Feedback Defeat The Undefeatables - March Edition

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Sunlight, Mar 16, 2018.

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  1. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    I just noticed a mini bug, when the daily challenge is "kill bearak monstrum" even if you kill asar the challenge is clompleted. So in other words that daily challenges like "kill the 3rd mini boss"
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Well how can I know that in advance :p ... at that point I couldn't get both the crown and the body.

    4x lesser rune of relentlessness and 1x lesser rune of the vanquisher ... so far.
    Of course all from chests ... i am not counting those from the progress.
  3. Aslandroth

    Aslandroth Regular

    traki, is that from the 10 key or 1 key chests? Or a mix?
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    There is no mix ... they are dropping only from the golden chests.
    For now i am opening only those golden chests ... there is a plenty of time to open those small ones :) (if you know what I mean :D )
  5. Paavelsons

    Paavelsons Regular

    well im done for today. 18 golden chest opened on inf1 and inf2. no andorment no cloack no rune.

    i truly wanted to play this event for those runes. but nothing. they are pointless runes and yet still hard to get hands on them.
    for 1h builds they are yeah needed for ea shots but cant compare 1h buld with q7 set.

    i hope devs open theyr ayes and increase rune drops. and rune drop for vanguisha rune too. usless andorment + rune and cant even try this because i dont get it.. yeh because i dont craft 120% on no tier items. devs think players are stupid ? pff
  6. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Yes, they do

    But many are woke and don't buy their lies anymore
  7. Aslandroth

    Aslandroth Regular

    So I have only been able to play here and there due to work. So far I've done 59 runs, most in painful. Maybe 10 in normal and 2 in excruciating. On the last one, I just received my first flame of phoenix.
    Aside from progress bar the only rune that dropped was from the first golden chest.
    Granted, my small number of runs isn't enough to make assumptions about the larger probability, but I feel like the drop rates are low.
    It isn't a surprise, but based on the event description, it feels like yet again, BP sold me a bill of goods, and then came up short on the delivery.
  8. Paavelsons

    Paavelsons Regular

    okey. this is getting out of hand.. in total i buyed 1800 ports. now roundup 700 left.

    what i get from infernal is plain zero rune/unique. zero nada nothing. NOTHING.

    some uniques capes droping but no need it. i dont see point of that cape.
    but andorment around 5 andorment got in painful modes by farming keys for infernal 3 10 keys chest opening.

    i regret to buy that much ports for this event . even fullmoon gives more runes than this weak gold coin melt glyps event.

    i am defeated.. i liked last event more of that type of event..
  9. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    Good event, I'm getting a lot of gems, gliphs, infernal passages, drakens, tears.

    Another interesting thing is devs decided to make this event farmable in painful which I like because it makes it worthwhile for anyone.
    xXxTroublexXx likes this.
  10. Aslandroth

    Aslandroth Regular

    The gem drops are pretty good and I won't complain about more cores. As for playing the event in Painful, which is mostly what I have done, I wouldn't call that worthwhile for everyone. I've got pretty decent gear and can solo most Q's on Fatal but was caught off guard a couple times by Khalys in this event. Some of the stun capabilities of the bosses seem to be beefed up. I would say for a player with average gear, going solo on painful won't be a cake walk.

    The adornment is pretty cool. I'm not going to melt it, though I am not sure if I will tier it up. I will need to of course, if I use it. The drop rates in general for runes has been crumby, and flame of phoenix, unacceptable and downright insulting.

    The ongoing theme I am feeling here is that BP brings us events of varying interest, most of them pretty good. Then they strip the fun away with insulting drop rates, nebulous statements and misinformation. That part needs work in my opinion.
    Shansurri likes this.
  11. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    7+1 and still counting :p
    Anyway ... there is a patch on TS. They should now (when it comes to live server) drop from the first opened golden chest.
    Dragonnns likes this.
  12. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Does the drop of runes vary with difficulty?I have tried both inf 1 and painful, but no runes dropped for me
  13. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    The main goal I got with this event was farm gems, gliphs, drakens.
    The dfference between farming this event in painful or inf 2 is pretty neglectable (I'd say there are very good reasons to farm it in painful over inf 2) and I like this because it doesn't penilize too much new players. Obviusly, not everyone can solo nor everyone will farm at the same speed but you can't even pretend it, there was a time in which events were doable only for endgame players (someone liked it but I didn't). Obviusly what I said shouldn't be taken too litterally but there's also another aspect to consider: as Trakilaki said, you don't need to farm it right now, you could just complete the progress and save your passages left for "better days".

    Based on my personal statistics it doesn't seem that bad, for sure, if you don't think those runes are worthwile, just open 1 key chest for the sure income of a good amount of drakens.
  14. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I agree that the difference between Painful and Infernal 1/2 is rather negligible when it comes to gems and draken (and thus painful is better for less realm frags per run), glyphs are way better in Infernal 1/2. Each boss in the first map drops at least two legendaries and the main boss in the second map drops 2-3 rather consistantly. Total, you can get 120k or more glyphs in 6-8 minuets of farming with blue/purple essence. In one run where I got Dragan and he dropped a unique, I got 187k glyphs in less than 8 minuets. To break that down, I'd have to farm 7-8 extrordinaries a minute in a normal map to reach this rate. It is also good for people who are working on legendary to legendary crafting and need ingredients.
  15. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    No ... the drop on runes is pretty much the same in any difficulty.
  16. Saved_81

    Saved_81 Forum Master

    Actually when it comes to gems, drakens & runes it's way better to farm in painful over any other mod, when it comes to farm gliphs it's way better to farm in inf 2 obviusly looking by the realm fragments spent per resource earned.
    I wanted to be gentle and I wanted to put on the same spot drakens, gems & runes with gliphs, but truth is atm drakens &, for some classes, runes (I will neglect the gems because anyone can farm at any time) are way more important than any other currency/resource so I was gentle when I said it's "neglectable" the difference when you farm in painful or Inf2 because I intended that the 2 highlights could balance among them.
    I wouldn't waste those realm frags to farm gliphs when you can farm em 24/7 but anyone can set his own priorities (I don't need anymore gliphs and I farm legs with tps so...).
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
  17. Paavelsons

    Paavelsons Regular

    so yeah because you are 1h and such builds have higher chances to recive them more often and i got from support very great answer why its so

    support said: "Drops are determined based on a random number generator. Basically, the computer comes up with a random number and checks to see what you should get."

    what you make of that. everything is limited. so i start to play without runes and gems. then i beat the system and get some :D:D
  18. zakar-mocro

    zakar-mocro Forum Apprentice

    I have a problem with the drops i have almost everything but 1 for every pet. and i can not seem to get them. the items i am missing are berachs dolls collar, arachnas dolls teeth, medusas dol tail and herdurs doll weapon. after more the honderd runs got the other items multiple of but can not seem to get these. am i doing something wrong or do u get the items in otherways?
  19. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    First of all, always play at painful.
    Now about the pet parts from chests, i was always opening 3 chests, if there is a 10chest ignore that.
    If you have 2 keys open 1 chest and keep 1 key to open 3chests on the next run.
    Generally the drop is really low. But you have time, find some friends to do quick runs.
  20. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Do not open gold chests if you are after the pets (or Draken, for that matter). The parts can drop from the 1 key chests, so you will get more from the "boring" chests than the gold chests.
    Shansurri likes this.
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