How many of you finishes New Moon event ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nvmind, Oct 16, 2017.

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How many of you finishes New Moon event ?

  1. I usually finish it

  2. Only doing it up to the first attack speed rune

  3. Usually not playing it at all

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  1. nvmind

    nvmind Forum Inhabitant

    I usually only play up to the first rune, and same for all my friends. Just curious who is usually finishing it and what is his secret.
  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    The people who are finishing probably want the second rune very badly, are doing the higher tiers, possibly/probably have premium, or are trying to obtain the sets, or combinations thereof.
  3. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    I usually force myself till the first rune, but this time I gave up after around 700 or something, I just couldn't...
  4. Frostarch

    Frostarch Junior Expert

    Finished, i'm new and in desperate need of runes :p
  5. nvmind

    nvmind Forum Inhabitant

    Well, I did finish it, twice, since the new new moon was released, once in the beginning and once recently, because I forgot how painful and boring it was. With this I can count myself in the category of players that never finishes this event. And when you think the old new moon was one of the best events in this game...
  6. Audriukaas

    Audriukaas Forum Apprentice

    I fisnished this event like x4 times, farmed alot bosses shoulders belt.. Spent about 200k ander to buy keys
  7. gun

    gun Forum Great Master

    Before the update. Usually quit after 3500 progress. Can’t stand the boredoom.

    After the update. It get better in term of droping progress per run in higher difficulty. So can finished it before I get bored.

    Another thing that I like is pummrana’s contenders drops that always fill out my bag very quick. So I usually on purpose farming those loots. It is actually good place to farm craft ingredients.
    Being busy on it I did not realized the event progress already finished.
    semen470 and _Baragain_ like this.
  8. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Despite the negative feedback of this particular event here on the forum and on facebook, the dev that stops by the forum says players are happy with it.

    I gave up on it when it turned into the Amphora Key event.
  9. -DeathRaider-

    -DeathRaider- Forum Pro

    I never finish this event but the drops now are just as good or better then in Full Moon event. This is great event to farm for items for crafting because the big drop rate. Like gun said, sometimes farming it for loot, I end up way farther in event then I expected. The reason why don't ever finish event is because I am still trying to farm materi, I have crafts ready for transfer and need to get materi, pristines and other cores. So I simply put up other priorities in farming. This event I think I got to 2k.
  10. cgcidefix

    cgcidefix Someday Author

    I finished the event after 19x "full map1" runs in fatal modus. Opening all the "neat's". No map2 runs unless the kill the boss for daily. After I got the 2 runes then I do boss only runs.
  11. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    I usually finish this event, it's now much better than before, it's still not as good as full moon, but it is bearable
  12. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    I finished it only this time, 'cause I was looking for pauldrons (that didn't drop), but usually I stop at the first rune.
  13. flodder

    flodder Regular

    You help BP a lot now, with the next event you will need" 3000" event progress for that rune ;) Then every player will play until the end for the second rune :D
  14. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    I always completed the event for the drakens. This time I could have completed it 4-5 times.
    Doin this in higher mods makes it quite easy to complete (around 250 progress per run in inf 2) and this leads to think that they should simply remove the mechanic that gives more drops in higher mods.
    All the events should have the same drop rate, no matter the mod, and should use the drop rate of the actual infernal 1.
    On top of that the boss should drop progress (around 100, eventually only this progress drop could be increased accordly to the select mod) like in any other event.
    The higher mods will be always farmed for the higher tier unique items (now that they are worth to be used) and there will be players that will farm those bosses multiple time even after they got the uniques to get better base stats on them or to farm the draken cores (that are mandatory to craft em).
    These are the easy fix to make the events much more enjoyable also for casual players.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2017
  15. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    I do this event to the first rune. Usually I wait until the last day of the event to do this (having a deadline helps motivate me :p) I don't like doing the queens at all (guess I should mention that I already heave the items in storage already that I might maybe perhaps use someday... describes a lot of items I have in storage :D) I still do the queens for cores though. But I never ever farm the day map for wood or use amph keys anymore so If I don't have enough wood for queens... whatever.

    I usually do this event in excruciating mode. With the progress drop travel speed buff, a 5% speed pet and some wisdom points moved to travel speed I can tear thru each run really really fast in this mode.

    I only pick up some gear drops so I can do several runs without filling inventory.

    I almost skipped it this month. I was working on an alt instead. But there was still enough time left when I got done with what I was doing there so I went ahead a grabbed the first rune.

    Still, I do necessarily take this situation as a bad thing. Too much of this game feels like, "I'm gonna kick myself in da butt later if I don't do this" that having a three day optional event each month is ok by me.

    Luck be with ye,
  16. nvmind

    nvmind Forum Inhabitant

    It is not so much about being optional, the whole thing is optional, having a PC is optional. It is about modifying a good event that most of the players were enjoying into something that most of us are dragging themselves through and barely make it to the first quarter of it. Also, it is not about the gold line drops some players are playing this event for. That you can get from PW at the same rate. The event is about the drakens and the unique item set. The interesting part is about the devs which are getting positive feedback for it. It can be only from players which didn't catch the old event, to compare it with, to see the devs destroyed something good. Comparing this event with nothing, yea, I guess it's better.
    jeffzrx likes this.
  17. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Padavan

    i don't know anyone who likes new New Moon
    Cantab likes this.
  18. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    Is bearable now, that drop scale with dificulties, can be much better if they make just one player open the entrance for all and double the woods and progress drop on boss map just like on full moon.
  19. nvmind

    nvmind Forum Inhabitant

    Bearable doesn't sound like fun. It's a videogame, it supposed to be fun. This is not a workplace, we are no making money here to he happy with a change from unbearable to bearable. This is a place where we come and relax, even spend some money for that. For me it's a big fail for the devs, ruining the fun of the old new moon with this one. It was one event no one complained about. And what they did ? They changed it.
    Cantab likes this.
  20. I finished it way ahead of time only because I was on mini-vacation at the time. I wanted the speed runes. I didn't care about drops. The ghost festival though, thats another story. I finished the main event and called it quits and got back to questing. I didn't bother with the mini. I was pretty tired of the event by the time I got done with the main part lol.

    Ps: I did get some pretty good drops during the main event of the GhostFestival. I got Gwen's book, two legend staffs, both of considerable value of my level at the time, along with a legend offhand piece(mage) that had good critical damage to it....along with alot of money from basically farming the event to :)
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