Block rate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ijzerreus, Jan 29, 2018.

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  1. ijzerreus

    ijzerreus Forum Apprentice

    Can someone explain to me what the difference is between improved block rate and increased block rate?
    For example this is in both cases 20%, what does that mean in numbers for the block rate?

    Thanx in advance :rolleyes:
  2. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    As you wrote it, it means the same. Having said that, there is a difference between Increased Block Rate on This Item and Increased Block Rate.

    On This Item increases the base stat on that item only.
    The latter increases total block rate.

    E.g. you have OnThisItem 20%, and Increased 20%, and base line on shield 1000. Result would be
    (1000+20%) = 1200.
    1200 + 20% = 1440.

    Hope it helps.
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    On the other hand, if you had both of them as "on this item," you would only get a total of 1400 block rate. That is just a small example of how powerful the multiplicative nature of those stats are.

    Unfortunately, Increased Block Rate on shields doesn't exist anymore (you can only get it on pauldrons and some uniques (? maybe ?)). In the past, you could get up to about 65% increased block rate on a shield. Mixing it with modern % Increased Block Rate on this Item could make for some insane shields, but it requires some nice old lines to work with.

    For example, currently, you have access to the following sort of stats:
    If you have a T6 Heredur shield with 4500 block rate at LVL 60 crafted with 2x 60% Block Rate on this item and T6 Battleworn Pauldrons with 3000 block rate crafted with 40% block rate, you would be looking at a block rate of:

    (4500*2.2+3000)*(1+0.4+0.5)=24500, or 76.6% in T6.

    This is good, but the old type stats are even better (not even considering the old lines of 0.60-0.65 block strength when current lines max out at 0.37).

    With the old type stats like seen below:
    If I get lucky, I could have a shield with +1.28 block strength, 63% Block rate, and 60% Block Rate on this item. On a T6 Heredur shield (with helmet) and with crafted T6 Battleworn Pauldrons with 40% block rate (and the rest of the set), I could theoretically achieve:

    (4500*1.60+3000)*(1+0.63+0.4+0.5)=25800 block rate or 80% in T6
    (1+1+0.63+0.65+0.25)*1.20=4.24, or 76.39% base reduction (would increase to 80% after 19/25 stacks of the Battleworn set bonus)
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  4. ijzerreus

    ijzerreus Forum Apprentice

    Both Baragain and sebastian_fl thanxx for your explanation of this, it's much clearer for me now. :cool:
  5. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    I still have few of those old ones on my newbie DK. And crafted T1 shield with 120% OTI and 63% overall. Also got random 16% hp) now I need to get unique shield somewhere to craft it, as well as cores) another question is what shield, q3 or premium)

    On my mage, I crafted 2 OTI, 1 Overall, 1 reduction 64%) into golden riddle. All block I need with one item - 80/64 in pvp without dragan/q3. Unfortunately, it's completely useless)
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    That is a tough call. I have enough old lines to make two such shields, so I'll be trying (in a year or so) to make one of each.
  7. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    I have three PP. Depending on how the 'fix' the balance, one could become much better. I guess I'll wait and see. For now premium should be better, with the whole set.
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