Upcoming bot/cheater ban

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Rhysingstar, Mar 5, 2018.

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  1. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    It's been a long time coming, but I just wanted to say Thank you Devs!
    GoulishNightmares likes this.
  2. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    While the are still game mechanic items that need doing those are kinda moot without restoring the game's integrity.

    Luck be with ye,
    Rhysingstar likes this.
  3. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    I made tons of screenshots of the leaderboards. I suggest you do the same on your servers, so we can compare tomorrow. I'm curious and pessimistic about the volume of the ban wave.
    Rhysingstar likes this.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Hand them over ... we can make use of them.
  5. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Not seeing a huge difference on Tegan (at least with DK's). Either some got away with it or their claims of cheating were false.

    I did not do screen shots of the other classes, so I'm not sure what happened with them.

    It was very nice to see everyone on my friends list made it through by playing fair.
  6. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Most DK on Grimmag survived too. Mages were extreme botters. But ranking doesn't account for using exploit. Exploiters were banned but their ranking kept as is. So there might be some other banned as well, but it is impossible to identify comparing the rankings.
  7. Reckless

    Reckless Forum Greenhorn

    I think this company is not getting how close to lose a massive number of players is.
    First tons of bugs, then the only positive thing in years, was just a dirty joke.
    On Heredur basically ALL the most famous BOTTERS are still online, you are pathetic, any other word can explain it better.
    I defended most of time the work of everyone involved in BP, but this fake banwave is the final demonstration that this game is slowly dying because even top people got sick.
    This company have zero respect for their money slave (players).

    I've always been respectfull to players, staffers and to be honest nothing will change in my "playtime" with or without bots but this:

    Is the biggest EDIT I ever read in my life.
    Ok details could help bot makers, but this result (of today) help us deciding to leave this game.
    How can you really write "we have defined a specific time frame that, in our opinion, ensure that we will hit active players"?
    I can accept someone is not banned, one, two, three mistakes, but on Heredur there are a lot of people who Botted for MONTHS till 2-3 weeks ago, so let's be honest what is the useless "specific time frame" that in "your opinion" will "hit active players", 1-2 weeks?
    I cannot write here all the people we all know on Heredur but there are A LOT of them and they saved their EDIT only because they stopped 2-3 weeks ago (or at the end of the last Leaderboard).
    Ofc my opinions are about BP itself not about staffers.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 7, 2018
    66Styve66 likes this.
  8. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Prove it. The bot forum is full of people whining about getting banned and only one person claimed to have escaped the ban by only using it during the day, and even that is dubious. The people you think are botters may be cheating by having multiple people play the same account, but if they were using a bot, they are gone. And if you can prove it, contact support instead of running your mouth here.
    Do you understand anything about offense vs. defense? It doesn't matter if it is sports, war, hacking, whatever. The key to all of these sorts of adversarial relationships is denying your enemy as much information as possible. Give them any information and they will use it to the fullest. Any detail that could help the bot maker make their bot better is a detail that the bot maker shouldn't get their hands on. Sure, I'd love to hear the total number of bots that were banned and see a list of shammed characters, but what I want more is a game where the bot developer stops development and support for the bot because they can't make any money off it anymore.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 7, 2018
    GoulishNightmares likes this.
  9. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    Im playing on Heredur and what you are saying is at least a big joke. I know the bot users since the very first time that the leaderboards were introduced to the game. The botters were spotted instantly and most of them did the same thing over and over for more than 1 year. Now, i see that most of them have dissapeared from the leaderboards, i cannot find them even by typing their name, so dont try to play it smart and call dso and bp a joke, you are a joke. If you are referring to players that have used the daily deal bug then there will be another ban wave for those.
    As for those so called by you botters that you think they are botters, if you are so sure go ahead and report them to bp and see what happens with them. If you dont have real proof that they are botters and you are one of those that just assume something like this just by looking at the points in the leaderboards, then all i can say is: geez with people like you.

    P.S: Dont think that i have not spotted some of those botters still around, but did you honestly think every botter would get hit? 1 fine example is a clown dk that keeps doing m1 runs in every single q and is always first at the q5 solo leaderboards. What i did? i reported him again and again till they do something. I did not come here to whine and say: buhu im gonna leave the game. Nobody is forcing you to play the game nor pay to play this game, so there is no reason to cry that hard about it
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 7, 2018
    GoulishNightmares likes this.
  10. Isn't this ban wave on bots/cheaters suppose to be an ongoing thing? Not just this once, but periodically. I really like this idea of ongoing checks.
  11. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Maybe the mods should do like they did after the 2014 ban and release the total number of accounts banned.

    I haven't seen a whole lot of complaining, but a quick google search shows new and improved bots being offered today. Cheaters will always find a way, so hopefully DSO will in fact stay on top of this and do ban waves with every new release.
  12. wolfie54

    wolfie54 Active Author

    I think this latest ban was a very good step in the right direction. I'll reserve further comment for the on-going process as it unfolds. For now, thanks DSO, you have returned a measure of my trust in your message and efforts.
    Dragonnns and Yogo like this.
  13. Anyki

    Anyki User

    Hello @Rhysingstar,

    Unfortunately we (moderators) have not been given any numbers and it is up to BP to dictate whether or not they wish to release any. In this case, it appears they have declined to disclose any. Feel free to speculate why, but no reasons were given either.

  14. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    I see claims of known botters not being banned
    Are those false or there is truth to those claims?
  15. Reckless

    Reckless Forum Greenhorn

    I don't waste time telling you how desperate I'm for bots, it's obvious you don't know me at all.

    You were "a bit" late if you spotted the bot users only after the leaderboards if you think the bot users are all dumbass players like those one that used it in Qs.
    I'm pretty sure you don't even know how many famous/strong people use it and didn't get banned.
    There are at least 10 names of people who used bot for 6 months ore more and just because they stopped with the previous leaderboard season they didn't get banned, that's why I feel free to write that this "defined a specific time frame that, in our opinion, ensure that we will hit active players" is (according to the facts) less than 2 months and isn't the right one in my opinion.
    You said you play on Heredur, did you see how many botters didn't "bot" in the last 1-2 months?
    Maybe because of the events, maybe not, but compared to the previous season this one had only few botters in the top.
    And they banned just a couple of thousand chars if you wanna know.
    Compared to the last banwave is a joke as you can see by numbers.
    People you cannot find are those one who changed name because they are going to buy an account later and use that name to show everyone they didn't get ban or just because they don't want people to know. If you look for banned people if they didn't change the name of their char before the ban you can find them.

    If you want to delude yourself hoping all get banned you're free to do it but I won't since I know personally few people who didn't get ban and they were having fun about it yesterday morning.
    Bot forums and leaderboards, I get now why not all get banned if BP have same sources.
    I didn't and I won't waste my time recording bots or screenning chats with some people I know because is not my job (some people in those video are still online :D) and because people are not all stupid they write those things in facebook, discord, team speak, whatsapp, and it's even more useless to send it to support.
    But are usefull for me to be sure this banwave saved some bot users that used it for many months except these last 2 months.
    Infact except my friends, I can see some famous bots online and I guess I don't need to write their name when you can easily check on game if they are online.
    This banwave seems to me like when italian police arrest 200 poor low rank idiots in those blitz against the mafia and people are happy as hell when bosses of everything are still free and nothing will change for real.
    When EDIT will start again botting like a pig in the next leaderboard I will come here again to show you that nothing is changed in leaderboards and we'll have the same problem. Just to make an example.
    I cannot be happy about a banwave that banned EDIT for 1 month bot using and didn't banned EDIT botting since 6 months.
    If you are I'm glad for you.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 7, 2018
    Demon likes this.
  16. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    I'll start this post by telling u guys a little story....

    I play on a "dead " server...its so dead that u know the amount of pvp matches that will start each day...+/- 1 or 2...Anyways...The benefits of playing on a dead server is that u pretty much know everyone and everyone knows u.When the first bot ban wave occured, few minutes after we were able to play we knew who got banned and who didnt, altough BP never released any names after the ban wave.When u play on a small sever where the same 20 ppl are on each day u know when a botter appears or when a top payer does ....people talk about him, u meet him in duels and so on...

    After this so called patch that shouldve removed them botters and exploiters a lot of those "OP" players that appeared overnight on this small server that im playing on, well....they still can play.This means two things, either i was wrong and some people decided to invest few thousand $ ingame (overnight), on a dead server just so they wont be able to do pvp but to farm (who would do that)..or the patch was a fail and they only banned people who botted/exploited in the past days.

    To prove that BP banned only those who botted in the past days is easy as hell..How you might wonder..Well the answer lies within support.If you delete by accident/lose items, the support will only give u back the items that were lost during the last 2-3 weeks max.Same happened with the bot waves...those who botted till the last minute got banned, those who botted up till weeks ago are good to go.Most likely same happened with the daily exploiters.Who exploited in the last days got a ban, who did it 1 year ago is free cuz BP wont track people that far back.BP does not track actions that took place months or years ago..they barely manage to do something about current situations lol..U have to be really naive to bellieve that BP is tracking every botter since Jesus Christ died for the humanity...i mean since last ban wave..xD

    This is why i was afraid that sitting idle and not doing a thing wont help at all.Sure, the admins can come here and say omfg..every botter was banned, but players know that its BS...BP only tracks the actions that occured in 1 month max or so and this is why so many botters got away with it.

    Some people might quote me and say ...prove it..that botters still play...ill say the same before they do that..prove it that they dont.Can a normal player prove that a botter still plays or no? Doubt it ...
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
  17. rzixnion

    rzixnion Forum Apprentice

    I plead for my case.
    I admit I used bot but, I only used it for "5-6hrs max total" ,I used the free version where you can use it 30 minutes a day, I used the bot for about 2 weeks and it wasn't even daily cause I skipped some days.
    and the thing is I only used it in spawning ground for my daily challenge monster kills for my lvl 44 dk, I didn't use it in pw to gain rank in leaderboard or anything, I stopped using bot way before the ban wave was announced.
    OK here's the problem .
    Back when there's piñata bug when most players have used it you only applied punishment to those who abused the bug and you excluded the ones who used it minimally.
    So if that is your logic please be consistent with it and apply it in the bot ban wave.
    Compare 6 hours to those bot users who are in the top 10 in leaderboards in pw.
    God knows how much total hours they spent using bot to be in top 10 always and for how long they've been using it since your last bot ban wave. Compare that to my 5-6 hours total usage. PLEASE BE CONSISTENT with your actions.
    I really think that players like me should be excluded, please Bigpoint give me second chance cause I really miss my toons/characters.
    Hoping for your kind consideration. Please reconsider Bigpoint. Thanks.
  18. Anyki

    Anyki User

    Hello @sargon234,

    The moderator team does not write the script to ban players. Nevertheless, I have confidence in the BP team for doing things right. Without a doubt, there will be players who will yell "liar" regardless of what I say, but until proven otherwise, the appropriate players have been banned with r207.

  19. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    I have seen that from the beginning when someone tell us that exploit is from september.
    Is impossible to keep data that old.I challenge them to send me on my mail a crafting log form december or a log of my Drakens because that month i have lost 3k by mistake i will like to see what happen there.
    But i guess if someone not so greedy has fill his bags with runes that time (~october) and after that he stop exploiting is now in pvp.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  20. KubQn

    KubQn Forum Apprentice

    So basically if they won't ban the bot users you would still be doing it for "30mins everyday", aswell as if you probably would be able to get the 'full version' of the bot you talk about you would use it like the others. I don't see a reason why players like you shouldn't be banned. You deserved it, and you knew the risk of using the bot.

    I think that they should post to us list of ALL banned people, what personal informations are here that they don't want to do that? A nickname used in the internet? They would make us trust them more if they do that.

    Also sadly I think that community here is right and they don't storage data for more than ~~month. I won't talk about it since I wasn't paying attention to the who is a 'bot user' and who's not, but if they don't they obviously won't be able to even ban all of the exploiters.
    GoulishNightmares likes this.
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