Missing Solstice Piggies in Normal Mode

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Dragonnns, Dec 8, 2017.

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  1. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Some of the piggies in the Solstice Event are not quite where you think they should be in normal mode. Based on the wiki article's sorting, here are some screen shots:

    Map 1 (Green) - Piggie 3 - Note the piggie is on the other side of the tree:


    Map 2 (Purple) - Piggie 4 - Piggie is on the other side of the waterfall:


    Map 3 (Red) - Piggie 2 - Piggie is on a different part of the roof:


    Map 4 (Yellow) - Piggie 1 - Just a note that the piggie has dropped down a tad and can hide under the icons above your skill bar:


    I have not yet found the replacement for the Map 4 (Yellow) Piggie 3.
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    They are at same locations ... only the red piggie #2 is slightly displaced but at same location (in front of the chimney) and the yellow piggie #3 is slightly down.

  3. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    The purple piggie is completely across the river from where it is on painful. The others are close but not quite. Just trying to help others who have problems finding them.
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