Server choice

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sibcoe, Nov 6, 2017.

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  1. Sibcoe

    Sibcoe Forum Greenhorn

    Hello - I am new to the game and want to invest some time and money into playing up to endgame. So far, in some test play, the game is a lot of fun.

    I am not sure which server to choose. Population seems mostly to be on Heredur, but I am in the US East region, which seems small population. I am English only speaking and want to be able to join a guild and play in some group content later. I mostly solo now.

    Is there a consensus on where to play for new players such as myself?

    Thank you!
  2. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Pick a populated server. English is not a major language on any of them, including the so called American servers. There are plenty of ways around language barriers, so don't let that stop you.
  3. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Hello Sibcoe! Welcome to our lovely EN DSO Forum:) As to server choice- I shall leave it for our Forum users to make a sound advice ...however... I would personally go for Heredur:) Whichever server you choose- have fun and enjoy wonderful world of Drakensang Online!:)

    kindest regards
  4. babu_o_babu

    babu_o_babu Advanced

    I am from US west cost and play in Heredur server. It may lag a little but Heredur server worth your time and investment.
  5. Sibcoe

    Sibcoe Forum Greenhorn

    Heredur sounds like the right choice - thanks!
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    The other consideration is latency. If you play on Heredur, your signal has to cross the Atlantic to get to the server. Agathon and Tegan are both located in California and have significantly less latency. The catch is that you have to deal with the fact that the population is a little smaller. Tegan is almost a ghost town, but Agathon is still reasonably active.
    EhtovK and semen470 like this.
  7. Sleepsalot

    Sleepsalot Forum Greenhorn

    I have a friend from another game that plays on Heredur server...
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