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Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by DSO Production Team, Aug 16, 2017.

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  1. diagorasbakas

    diagorasbakas Forum Apprentice

    All you guys said over and over again did not fullfill my complains... all you said is that dragonknight is perfectly balanced and that im meeting twinks... believe it or not im not meeting twinks... in my arena experience i've played against hundreds of dragonknights and all of them are so hard to kill ... i don't say that all of them are unkillable i say that they can so easily become unkillable since their abilities allow it. Spellweavers have mind control and lots of poking resources... Rangers have that 45 level thing that oneshots... steam mechanicus have these robots that do everything for them AND ITS OK... the problem with dragonknights is that they are hardly punished if they are in a wrong spot... the only way to deal actual damage before being oneshoted is to armor penetrate them and as i told already ITS IMPOSSIBLE
  2. diagorasbakas

    diagorasbakas Forum Apprentice

    I am not going to restart a new character for it is borring to do all these quests that are the same for every chapter over and over again just to join a thing that i hate... I can't imagine a more boring thing than two dragonknights fighting.
  3. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    There is no reason to nerf another class because you don't understand how to overcome that other class's skills. Try playing one and you'll see where the weaknesses are and what you can exploit.
    wolfie54 and _Baragain_ like this.
  4. diagorasbakas

    diagorasbakas Forum Apprentice

    I stilldon't know if you guys have actual suggestions or you are modified to give the same answers over and over again... i already said that making other characters is boring and why dragonknight has no weaknesses
  5. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Fab complains about everything, maybe that's the strategy he employs to win, he kills everyone with whine

    Strong Dks take a long time to build, he has been unlucky

    Listen to make to deathless dragon knights, you have to play a long long time, usually dragon knight you encounter are easily killable
    And i say that as a mage
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
  6. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    So because you find it impossible to kill a DK, you want every single DK in the game to be nerfed.

    That fully covers your complaint right?

    Many have explained that there are twinks are lower levels, but you absolutely refuse to listen. You believe that you know everything because you have a whole couple of weeks of experience and that the games needs to be changed because you are unhappy.

    If you think that level 45 is too hard, I can imagine how much you'll whine when you get to end game and face off against real OP characters.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  7. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Aye ... lets keep our heads buried in the sand and pretend we "see no evil, hear no evil" :D
    The arena is a joke ATM.
    There are 2 ways in which the arena is broken;
    1. the game breaking set buffs makes it broken for all classes
    2. DKs are only class that are broken not just with the sets but with skills as well.

    Wait until you get to cap level ... and see their real power ... where both conditions 1+2 are met
  8. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    He's like a flat-earthers, you can't convice him, in a few posts we'll probably see him cry conspiracy

    let's see if he likes to see the dks nerfed and then making tanking impossible
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  9. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Actually i have been in this game for a bit over 6 years and i have to agree with trakilaki . He is called dragon KNIGHT , if you know what knight means in every game is literary a class which has a lot of hp, but without a lot of defence so aka 2h tank with 50 k hp but no block,

    Im gonna give a brief summary of the game since lv 40 there that classes were balanced since the highest dmg wsas smt like 400-500 at best , then lv 45 came in and for some unknown reasons tanks got crit hit from thei axe like what, not to mention no onther class has their dragon hide skill which is busted beyond believe ( it even used to give them atack speed ), At lv 50 they forced for the knights to go into tank mode which broke the class. They have skills which work for either 1 h or 2h and on arena to have a dmg character with really high defensive skills is pretty much perfect.They even buffed the scaling on the rage jump so since lv 50 we know the definition of 1shot jump.

    Yes the game needs a tanking class but not in the way the current DRAGON KNIGHT works.Im gonna rant for 1 more thing so bear with me.
    The fact that from lv 50 THEY MADE TANKS AND DWARF SUITABLE TO PLAY TOGETHER ONLY.Mages cant give buff to the group,except the singularity which has 30 sec cd,while rangers can be sometimes helful with the no cd armor break but in rare cases this makes the dk and sm players pretty much more powerfull due to being able to go to higher tier.Why do you think the first videosof weapon transfers were from dwarfs ? The game is in pretty unbalanced state, i wont say nerf this or that but pretty much smt needs to be done . Iknow that soon every one in one team will be giving buffs to the team but that still wont make rangers and mages compare to dwarfs tesla.Why cant mages give cooldown reduction with singularity to the team or smt (rangers have armor bbeak but they can give somekind of a buff too)

    P.s. excuse me if i want to "mad" on this topic but it was something on my mind for almost 3 years now. Have a nice day cheers :)
  10. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    They have to separate pve and pvp

    Well, giving a skill similar to tesla to mages and rangers would be a good idea, for me, it'll boost the power of groups, as i already do not discriminate
    It can be argued that mages have already that skill, sadly it doesn't help with the bosses, but extending the last talent to all, not just the caster is a good idea to me
    I don't know what to give to rangers, maybe armor break to bosses?It's an idea, more expert players will give much more informed ideas

    They don't know how to balance, so if they touch something, they'll ruin it
  11. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Many of us have tilted at that particular windmill more than a few times. DSO claims that it cannot be separated.

    heror was correct in the fact that long before the major expansions took place and dmg levels shot through the roof, things were closer to being balanced. Compared to what we have today, it was almost perfect.

    I don't know what the answer is now to truly fix pvp or if it even can be fixed under the current system.

    What bugs me the most is the wave of "nerf" talk that happens every time someone gets butt hurt because they lose a few matches to one class or the other.

    I gave up pvp many releases ago (do not miss it one little bit) and yet I still get nerfed because of pvp.

    For all those who talk about "fair", I would love to know why those of us who do not pvp need to be nerfed.

    Here is a simple fact that most over look. You never, ever hear any of the truly OP players complaining, no matter which class they play.

    As broke as pvp is, those with monster builds adapt and still manage to find a way to win.

    One look at the leader boards of pvp proves that there isn't any one class that completely dominates. Any class can be OP if you put in the time/money.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  12. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    There are people on these forums have forgotten more about this game than you know. We know what you are dealing with, even if you don't.
    That still doesn't explain why you aren't playing a DK if you think that they are so amazing.
    Finally, if you are going to stick around the forums, lean to quote more than one message in a post or the mods will jump all over you if you leave this thread. (This thread is sort of like Switzerland... they stay neutral about the stuff that goes on here.)

    And since he is playing at LVL 45, that is how the players who know that they are talking about know that he is fighting twinks/former twinks. That, or he is really bad at fighting tanks and he needs to learn... and one of the best ways to learn, as Dragonnns pointed out, is to make a DK, play as one, and learn the weaknesses to exploit. If he is too lazy to do that, he can always watch videos on youtube of SWs, RAs, and SMs wiping the floor with DKs.

    Yep, and suggesting he make a DK is like offering a flat-earther a trip to space... they find an excuse not to because they don't really want to be confronted by the truth.

    To diagorasbakas, until you make a video of you playing a LVL 45 DK and obliterating every player you fight, you have no ground to stand on. Yes, PvP is broken as hell, but you have no frame of reference to judge in what way and how bad. At LVL 45, and at LVL 55, there are many ultra-tanks with crazy HP/armor/resistance, but at both levels, there are plenty of players who are able to kill those opponents quite handily. If you made a DK and raised it to LVL 45, you would get flattened in PvP by almost every RA/SW/SM that comes your way and even other DKs. Unless you speak from experience, it is better to not speak at all.
  13. Warren219

    Warren219 Forum Apprentice

    Hi there,
    One of my ideas to improve the group farm, In my opinion one of the problems in the groups is that the new players like to find strong players or try to mix in the group of strong players, now I'm not saying that we are not supposed to help new players in the game, but I don't get when I'm trying to find a group of people to play a map with and then find out that 3 of them should be on a normal difficulty instead of inferno1/2 it is really annoying, I know there is such a thing like a guild mates but sometimes there is nobody that u can play with.
    Back in the day u would look at the payer rang and you would know if he is strong or not.
    Now to be a powerful payer what you need is gliphs of power so,
    When upgrading the inventory meaning the helmet, pauldron, torso and so on, upgrading them it would make them more shiny same with weapon and items in the second hand, it would only work up to 5 lvls, so let's say u have the item on lvl 55 upgrading it on lvl 56 would make them shine a little ( it could be any other effect), same rule upgrading them on to next lvl so that at the lvl 60 they look different that the equipment at the normal Lvl 55.
    Before entering the map u would be able to look at the other payers equipment and decide if the group is meeting your desire lvl. Now upgrading tiers of your equipment could give you some visual effects, especially meaning weapons, why is Q7 t1 weapon looking exactly like t5 weapon, it doesn't make sense you are upgrading it so it should look different then the one on t1.
    Thanks for replying to our posts.
  14. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    It was suggested in the past to let people inspect the equipment of those invited in groups

    This would be enough, no need for shiny equipment, which would be covered by costumes
    Invincible Dks are a plot of the goverment to hide us from the flat earth in their satanic agenda to separate us from god

    Makes sense
  15. diagorasbakas

    diagorasbakas Forum Apprentice

    So many answers and quotes that don't even relate to what im talking about... im not refering to players and how easy is to make a dragonknight (and actually your items give you too much stats even for a common item) im talking about he's abilities... now if you want to spam about twinks and how hard to make a dragonknight really is ... go on serve your self you are missing the point... the abilities are op not the character making... I believe there's a reason all the game is filled with dragonknights ...
  16. diagorasbakas

    diagorasbakas Forum Apprentice

    Are you acting like you do not understand what im talking about or you missing brain cells? 45 46 47 48 49 IT DOESNT MATTER im NOT talking about PLAYERS im talking about ABILITIES. Also i've already said that this game is boring to start over again for its missions are the same thing in every chapter... also i've already said that im not going to join a braindead crue just to kill someone by smashing my keyboard ... i cannot imagine something more boring than a fight between two dragonknights
  17. diagorasbakas

    diagorasbakas Forum Apprentice

    We are talking about a "MMO" obviously the player with the best armor or the most glyphs or whatever will win... Obviously someone can't just make a dragonknight and split people in half... But your items are op too you can have both crit and block rate at the same shield... and your ABILITIES (yeah astounding right im talking about the abilities) give you the permission to have whatever you want as an equipment.Two handed weapon only damage and no ats? you have that thing that gives you ats. Bored of having boots?You gain movement speed... and these arent the things that concern me... Im only interested on DRAGON HIDE and the fact that for 9 seconds you can do whatever you want no matter what.
    P.S. before you start smashing these keyboards with the same answers as before let me tell you ONCE AGAIN that im NOT talking about PLAYERS nor TWINKS nor LEVELS i am simply talking about ABILITIES and especially DRAGON HIDE ... put that in your mind before rolling your head and copy pasting whatever the guy before you mentioned
  18. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Ican understand your frustration.The original intent for the dragon hide skill was to make the dk not die (in lv 40 tanking was rly hard without the agro skill )Such skill as in other games is for close range classes that have only dmg and no hp, however dragon knight is nowhere low on hp as intended.Actually i would argue the only thing that makes the class unballanced is the mobility it has, if you have so much mobility and stuns (3 and if you are 1h with the heredur set almost 4 ) you should not have a skill which makes you invulnerable.The fact that the developers try to make the dk warrior but also tank means that they can remove the dragon hide skilol unless they make a new class solely created for tanking only with defensive skills(and since we know they wont do that because ahem lazyness ,we have to bear with this op wannabe tank/fighters.
    P.S you are not the only one who goes against powerfull tanks but build your cahracter before going to arena( you need move speed and decent armor 50 percent atleast if you hope t play arena or you will cry for every class being busted with the sets availlable on lv 55).I pretty much play agains grand marchals and i ahve only 1 set ,not even a set weapon and i still outplay them so skills are also a major factor here
    Have a nice day cheers. :)
  19. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    My friend, you are trying to have a rational discussion with our little headcase, but he's not interested in a rational discussion, he's just here to vent off his butthurt because he was killed by a dragon knight, and he's looking for someone to agree with him. His complaint doesn't have any rational basis, if the class that killed him was,say, a dwarf, he would be complaining about dwarves

    He's also level 45, he's not experienced, he has to be at least lvl 55 to have any shred of credibility
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Ability? Are you talking about you not having any playing ability? I play a DK and I would argue that I'm one of the most knowledgeable DKs in the game when it comes to the math/theory-craft behind DKs. As such, I am well versed in what a DK can do and what a DK can't do and I can say with absolute certainty that DKs are not invincible and there are many methods for killing them. For every argument about OP skills you can make, I can offer a counter strategy for every class. If you complain about 8 seconds stun immunity, I counter with run speed to avoid them during the buff. If you complain about chain stuns, I argue that you should be careful to avoid bleed attacks which make the chain stuns possible which goes back to run speed. If you argue about HP regen from Lifekeeper, I'll tell you to avoid using low damage spamable skills in favor of heavier hitting attacks to overcome that regen per hit. If you complain about regen from Battle Frenzy (which you've probably barely even encountered yet since DKs get HP regen from this skill at LVL 48), I recommend you improve and sustain your DPS since the regen is a fixed rate to overcome. If you whine about high runspeed DKs running you down, I recommend using slowing attacks. And, one of the top defenses against a DK is to not let him get anywhere near you... and there are easily half a dozen tactic to achieve that.
    Abilities are only a very small part of the equation... much more significant is stats, skill, and tactics. Judging from your rants, I'd say you are lacking on all three of those fronts.


    Even then, I'll keep ignoring 99% of what he thinks he knows until he is a Novice Knight of the Order or can at least put together a well reasoned argument backed by facts and not limited perception.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 29, 2017
    TwiliShadow, semen470 and Novadude like this.
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