Suggestion A step towards PvP balancing... or not. XD

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by bLaind, Jul 14, 2017.

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Disable all unique effects in PvP matches?

  1. Yes.

    9 vote(s)
  2. No.

    8 vote(s)
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  1. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    This may have already been suggested, but... here I go:

    All unique/set effects/bonuses should be disabled during PvP matches.

    I'm going with the short version:
    - no more Q8 lighting for RAs, machine gun-frost missiles for SWs and SMs, and whatever the useless effect the DKs get from it.
    - hmm.... Star Wars PvP... no more (dragan laser off)
    - no more summons (dragan ring, Q2 set)
    - no more Q1 fire skill metamorphose
    - etc... etc...

    You get the point.
    I think it can be done since: potions, essence and buffs are disabled... also the regeneration from the Q4 ring and runes aren't working either.

    And like that, I think we'll move towards a PvP based more on player's skills... or not. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
    Llogos likes this.
  2. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    I would agree since i only depend on my damage and my running skills :p
    But many players have invested on those sets for a reason, so unlike me the would totally want those bonuses.
    I just want some acceleration runes :p
  3. anolajen

    anolajen Someday Author

    hmm dumb idea ... base skills are as unbalanced as sets lol + it would just severely piss off every pvp player that farmed sets just to recycle them now ( so basically 100%) check how big dramaqueens are rangers after little nerf on q7 and you want to entirelly remove pvp based sets:D
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Before playing a wise-man in every thread ... learn something about DSO first. OK?

    Now ... about the suggestion.
    It will never happen :D ... and here is why.
    In order to get balance they have to separate the PvE and PvP first.
    I have had few conversations with the devs in the past and they clearly said they don't plan to do that because:
    - there are skills that are having small differences already (stuns for example) in PvE and PvP. Making the skills different (according to them) could make different gameplay in PvE and PvP ... and that could be leading to the fact that the players would feel like they are using different skills in PvE and PvP. In other words ... the players would be confused about the skills' abilities in PvE and PvP. o_Oo_Oo_O
    - other point was UI. If they add more descriptions in tooltips it would be to confusing and complex for the players to understand. (errrmmm what? Like this game is not at that level already? You have to be a rocket scientist to understand how crafting works and how can you combine all kinds of crafting :rolleyes: )
    - they want to preserve the player's builds developed for PvE to function almost the same in PvP. (really??)

    So ... that was a year ago ... in meantime they not just didn't separate the skills but they also introduced side effects for the items/sets (for which this thread is all about). So as you can see they are doing it on purpose and surely they won't stop there.
    That is why I think ... no , I know ... we are wasting our time making any suggestions.
    VoulaAek1 likes this.
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I'm in agreement with much of what Trakilaki said.

    I'd say "No" to disabling them completely, but I'd be on board for changing the nature of their effect in PvP. Things that could change would be a smaller range for player centered effects, shorter times for time related effects, lower buff amounts, etc. Players farmed for these items and the effects should be a part of PvP, but they could be toned down to a level that is not OP in PvP. Do something like this and a RA could still have 3 seconds of free EAs in PvE, but as little as 1 second of free skills in PvP.

    Yea, they don't listen, so we must be screaming at the wall for all the effect our intelligent/well reasoned ideas have on the direction of the game compared to the stupid ideas that get implemented with a ton of fanfare.
    Demon likes this.
  6. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    But then again, the same goes for: potions, buffs, regen runes, ess and Q4 ring, but they are disabled in PvP (except for green ess)... so, at least that proves that it can be done.

    If that were true... they should get rid of the PvP increase damage skill and the lvl 40 ones (after death dmg ones) too...
  7. KamikazocGR

    KamikazocGR Forum Greenhorn

    Or you could just think something more usefull like adjusting the upgrades on pvp to a level limit..i mean fighting a 25 level mage with 55 level weapon is not that reasonable and it will be like more even and it will give more chances to other players who struggle to get through this pvp this...instead of getting one-shoted or deal like 20 dmg or having to kill the opponent who was 10k health on 20 level.Stop thinking stuff that wont improve the game at all like removing the ring's abillity and more dumb things :)
  8. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    Totaly agree with you, also they should make arena as speciall mapp and they can ballance with that, and will be like on the infernal mode where you get lower stamina and damage, this way they lower the percentage on every type o character instead of nerfing sets and skills.

    This is allredy working, but should be extended.
    Regenerative items for DK dont work, you cant use pets , cant use essences, so why you waist your time making them.

    Let us use ess and pets and mounts but put a informative note with nerfs when you enter in arena for each type of characters.

    I think nerfing the total bonuses but focused on each character when you enter in arena is a nice idea.
    Nerf for arena maps will be entirely focused on each type of characters,DK life, Rangers crit dmg,SW duration of skill efects, Dwarf dmg.

    This way one shot one kill in arena will be rare not like now.

    Or they can make STANDARD ARENA whith this nerfs, no pets no mounts no essences and Free Arena where you can use all that you have including pets, essence but you get only half points on battle.
    So instead of 4 type of battle registartion you will have 8, or they can make Standard arena only for 1v1 and 3v3 and Free arena for 5v5 and 6v6 and it will remain only 4.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2017
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Simplicity we need more... not less.
  10. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    I see maybe a nerf for only pvp so it limits so many one shot kills. But then again strong dks carrying flag are even more likely gonna be impossible to kill.
  11. VoulaAek1

    VoulaAek1 Forum Connoisseur

    I totally disagree. What's the point if i can't use the advantage with fireballs (q7 set) in pvp? I do not use fireballs in pve! You should recommend something more realistic, actually your idea is never gonna be implemented. The attempt to acquire a unique set must gives you some advantages in pvp. PvP is part of the game.
  12. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

  13. Nostradamus88

    Nostradamus88 Active Author

    I don'think that in order to make pvp more balanced they should remove unique set buff. Pvp since 155 became unbalanced for the most part of it because of the new 2h weapons. Everyone started grinding for higher damage weapons. In pve they are fantastic but in pvp the consequence was the one-shot game. But only against other 2h buildings! When you face a well balanced 1h char with shield ( it happened some months after 155 and is starting to happen again in this weeks) there is no more one-shot game ;) so there is a way to make pvp enjoyable again: let's have a building for arena balanced in defense and offense. With new system of chrit hit now we can have a 80% blocking char with 80% chrit hit chance and x4 of crit damage. If everyone in arena have this it would be cool to play and to use all unique set buff (now we cna have both unique buff and crafted legendaries). That is the way (even if there two negative aspects: long way to craft everything and immortal tank issue)...
  14. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    I have meet you in arena 6v6 and you have beat me, it was hard for you but IMMORTAL tank issue i dont think is a problem when you hit with ~150k and you have so many balls as Ranger or infinite mana as a SW so stop saying about imortal tanks,(hard is not equal with immortal you cant expect to kill a Dk as easy as you can kill a SW)
    Nostradamus88 likes this.
  15. Nostradamus88

    Nostradamus88 Active Author

    Hi demon, the main issue of my post was else. People think that pvp is forever broken but i tried to say that is broken only because everyone enter in terminator mode in pvp. But i know that the principal problem is that to craft a good 1h build needs a lot of months. The problem of immortal tank issues i can guarantee to you that exists. And it exists also now where everybody continues saying that is all a one-shot arena. Maybe you are still not one of them, but they are out there. If you meet them in 1vs1 or 3vs3 there is nothing to do. In 5vs5 they can take flag for 12 minutes and in 6vs6 they are op. You can have 20k damage 80% chrvalue and 5 critdmg but they do not die.
  16. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    I agree....dissable all the unique effects and hp regenerations.Otherwise this suggestion will only benefit the warriors with 100k+ hp since they can restore a ton of hp per game.

    Glad to see that you agree that the guys from dev team wont bother with our suggestions lol.No wonder DSO is messed up right now.[EDIT]

    Ill bet a cookie that in less than a year or two we get lvl 60 and we go over this crap all over again.Cuz thats how BP rolls.Instead of working hard on providing a decent balance for all classes they just throw some events/mounts, monthly and expect everyone forgets about how messed up the game really is currently.When they cant handle the negative feedback they just increase the lvl cap because that will give them a 6 months + break where ppl will have to focus on their gear and gameplay and after that the complains occur.Its been like that since DSO made it online...DSO motto " when the [EDIT] hits the fan we increase the lvl cap"..thats their exit strategy...we get busy with new gear starting from 0..they give us mounts and other crap..we forget about the messed up things ingame until up to a point..when that point is hit then they release another lvl cap to keep us busy for a year or so...

    Thing is that u cant really build up a serious 1hand setup with the current dmg.Before u could because even if u were stunned and your armor was broken, you wouldnt die 1hit.Now, even if u make a 1hand build, get 100k + hp and max stats on the rest, you still have the chance to be 1hitted by your opponent.If i go with 80% armor, ressist and 100k hp, rangers for instance can 1hit me with EA if the shield wont block the hit.Just using this for example.

    The point is that if u cant use any skills or buffs or essence/regenerations then nor can your opponent.So it will be a battle of skills mostly.Right now its more like a battle between gears.X set vs Y set ...You can have a noobaa using roshan right now for instance and u could be using q7...You'd have the upper hand normally if u had Q7 but if this would be to be implemented then, the set that you'd be using would be useless in PVP.Would be nice to have a base stats for PvP ...same stats for all.. 0 abilities, 0 effects...just base stats..where gems wouldnt matter, where uniques wouldnt matter..just skill...Everyone has the same hp, same armor, same ressist when entering the arena, only skills differ ( from playing different classes) a word, a balance...If the dev team would work on this idea where PvP wont be about gems, items but skill and where ppl would start from a certain amount of HP/armor/ressist/dmg , then maybe everyone would be happy.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 26, 2017
  17. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    a pvp system determined by stats will never be balanced
    plus they really don't know how to do it, just a reminder: level 50-54 players are still accessing level 55 pvp
  18. ArunaSky

    ArunaSky Forum Apprentice

    This can be solution in combination with limits on stats in pvp (something like _Baragain_ sugested - pvp stats curve). Removing gems from pvp would be nice step to move this game from p2w to f2p game, but not gonna happened, its about money after all;)
    Also this can prevent future nerfing of everything because of "balancing pvp". Problem is that people are more inclined to demand nerfing classes/items than to give some creative suggestion and BP are more willing to do nerf than anything else :(
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
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