R201 and NEW event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by avalon31, Nov 3, 2017.

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  1. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    Will the bosses like Asar/Djin and maybe others who do not require keys to kill before patch 201 require them after the patch is implemented? Or can they be killed without investing any keys therefore finish the big hunt event without having to farm a single key?
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The Djinn was always taking keys per entry ... only Asar's access requirement is changed. I would say fixed ... since he should have always had them at first place.

    Everything is the same as before
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2017
  3. Theusen

    Theusen Padavan

    LoL Incorrect! Pls dont speak about stuff U clearly dont know about, ty!
    Djinn requires 3 keys in mode 4, that is correct! ...however he does not require keys in mode 2 and 3
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Ahhh here comes the misinformed Theusen


    Clean your temp files it might solve your issue XD .. or maybe not.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  5. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Sorry charlie. Djinn doesn't have a mode 3.
    Djinn only has: mode 0 (Normal), mode 1 (Painful), mode 2 (Excruciating), and mode 3 (Fatal).

    There is no Infernal I or II, so no mode 4 or 5. ... Too bad, so sad, see ya on another day.
  6. Theusen

    Theusen Padavan

    LoL misinformed??? Lets just review this shall we? U were answering this post WRONG:

    By saying that Fugnuts was wrong here:

    ...when he clearly wasnt:
    [​IMG] http://prntscr.com/hb45gt[​IMG] [​IMG]
    NO KEYS required here in mode 2!!!
    Nor in here in mode 3!

    So the only misformned person who is trying to misinform others here is not me! :p (as usual, but nice try)
    LoL so many things wrong here, lets go over a few: First U say that Djinn doesnt have a mode 3 in the next line U say that he does? Make up yer mind will ya?:oops:
    ...and the modes doesnt start w 0! Djinn have mode 1, 2, 3 and 4! When asking a person to count to 10, nobody starts counting w the number zero! And no1 asks for groupruns in mode 0 either! (at least I havent seen any in the more than 7 years I have played this game)
    ...and the names Theusen, not Charlie! :D

    *drops mic and walks out*
  7. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    the correct phrase should be
    *drops the mic and walks out in shame, because he didn't realize it is a r201 post"
  8. Theusen

    Theusen Padavan

    LoL ofc I did! Try reading the entire post again pls! Maybe a lightbulb will turn on above Ur head this time! (or maybe its time to change it?)
    ...Ah Im in a good moode 2day; lets make it easier for UndergroundKiller:
    Fugnuts was asking about the upcomming chances in r201 as oppsed to the present r200 now try and READ from the top, m'kay? -M'KAY!
  9. UndergroundKiller

    UndergroundKiller Forum Expert

    Let's make it easy for Theusen then :rolleyes:

    Fugnutus asked if Asar/Djinn would have needed key after r201 (wich means in r200 they didn't).

    Trakilaki replied saying that Djinn always needed keys with r201, while they where introduced later for Asar (since at the beginning of r201 Asar didn't need them), wich can be translated to an answer like "yes, you'll need keys for both of them since you would have always (from r201_1) needed keys to kill the Djin, and from the latest r201 fixes, you'll need keys for Asar too".

    You replied to Trakilaki saying that he was wrong because the Djinn entrance required keys only playing mod4 (wich is infernal, counting painfull as mod1, or fatal, counting normal as mod1).

    Trakilaki showed you some screens where you can see that the Djinn is aking keys in the other modes too (playing r201, since Fugnutus question was about key requirements in r201).

    Finally, you posted screenshots made in r200, that were showing free entry for (edit) Djinn (edit ends) boss room while Fugnutus question was about r201; wich proves that my previous post isn't as stupid as you wanted to make it looks like.
    'M 'KAY? :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2017
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  10. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    The funny thing is that you took these screenshots in the last 5 minuets that these conditions would even exist because Trakilaki was talking about R201 (Check out the thread's title "R201 and NEW Event.")

    Context is everything and you are totally missing the context.
  11. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Holy cowboy! You can kill Djinn in normal now?
    Here comes my dailys, Now I can kill the bugger for the daily rewards. Hip hip hooray! :p
    Or have I missed the bus already? Was it already possible from the 200 release? :(
  12. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    I also was not aware of this change....
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    There is a screenshot ^ from live server ... it clearly shows 3x keys are required to access the dungeon.
    If keys are required in Fatal ... and if the game shows you no keys required in Painful and Excruciating ... isn't it obvious it is a bug?
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