PVP is going GEARLESS!?@#

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by bruluci, May 3, 2018.

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  1. bruluci

    bruluci Forum Apprentice

    Just finished watching the official youtube channel and WOW...

    They announced plans to take PVE gear out of PVP.

    Let me be the first to say FINALLY!

    skill vs skill

    -no crying op
    -no waiting for matches
    -everybody can participate at the same level

    Best idea ever!

    Thanks DSO
    Hetsunien and Conqueror21 like this.
  2. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Definitely going to be different and I suspect a ton of whining in general, at least in the beginning as paying won't give you an automatic huge edge.

    We'll have to see how this gets implemented, but it sounds as if they are in fact separating pve from pvp, which for at least that part is a huge plus in my opinion.
  3. Sevilla

    Sevilla Someday Author

    And all gems and runes go to trash in pvp? no sense to gearless, what does sense is only pvp equipment, that you can buy with pvp honour points, some like this.
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Sure, skill vs skill is nice, but there will be some very upset players. People spend months or years farming on their toons and pay significant money. If all that no longer gives any advantage, they will lose a lot of money on a decision like this. I'll hold judgement until we see how it is implemented, but this could blow up in their face.
  5. emmaaxxx

    emmaaxxx Someday Author

    They can just add a new arena that the gear wont matter keeping the old classic arenas that pve gear matters , it will be just only skills and gameplay that will matter on this new arena so ppl with bad gear can play some fair pvp . Removing totally pve gear from the arena it will just destroy the heart of hardcore and pro gamers that farm only to become better on pvp and more possible they will quit for sure the game.
    semen470 likes this.
  6. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    The revenue model will certainly have to be reworked from pay to win to ????

    I truly like the idea of a skill based pvp system. However, replacing instead of adding to may not be the best idea.

    When this hits the test server we may see a new record for complaints. Completely nerfing pvp to the very core is something that I never expected to happen.
  7. babu_o_babu

    babu_o_babu Advanced

    Can you post that video?
  8. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Jump to 38:10 for pvp specific talk.

  9. Nostradamus88

    Nostradamus88 Active Author

    I think it woukd really be great to have these changes going live. It will make pvp balanced. It will not be gearless! If you spent a lot of time and have the best equipment you will play against the same opponents, no stronger nor weaker. Balancing arena basing the matchmaking on gear it does not means arena is gearless. If you still want to play at the best, you can do it. The money issue is not my matter. To me it sounds tue best news ever!
  10. Woudlopertje

    Woudlopertje Someday Author

    We will probably not be able to equip any gems/runes as well which I think is bad. Players who pay into the game don't pay to be stronger in PvE. They pay to be stronger in PvP. Atleast I did. I couldn't care less if I were able to clean Q5 30 seconds faster with my invested money than someone who doesn't pay.
    This is also the reason why I think this will backfire at some point. There is no reason to pay anymore if you ask me. Some F2P players will be happy if something like this hits the live servers. But if many players will stop investing money into it, the game won't be benificial for BP anymore. Ofcourse there will be others who are willing to pay however I doubt that this will be the majority of the players.

    I already spoke to some of the end game players. And they are pretty upset about splitting up PvP and PvE. How could they not be upset about something this major. Spending hours to farm items that basicly become absolute in the near future. The only sole reason I and many others even play PvE is because it's necessary to get stronger in PvP.

    PS: The reason why I think we wont be able to use our gems/runes in PvP is simply because like they stated in the live steam. Is because for example a lvl 35 can't use Qaizah gems or has any decent gems at all. Which would make it ''fair'' to remove those in PvP as well.
  11. Xerustes

    Xerustes Junior Expert

    For me PvE becomes senseless then, as it has no real goal.
    It was just the way to strengthen your character for PvP.

    The PvP character has no connection to the Game character, so it has no Relation to me.
    It is Kind of worthless.

    All efforts spend in PvE will become Waste of Time ans PvE without goal only boring.


    steelfox1973 and semen470 like this.
  12. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    As opposite, lot of people dont care of PvP at all and play it just to get the clover.

    Playing DSO mainly or only for PvP nowadays, considering its obsolete graphic and worn-out effects, means dont know any other PvP game, considering how better and more modern are around.
  13. semen470

    semen470 Padavan

    4 wot should we farm all these equip if it is becoming useless in arena ?
    I spent thousands of Euros in this game to improve my mage and now my dwarf being competitive only to see i was all the time wrong and throwed my money away ?
    Seriously, i dont understand Devs intention bringing up this huge pvp changes onto their priority listing. (shakeheads)!
    EhtovK likes this.
  14. emmaaxxx

    emmaaxxx Someday Author

    Even if u rarely play pvp or never , the motivation to farm comes from the potential pvp activity , if the hard efforts of building a strong gear are not rewarded in some way then late or soon u r bored and the only way to reward this effort is by recognition from other players from pvp = player versus player .
  15. babu_o_babu

    babu_o_babu Advanced

    Interesting! But he is not telling everything, is he? What I fear the worst is the game might finally end of being a " pay to play."
  16. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Removing the clover would empty pvp even more

    Not that i care, pvp it's a cesspit of horrible and stupid
    The only things i care are the mounts and the costumes, but even the quest are annoying, since the require victories, if they were based on partecipation it would be better, much better

    Or perhaps the mounts and the costumes should be offered on sale from the pvp vendors,they should be bought with fame points, this is fair for those who lost those mounts and have now way of recovering them

    The pvp leather board doesn't matter
    Javah likes this.
  17. Archane

    Archane Forum Apprentice

    Well to offer a point of view from a newer player here, i don't care for pvp much, and i do feel there needs to be a seperation between pvp and pve, however, i could see myself possibly enjoying pvp maybe in the future if it was more balanced. To accomplish this end i would hope that the developers come up with a way for those that really enjoy pvp to obtain whole new sets of armor and weapons specific to pvp that allow them to build just like we do in pve but for pvp specifically.
  18. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    You are assuming a lot.

    I do not pvp, not even for the clover. Personally I could not care less if pvp existed at all. I also couldn't care any less if they sold god mode in pvp.

    The ONLY effect pvp has had on me in this game is getting me nerfed.

    DSO has stated in the past that the majority of players do not engage in pvp.

    With that said, I do not believe that completely nerfing pvp is the correct thing to do as it will vastly effect the money this game brings in.

    If this "skill" based idea was added to the current pvp, that would be good thing. It would allow those who wish to play on a level playing field an option to enjoy pvp.

    Maybe DSO goes subscription based like the other big popular games.
    TwiliShadow likes this.
  19. emmaaxxx

    emmaaxxx Someday Author

    Y true , the majority of players dont play pvp cause they lose from the strong minority , thats the reason i also suggested to put a new arena that gear wont matter so low lvl + low gear players can have some fun ,

    but removing totally the gear in arena just destroy the long term competition between players meaning that the game will become like [EDIT] or other like these games. But dso is not made from start like these games , an 180 angle move like this will may cause big disaster...
    Last edited by moderator: May 4, 2018
    semen470 and steelfox1973 like this.
  20. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Watching some movie and talks, it seems to me that they dont want just to remove pve gear from arena, but replace pve gear with some special pvp gear that cant be obtained in pve, but will be sell for money or so.

    Hope i am wrong, some change will have big impact, many players will leave game.
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