New nebula error?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by moutro, Apr 26, 2018.

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  1. moutro

    moutro Forum Greenhorn

    Hello i'm having a problem after todays changes i can't log in my 55 lvl char im getting the following error [​IMG]

    i think its because i had the new crafted pots/elixirs on keybinds like button"D" "H" etc
    i tryed clearing the cache folder also reinstalled the game

    This does not happen when i log other low lvl characters ONLY on my 55 lvl

    Thank you for your time and the work you are putting on the game
  2. Haniball

    Haniball Forum Apprentice

  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Deleting all the files and downloading them again is your best chance. (or try only the settings files)
    Try playing in browser instead in client.
  4. Haniball

    Haniball Forum Apprentice

    I already did that, not working...still getting that nebula error. Please other suggestions?
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You did what?
    Have you played in browser?
  6. VoulaAek1

    VoulaAek1 Forum Connoisseur

    Did you clear the DSO client folder? If you do that, all saved progreses in game's settings will go back to their initial situation, like buttons, sound etc.
  7. moutro

    moutro Forum Greenhorn

    Ye i did also uninstalled the client and reinstalled it just in case nothing ;S
    also tryed different pc to see if something was up with mine
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