If someone needs Dragan INF3 just whisp me.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by animeislife98, May 14, 2018.

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  1. animeislife98

    animeislife98 Forum Apprentice

    If someone (weak player) needs Dragan just whisp me, I play in Heradur, my name is Armagedonom, don't worry i have pearls and i will help.I just know what is to be weak. I will ask you only for a 2 things and they are
    1. If i die you must give me rev stone
    2. Stay back and enjoy the game.

    And i am kinda sad, becouse BP close a Bulgarian Forum :)
  2. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    well hello fellow bulgarian brother. I approve the geniunely good thing you will do :D.
  3. animeislife98

    animeislife98 Forum Apprentice

    That sounds like some wisdom of Yoda from star wars. xD
  4. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    OK, for all those who were defending those condescending and falsely generous threads about helping for events in exchange of hard-earned wood or for pearls: this is actual generosity. Revival stones are a normal thing to only ask for in case they're needed, as from the post I understand he's someone who can solo it, even with the extra difficulty added by additional players in group. This is the difference between actually wanting to help versus trying to profit of other people's resources just because they also get drops. Much respect!
  5. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    hello there.

    If they cant kill the boss its pretty much a win for them. Yes its bad to gain on thers back but considering the donors also get their sets makes this not that bad
  6. animeislife98

    animeislife98 Forum Apprentice

    Guys i have to help on so much players :D pls dont get mad if i dont have a time for all of you :(. I will try ma best whit my pearls i have 113.
    Morinphen likes this.
  7. mariusmgm

    mariusmgm Junior Expert

    i help too when i have time,if im free,just ask,mariushunter
    Morinphen likes this.
  8. animeislife98

    animeislife98 Forum Apprentice

    Sure if you have dmg why not :D I am 34k now and for me is easy inf3 even if we are 3 players in my group. Also my crit chanse is 80% inf3, crit dmg x4,27 atack speed 2,59%. So as I said before, for me is easy, i have pearls, ess, stones, and i dont need anything. That's why i wanna help to others.

    Morinphen and [ηαzz™] like this.
  9. mariusmgm

    mariusmgm Junior Expert

    ya,np,if im not with my guild,i come,have a nice day,im on heredur the same.
    Morinphen and animeislife98 like this.
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