes:
    -Touchwood- likes this.
  6. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    I guess two arows or a slider to raise or lowe the amount of gems will do the trick.
    Novadude and -Touchwood- like this.
  7. ValkonGo

    ValkonGo Regular

    I think it should be some simple solution.
    For example: when you right-click сarry one stone (as it is now)
    When you right-click + ctrl all stones are transferred.
    I think this will cover 99.9% of users' needs
    -Touchwood- likes this.
  8. -Touchwood-

    -Touchwood- Someday Author

    ValkonGo - thank you, I will use it for my suggestion. :)
  9. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    If you put the arrows here it's even better


    Based on the number of the gems you want to create it will slots the required ones in the upper slots.
    Once the max number is reached the upper Arrow get's disabled.
    Demon likes this.
  10. Nalros

    Nalros User

    This is a good idea, I will add it to our weekly report :).
  11. alchimista

    alchimista Forum Pro

    Yes Please! I was thinking but was not able to figure it out for a good suggestion on it!! Good Job!
    Stones crafting became extremely boring! hope dev will fix it asap!
    -Touchwood- likes this.
  12. Gevilson

    Gevilson Active Author

    Good to see the community working together to improve an already good suggestion instead of trying to murder each others. :cool:
    -Touchwood- and Shine2 like this.
  13. Iselda

    Iselda Advanced

    Ah well, the poll is already closed, but I do hope that the Dev will introduce this idea to the game :) because it would make our clicking experience better :D
  14. anolajen

    anolajen Someday Author

    awesome idea ... just few years late ;)
  15. wolfie54

    wolfie54 Active Author

    This is an outstanding idea. Sure hope it gets implemented soon.
  16. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    Wonderful idea- I'm all for it!
  17. AbradolfLincler

    AbradolfLincler Someday Author

    I think this is an AWFUL idea. Totally joking. Everyone in favor say "I"! *crowds screams* "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"
  18. Erebus

    Erebus User

    Opened the poll again so you can vote and we can keep sending this idea with more positive reactions, best regards. ;)
    Matúš107, Iselda and MikeyMetro like this.
  19. Iselda

    Iselda Advanced

    Sending a wee <3 to you :)

    The idea is simply brilliant and should be implemented to the game as soon as possible :D Less clicking is so much better.
  20. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    sorry, i was wrong
    gems has to be combined to the next tier only, not the highest

    i really need this or something similar..
    maybe a 'combine all' button, so you put all your gems of the same type and tier and you get the final gem


    this is the amount of gems you need to craft every other tier

    NEED  FOR 1
    3     splintered
    9     simple
    27    -noprefix-
    81    polished
    243   radiant
    729   flawless
    2189  royal
    NEED  FOR 1
    3     simple
    9     -noprefix-
    27    polished
    81    radiant
    243   flawless
    729   royal
    2189  sacred
    so if you combine 99 flawed, you get 1 polished and 18 flawed,
    if you combine 5 splintered you get 1 simple and 2 splintered
    and so on..
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
    Eridiani likes this.
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