Ghost Festival Event - 2017 Q&A thread

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Aslandroth, Oct 18, 2017.

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  1. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Hold on, everyone agrees that DSO does a poor job in providing all the details quite a bit.

    Have you not seen the hundreds of complaints about what most of us feel is wrong with this game? There are more than a few of us that have been beating on that particular dead horse for a number of years now.

    The simple truth is that rarely do the decision makers listen, and when they do, more often than not it takes years to see the change. Screaming at the rain might make us feel better, but it doesn't make it stop.
    Demon likes this.
  2. lonepaladin

    lonepaladin Forum Greenhorn

    Agreed. Many players doing the quest for the first time will try the quest first and then consult the guides if they have a problem. One reason is to enjoy the challenge of a quest on one's own before relying on other players' strategies. In this case, not consulting the guide in advance means losing the chance to meet the boss on every map. Of course, those players will exploit the workaround the next time the quest is offered, but for this year they've lost their chance.
    Akageshi likes this.
  3. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    those who completed the quest haven't lost the chance to do the boss every run, they can group with a player that hasn't completed the quest. A guild would be useful for that, maybe region chat also.1 players is enough for a group of five

    [content removed]

    In this case testers have discovered a way to have efficient farming in the minievent and traki put it in the wiki
    I don't think devs would ever tell something like that to players, so yeah, it's a good idea to read player made content
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 28, 2017
  4. 0cool

    0cool Forum Greenhorn

    It is possible to craft enchantments from old cape to the new one? Somone know for sure?
  5. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    Dude, I know what you and the others are saying. I look like a very dumb person who just cannot wrap his mind around the obvious thing, that if something works badly, it's pointless to complain, because DSO team never listens. And so we should just do what we can, which is basically finding some ways around the problem. I know that this can work as an effective solution. And I thank you all who collect the information and make it public.

    But IMO it's not true that the DSO team never listens. You all just suppose that the halloween challenge cannot be fixed, and so if I weren't complaining here like a cry baby, you would all just remain silent and the DSO team would feel very good about their work, because nobody's complaining.
    You all should have just agreed in your first reply to my complaint, that the thing is broken. But no, you guys immediately turned on me, practically saying it is me who's stupid and wrong because I should have read the community driven source. But who's fault is it in the first place that the event loop is broken?! That is the basic question. Look, getting the quest cancellation right is a matter of either completing the event easily, or probably never comleting it, and having to wait until next year for the event with different rewards etc. That's how serious it is. A matter of dozens of hours of REAL TIME, a matter of endless grind and blood in your eyes, all that most likely good for nothing since if you're not lucky and can't find a group with the right quest rotation, you're doomed.

    And do not repeat players should read the wiki - in this case it's an error exploiting patch, not a true solution.

    Good point. That's how most players play games.

    [content removed]

    The thing is, it's not only a matter of more efficient farming. If you "mess up" the quest cancellation at the start, you are doomed. Good luck finding a good group with the right alternating quest loop.
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 28, 2017
  6. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    [content removed]

    There is nothing to fix, this is not a bug, not an exploit

    [content removed]

    You can find a group, ask in region or join a guild,this is an mmo, not a solo game, you should be encouraged to group up. Play in groups of five, so when someone has completed the quest,another can restart the cycle to kill avalona and maybe you find jullov, don't let bitterness dominate you, hope is not lost, the minievent is badly designed, but not as bad as the new dragan minievents or the christmas minievents, that is a bad thing.
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 28, 2017
  7. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Stay on topic and stop discussing other games.

  8. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    So no one is agreeing with you?

    You just don't want to see that we were agreeing that this is a bad design element and not the only one in this game.

    BTW, last year I did not know about canceling the quest, so I had to finish it the hard way.
  9. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    My apologies, I just ate my cookie and now I'm a good boy. I'm sorry for the hassle.

    You know very well that to agree with my, IMO thoroughly explained opinion, you would have to not only agree that the event loop is broken, you'd also have to agree that an external source of information like the wiki, is not a satisfactory solution. The community can offer various solutions to problems, but it should not serve as an excuse to the devs.
  10. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    Is the drop of the items lower than 1%? :D
    I have played all the event at Inf1 and nothing dropped... So i can safely assume that the drop is 0%.
    Demon likes this.
  11. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    the cape drops, i dropped it in painful
  12. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    I got it in Infernal I - the cape defo drops.
  13. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    The drop is bad very bad You cant expect to have 0 drop on a 1 time/ year event this is bad for bussines. Anyway that uniques are class designed so just shield for dk, cape for dwarf and bow for rangers are usefull.
    Someone from decisional team have done a big mistake when they took this decision to lower the drop so much for some unique with no real value for all clases.
    This is not a monthly event to wait next month of you dont have luck, why we need to make events if we are not rewarded?
    O have no drakens and even if i had i wont buy any unique from this event i have never get a unique from this event and now i have prepare and spent 100 key for this and nothing so im desapointed by BP i have waist my time my resources and money for nothing.
    The problem is that i can see a black future if they implement this drop for all events from now on.
    iNeXoRaBlE likes this.
  14. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    I have finished the event at inf1 mode, and i don't even have the courage to play any more, why should i?
    The drop is pathetic to say the least. Today after finishing the event i decided to drop the idea of having the weapon. No thanks i won't take it, i can't either way... I entered so many times i dont think it will drop anyway.
    Hey you smart developer, the event is once per year, you could increase the drop a bit. Or LOWER the prices of the items, not all players want to spend their drakens there.
    Can somebody explain to us why the drop is so low?
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 31, 2017
  15. SillySword

    SillySword Regular

    There are 25 possible positions of piglet in the Creepy Castle. I guess the magic number of piglet patterns is 13, just like the number of boss killing achievement. For showing the patterns, all positions with number are in the picture below. Thanks all resources of Drakensang Online Wikia. The screenshot of number 01 is


    All patterns are

    01 05 11 16 22
    01 12 17 20 22
    02 08 10 15 24
    02 12 17 20 24
    03 05 11 16 25
    03 07 13 18 25
    03 08 10 15 25
    03 12 17 20 25
    04 09 14 19 21
    04 12 17 20 21
    05 06 11 16 23
    06 07 13 18 23
    06 08 10 15 23

    That's all, happy hunting!
    trakilaki and Novadude like this.
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Has anyone got the quiver from drop?
    I heard rumors it is dropping somewhere in this area

  17. Falk101

    Falk101 Junior Expert

    In my guild nobody got it. I made so many runs and nothing (0 unique from the event). I would like to try this shield but it seems we have the same chance to drop it than to get a jackpot... It's not for this year.
  18. 66Styve66

    66Styve66 Someday Author

    Yes , i dropped the shield ( war) from the last boss of this map
  19. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    It is stashed along the "unicorn belt" (aka Witch seeker's wraps) into Grima's bags.
    Noway she will eventually let something drop out of those bags, not for this year at least.
  20. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Hey guys ... i wasn't actually asking ... i have been sarcastic and you have to read between the lines...
    If you dig what i'm sayin

    BTW ... a little heads up ...
    You can farm draken cores in the Creepy Castle even when the event is off :)
    Grima is showing up as well :)
    MikeyMetro likes this.
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