Need some help in Q6

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Zafyre, Mar 18, 2018.

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  1. Zafyre

    Zafyre Forum Apprentice

    Hello there, forum reader!

    I'd like to ask somebody to help me farm the Mortis ring on infernal 1-2 with killing the first map miniboss kinda thing called Mortis' Deathknight(or something like that)


    Thanks for reading
  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    You might need to temper your expectations. I have killed that map boss hundreds of times on infernal 1 and 2 and not gotten a ring drop.

    Also, if you're a ranged character (and especially if you are a mech), that boss is easy to kill solo. Just shoot at him from the cliff.
  3. Zafyre

    Zafyre Forum Apprentice

    The problem is that im too weak to kill the mobs off the cliff and mostly on inf1-2 that boss has teleport.
  4. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Ok, then my recommendation is to get stronger and do this later.
  5. Zafyre

    Zafyre Forum Apprentice

    And how should I? Sry, i'm not good at this game.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Slowly but surely. Getting a T5 or T4 item is not the solution to problems. There is still much work behind the scenes to become strong. The most notable of which is crafting. A well crafted extraordinary item (let alone a legendary) will do more for your build than a single T5 item with it's base enchantments. Focus on crafting things like a good weapon decoration, a good damage torso, or crit helmet. Those will make you much stronger. There are very few items that are going to be better in their raw form than even the most humble of crafted items. One such exception is the Bellicose set, but other than that, just work on your crafting for the time being, and once you have a good item, then work on getting uniques to put your crafted items into.
  7. Zafyre

    Zafyre Forum Apprentice

    I know these thing right, but the proper items doesnt want to drop.
  8. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    I've gotten a couple ROD lately (took forever to get that 1st one) and they've all dropped from the beetle outside of the Mortis Chamber. Still haven't seen one drop from Mortis yet.

    @_Baragain_ is correct, without the necessary crafting items and cores, most unique items are not worth equipping.
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Not necessarily ... in example RoD can be useful with or without crafting. Especially for newbies.
  10. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    That is why I said "most" instead of "all" unique items are not worth equipping without having the necessary crafted enchantments to transfer.
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