Suggestion Mage Balancing suggestions

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by iNeXoRaBlE, Jul 17, 2017.

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  1. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    After the 194 rel with the explosive arrow nerf, i thought it was necessary making a suggestion for the mages that definitely want a nerf more than Rangers.
    As a DK that struggles at PvP the least of my problems was the explosive arrow with that small AoE.. (why [EDIT] people stay still and get all the dmg anyway, run people run!)

    Now back ontopic. Mages are clearly the most offensive class there is, even their debuff does dmg. Mages also have the higher resource regeneration. Now, i will not talk about a nerf in dmg, but a nerf in the resource costs.
    For example if a mage is hitting without finding target the spell will have an increased amount of mana cost, (for at least at the low cost mana spells) that way the game will at last begin to be more strategical. People don't even think how they play and if they see one they make fun of him.

    And for gods sake, fix that sigri set bug, people keep abusing it and you people only care about nerfing the last good skill rangers had. Get your priorities right for one time.

    Spamming skills is not playing. And its annoying for all the other classes.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 17, 2017
  2. AbradolfLincler

    AbradolfLincler Someday Author

    No offense here, but let's stop asking for nerfs for classes. Let's start recommending increases for the classes having trouble. Before we know it, all classes are going to lose all set bonuses and we'll be lvl 55 without a single set, strong skill, or ability to farm pw solo or in groups. The sw bug I'm not familiar with, but if there is one, let's fixed bugs before we start asking that other classes get more nerfs. Seriously, we're going to end up SO weak and screwed. If you're not fully geared, crafted, and have the set items you need, you can't ask for a geared, crafted and full set class to be nerfed because a few strong as hell guys are out there. I also realize that the older servers have different issues than our empty Tegan server. So it's hard for me to FULLY understand it all. We don't have crazy strong Sm's killing bosses in 10 seconds here. Maybe other servers do. We do have some pretty fancy rangers, sw and dk in our pvp. 1 hit kills for days. Good for them. They worked hard for it. DSO, stop taking away things and start ADDING them to balance things out. 1v1 should be 30 seconds long...not just whoever gets the first EA, frozen sphere, heavyshot or dk charge attack. It makes it boring. Rangers SHOULD get there 3 second herald set buff back in PVE. End of story. Give them that back!!!

    Rant over. lol.
  3. anolajen

    anolajen Someday Author

    ae you sure this is suggestion and not another rant topic about rangers?
    interesting suggestion with zero value you didnt even writen what skill you talking about ....

    but in practice only spellweaver spammable skill is fireball with 26% above free skills ( 126 vs100% )
    is that the terrible overpowered skill ? :)

    not to mention suggested change is impossible ... how you want double manacost after casting spell
    if i have 10 mana and cast spell for 10 mana wth should happen ? angry goblin chase me around arena?
    even if missed spell at max range disapeared and set mana to zero 10 mana take around 1sec to recover

    how about same idea for other class ... if you miss q7 explo arrow it consume concentration ok ? :rolleyes:
    and if dk leap to wall during jump he should gets stunned :D
  4. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    Thats easy, just auto mana regeneration stop. If you miss you just don't have the auto regen for 1sec for example.
    I don't care about changes as long as the classes stay balanced.
    Btw i can't leap into walls anymore :p But that would be funny, you know using the walls into your advantage.
  5. anolajen

    anolajen Someday Author

    inex : thats the problem .... by the time fireball reach max range ( so hit or miss ) you have already enought mana for another mana regen itself solve nothing you can tele and recover mana for another 15+ balls ... no if you want nerf fireball you need to get rid of that -25 mana set bonus for 35 mana skill ( its 8 mana for me = 19x fireball .... with some reducing gems you can have it probably even free )

    but look at dmg .... fireball is extremely weak dmg skill you have to hit 4x with him to catch one explosive arrow
    even if you removed fireball completely ... people could start spamming 100% magic missilew mana free instead 126% fireball yes they would have to land 5 hits instead 4 for same dmg but with higher casting speed so whats the point :D
  6. BigBlue

    BigBlue Forum Apprentice

    Set reduces 25 mana leaves Fireball unlimited costing only 10 mana in the arena this is very appealing unfair. This is already unfair because the other classes do not have this advantage of having a more effect for other classes the active set 4 effects for the mage are 5 made with this mana reduction, the other classes can not enjoy their buff with other skills plus the magician has 9 seconds of buff can use all abilities with 150% of Damage increase, the proposal is that it only reduces the mana cost of the fireball when activating the buff equal all other classes and if the mage uses another skill other than the fireball loses the buff of the set.


    This balancing is necessary because mages are very op mainly in the arenas.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2017
  7. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    funny the title of video is my best damage in 5vs5, a bit biased if you ask me. I don't play mage but I do agree being able to spam fireball like they do is not fair or balanced. Instead of reducing cost of fireball by 25, reduce maybe by 15. This way mage can't just sit there and spam fireball like they cost anything when its one of the most powerful attacks. Lightning, destruction, frozen sphere are the more powerful attacks. They are also much harder to hit though.
  8. BigBlue

    BigBlue Forum Apprentice

    -DeathRaider-All right then friend watch this video then 5 hours ago as a wizard kills easy using only Fireball and Ice Bullet, super wizards OP.
  9. anolajen

    anolajen Someday Author

    and there goes another round of " spaming 126 %dmg fireball is op and broken nerf pls" + " spaming 5+ 500% explo every 7sec is ok keep it unchanged or improve it "

    truth is simple ... if someone kill you easily with low dmg skill like fireball then hes much stronger dmg wise and can kill you just as fast with magic missile ( no set needed) so will we get enrf and read " pls nerf magic missile its so broken .. next week ?
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2017
    wedrh likes this.
  10. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    STOP _ THE _ NERFING !!!!

    I don't have any of those end items. I'm not there yet! None of my SW skills are low mana use. None.
    Yet you want to destroy what little ability I have to get through the game???? I can't yet survive in Painfull, yet you want to make it HARDER for me????
  11. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Hello there,
    Keep the conversation on topic and civilized.
    Last warning.

  12. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    Well a logical mage would actually helped us, i can tell only from what i actually see at the PvP i play the last year, its not few, i have encountered many Mages and Rangers and mages seem way to OP.
    Since i think you told us you have a mage, what would you think that it's OP at your character.
    Speak as a player and not a DSO Admin.
  13. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    My nickname :)

    Shabono likes this.
  14. TyraelJr

    TyraelJr Forum Duke

    In the arena PVP mage is far beyond the other classes a measure that would help to improve this would be to apply the effect of reducing mana in the fireball only when the meteor hits the adversary, otherwise does not justify mage having 9 seconds of buf
  15. ArunaSky

    ArunaSky Forum Apprentice

    Yes, mages need balancing. They need boost in PVE. Mages are dmg dealers, thats there only purpose, same as rangers. And yet, they are worst class in pve.
    DK have option - can be tank. Dwarfs are only class with some usefull spell on end boss - tesla and same time they are top dmg dealers who can have more def than mages and rangers bcs they can craft items with def stats where mages and rangers must have crh/crd lines. Rangers got q7 set wich made them more desirable in pve ( but this was complitely wrong by my opinion - BP forced rangers to accept q7 build as only solution if they want to group, and called that OP set is not balance! They ruin game even more.)
    Mages and rangers cant be tanks and dont have tesla, so without huge dmg they are useless. But first place in dmg goes to dwarfs, just look chat - only dwarfs are wanted, and q7 rangers from time to time (less than dwarfs).
    Tanks and dwarfs are team. Than BP should give same option to rangers and mages: boost them to be needed on pve as dwarfs and tanks.
    About pvp..nerfing is not solution. One nerf will cause second and third and after all that nerfing people will not be good for Andrakash maps! Why q7 set has been nerfed in pve for rangers? PVP should be splited from PVE. There are many already sugested solution for this: turn off set bonus in pvp, _baragain_ stats curve, pvp only sets...

    Nerfing is solution for nothing!
    PS. For BP balancing = nerfing
    Shabono likes this.
  16. AbradolfLincler

    AbradolfLincler Someday Author

    ArunaSky, sm are not longer top damage dealers at end boss and most sm with herald set don't use tesla anymore. we lose too many other desirable skills for cooldown and damage. also, we don't craft armor onto gear. we craft % damage onto everything. tanks are dwarfs are a best friend because dwarf is a bit harder to solo bosses than the crit classes. back to topic though. sw could use a nice boost in pve. we've got some pretty gnarly sw here on tegan. i hit 50k damage on red ess with herald buff and the sw are STILL smoking me on bosses. same thing with the rangers even with their "adjustment". i am hoping the next "balance" comes to give the sw some much needed pve fun as well as a set that benefits your skill set more. i really like having sw in parties. i hope BP makes a solid choice to balance the sw a bit better for you guys. i guess we'll just have to wait and see what the future holds. *crosses fingers for ya*

    Edit: anolajen, i meant my damage on red ess with herald buff as sm is 50k. sorry. i could have worded that better.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
  17. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    Everyone cries about not being invited to groups. Good solution with no nerfs would be to totally change group bonus. At least double the current bonus but it is based on number of different classes in group. This will make it more adventageous to take a member of each class in groups.
    Shabono, AbradolfLincler and Demon like this.
  18. KubQn

    KubQn Forum Apprentice

    Funny. You are showing video of one of the strongest SW in the game, and you're suprised that he is one shotting everyone. If ranger or dwarf would have stats like him it would be the same or sorry better, with a spells which deals x4 more dmg. Also you want to nerf mage's because of PvP and now look at their PvE. You need to be really "late game" to start dealing damage as a mage.
  19. anolajen

    anolajen Someday Author

    aruna its jnot that simple ... you think they should balance things but you are against nerfs problem is you cant avoid nerfs
    - if you constantly buff weak you reducing overall difficulty of content ... and only way to fix it is make it harder for all again = nerf for all = making all pissed .. when you nerf the broken one yes some may complain because they enjoyed advantage compared to others .... but youre not creating need to make things harder for all this way

    if you buff rangers sure they might be good .... bud rangers with q7 would become insane at same time
    thats why nerfing q7 or nerfing explosive arrow to kick it from top rotation is only way to fix ranger vs q7 ranger problem otherwise rangers withou q7 will be always second class rangers and most will keep using q7

    can you please provide me source where BP called OP q7 to be ranger balancing ? its more likely shortsighted set withou single thought about balance lol and now bp trying clean up fail they did by releasing it in current state

    for buffing mages ... well most mages don cry like dwarfs or rangers how weak they are demanding buff again and again and the ones that do are pretty silent too
    together with q7 nerf came undocumented change to frost sphere ... it lost +- 1/3 damage dealing much less than tooltip says now withou single word in patch notes
    yet do you see mass created topics about poor mages nerfed again and again topics directly demanding revert or other buff ? hah nope .. sure we hope they fix it ... or atleast admit failure trying to nerf it hideously but we just wait accepting the change look how many mess rangers like you do ... making post in mage topic aboout how unwanted rangers are and how they need buff not nerf :D
    so please stay on "balancing mage" subject and talk about mage .... theres lot of topics where you can discuss q7 lately

    - as abradolf say ... q7 rangers are top dps after essence nerf /fix whatever you call it (probably biggest nerf in dso history ) SM got second place so they can no longer serve as bush that can hide broken rangers

    pvp : well removing sets for pvp would change things from one unbalanced situation to another
    and 1shot explosives / unstopable dwarf flagers would stay same .... mage would just spam magic missile for 100% dmg instead ice missile for 3*30%
    but in end 90% players doesnt care about pvp at all runing it just for daily challenges
    bp doesnt care about pvp too ... thats why almost all development and balancing goes to pve thats why nothing change
    abradolf 50k hit is pointless number for crit its pretty small number for average player thats why people smoke you ... doesnt matter if they are mages or 2h dks you cant really compare something withou comparing gear too

    bighink : nice idea but its like bandage on balance issue nothing more leaving game unbalanced in non perfect groups and solo whats the point of group bonus if ranger farm solo 2xfaster than dk ( also 2h dk wouldnt benefit at all from this bonus as tank eats his place)
  20. ArunaSky

    ArunaSky Forum Apprentice you are against. No metter what anyone say your point is just to be against and now you want nerfing...all?:confused: And after that all will be at same place just harder to everyone. Whats the point of that?

    Read my post better and dont pull out of context. Dont make it in one more -my class against your class- tread, bcs its not about that. Yes i wanna avoid nerfing and my post isnt about rangers only. I want game where we can play together, all classes together. Chat with: 2 dwarfs search 3th dwarf is not game like that. If group is mages/rangers, tank will enter and say: No Its really rare situation that tank stay in group if there is no dwarf in it. So make mages and rangers useful same as dwarfs. Make us all playing together and be useful on same lvl in group.

    At this point mages are most unwonted class in groups. Rangers were complitely unwanted class before q7 set. Now rangers without q7 set are also unwanted. This set makes them more wanted. My guess was that they introduced this set just to make rangers more wanted in groups. So i guess they wanted to do some balance for them but as i said i think its complitely wrong, they ruin game even more. I am not playing ranger so i cant say a lot about spells. Only someone who actually play all 4 classes and have same lvl built all toons and same skills in playing all are competent to say what should be maybe nerfed and why. You know someone like that?

    Dwarfs didnt nerfed. On green essence or without essence they have same dmg as before. Blue/Purple/Red Essence for minions worked incorrectly. So all minions including guardian were fixed to work properly on essence. Dwarfs felt that mostly bcs turets are main dmg dealers to them.

    I know about dmg change on FS. I know about desepearing vortex (its bit better now actually..they did something about this, maybe they tried to fix this and in same time it caused change to FS somehow) and about you can not use this skill here! In the midle of map..where i can use? in my bathroom? And so on... And i know that mages are not complaining like others. Even Sebastian is not here anymore. I guess everyone giving up slowly. Many changed to play dwarfs or left game. But still i hope they will do something about it and nerfing everyone i dont see as solution nor trying to improve something with one set. if mages are only dmg dealers than must be highest dmg, fastest killers in game, but than rangers must have some spell really needed on pwe, and dwarfs and Dk also. If dwarfs are fastest killers than mages/rangers/Dks must have some spell that makes tham needed in group and so on... If you have 4 classes only for dmg than they should be able to kill at same pace.

    PVP: PVP should be splited from PVE. There are many already sugested solution for this: turn off set bonus in pvp, _baragain_ stats curve, pvp only can combine this you know and add something more if you can think :rolleyes: Also if 90% players dont care about pvp why 90% of forum is about: PVP unbalanced and ppl hating and fighting each other because of pvp? Even this tread is about balancing-nerfing mages bcs they killed my tank in pvp! I really dont care about pvp. Playing only for clover and inferno passages sometimes, without that i wouldnt even enter there ever! But i am bored of people asking for nerf just because of pvp.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
    trakilaki and Fynkz like this.
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