Wisdom Mentoring and Farming

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GoulishNightmares, Nov 8, 2017.

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  1. I have read the threads about wisdom mentoring. I need a bit more clarification though. I have a level 49 Mage with 16 wisdom(yes I know its terrible), but I was not aware of wisdom's actual purpose when I started and I leveled very fast. Now that I am high in level I have became very aware of how important it is. I have been doing dailies with my mage, but have a level 18 mech as well. If I do dailies with my mech, and also with my mage, my mage will get 750 in wisdom, instead of only 250..is this correct? If not, please explain. I am trying to understand because I need to level my wisdom as quickly as possible. Also are there any good places that I might farm for wisdom? Thank you very much!
  2. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Maxing out wisdom takes 5 or more months. According to the dev that stops by the forum on occasion, something may be done about that one day.

    For now, if you have 2 characters, the one with lower wisdom points gets the bonus. You'll essentially be flip flopping which one gets the bonus and both will gain faster.

    As far as farming goes, any map and abandoned chest can provide wisdom points.

    The only quick way to get wisdom is to buy it, which is very expensive. There are 25% sales on occasion, but still expensive for what you get (in my opinion).
    GoulishNightmares likes this.
  3. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    you can get wisdom from daily deal also
    GoulishNightmares likes this.
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    And if done right, you do the character with lower wisdom first after the day resets and then the higher character becomes the lower one and you can leapfrog the bonus. You end up earning wisdom three times faster if you keep the rotation up.
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