Dragon Knight Tank or Damager for PVE?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by HANEEF, May 15, 2018.

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    HANEEF Forum Greenhorn

    I started playing with the Dragon Knight class and he is level 24 now. i would like to know in which should i focus to be a good PVE player? Going as full tank or Semi tank dps or full Damage? And any good PVE combo tips for that class would be good to know. thank you
  2. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    To solo 2h is the fastest
    If you want to rely on other players killing things for you 1h tank



    As for semi tank damage.
    Let me put it this way
    Get to level 55 first
    You do that by going 2h and farming like a madman
    1h will take you forever
    you need to learn how to craft too and what values goes into what items to get the absolute best results.
    None of what you see in the forum is unreachable, it might just take a while to get there

    HANEEF Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you Very much. I play with my Brother 'Ranger class' so shall i go 1h or 2h? The crafting system is kind of confusing but i`ll worry about that after i reach lvl 55. :)
  4. Zigan

    Zigan Forum Apprentice

    I would suggest play 2h until level 50, because normal monsters don't need to be tanked much. So you and your friend will be fine even if you use 2h. After 50 (especially in parallel worlds maps) you may try to use 1h tank build.

    HANEEF Forum Greenhorn

    Ok thank you.
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