Feedback Release 197

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Sunlight, Aug 28, 2017.

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  1. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Does anyone know, If we can still do core transfers. The descriptions in normal items green, blues etc... has disapeared. or do we have to wait for them to do a hot patch. I have several items to core transfer but don't want to lose my cores.
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Everything is working as before. They removed the extra tooltip info because of the new workbench. However ... they haven't brought the new workbench at live servers with R197 ... even if it is on TS and still under R197.
    Falk101 likes this.
  3. kurokishi

    kurokishi Forum Apprentice

    Terrible lag in Grimmag server since new release..
  4. dawmjr

    dawmjr Junior Expert

    teagon here, mine actualy went down, was pushing 80, now mid 60,s, best ever been
  5. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    No idea, since it's another thing they didn't bother to tell us about (I also asked on a previous feedback thread).
    Anyway, you got me curious, so I tried... got the same one, first try xD. Now curious if the other type is in there too...

    P.S.: Thanks for the info ;).
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2017
  6. TommyT0m

    TommyT0m Forum Greenhorn

    I got the other one (frosty witch's broom) from a gold amphora, so you can get both
    Morinphen likes this.
  7. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    From the one in Blackborg or from the boss maps?
  8. TommyT0m

    TommyT0m Forum Greenhorn

  9. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Thank You
  10. Falk101

    Falk101 Junior Expert

    When the new workbench will come on normal servers ? It was certainly the main update for the R197 but they pushed the update without that. Maybe because some people complained ? Personnaly i like this new system that will help a lot of players who doesn't understand all the possible crafts. And i like more the augment cores, many players are waiting about.
  11. Selene-Rip

    Selene-Rip Regular

    I have problems of display as well on maps pvp as pve, large white areas that do not allow to play in good conditions.
    And you ?
    Is it related to the release?
  12. ProfStar

    ProfStar Forum Greenhorn

    is anyone else experiencing issues logging in after the update
  13. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    Yep, Blakborg... don't think there are any in the boss maps.
    Right after the update, and right after the hotfix... yes, it was troublesome to login.
    bLaind likes this.
  14. ProfStar

    ProfStar Forum Greenhorn

    well I haven't been able to log in for 3 days and it is rather frustrating
  15. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    In both cases, the problem solved itself for me in a little time... if it's that bad for you, might need to contact Support :/.
  16. Iselda

    Iselda Advanced

    For a few days after this Release everything was back to normal, but as soon as the event was introduced - some extreme problems with latency started (from my usual 30-32 up to 100+ and back to 30, then again up to 60/80 and so on...). Also the issue with disappearing/freezing/nonresponding cursor is back :/ This is so frustrating!
    Read that there's going to be a maintenance on the Grimmag server and I do hope that you'll resolve these problems once and for all... It's not funny when one's at boss and suddenly the game is acting out weirdly (either the char moves back and forth, the game freezes or the cursor is not responding) and one ends up dead. To be honest, I'm more than fed up with this situation and once again I'm thinking about quitting for good.
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