herald item drop rate after 150+ kills and still did not get it.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by zakar-mocro, Nov 26, 2017.

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  1. zakar-mocro

    zakar-mocro Forum Apprentice

    I have done more 150 kills and farms on solo and with a group and stil only got the hands and that's it 1 herald item in 150 kills on painful mode. is this normal?
  2. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    Quite normal. Weapons don't drop easy. Most of the uniques are hard to get (especially at bellow fatal modes).
    For me, buy it with materi.
  3. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    For a long time DSO took away the painful uniques and when they brought them back the drop rate is pitiful to say the least. I guess it is possible for a weapon to drop, but I would recommend buying it if you want it anytime soon.
  4. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    The developers themselves said that the uniques in painfull will have less chance of a drop due to being painfull after all and its easier unlike before when you could obtain them only on fatal and some ppl could match the difficulty
  5. zakar-mocro

    zakar-mocro Forum Apprentice

    ooh oke so i should just save up and buy the weapon.
  6. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Therein lies the problem. It is this type of thinking that helps to create and maintain the vast gap between the newer/weaker players and the super strong. Which of course leads to the whining about OP players.

    When someone reaches the PW, they should be able to put in the time/effort and be rewarded enough to move to the next tier and so on.

    I get the idea of "selling" items, but if they didn't keep the drop rate so miserably low on purpose, it wouldn't be needed.
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