
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ghostmagicus, May 23, 2018.

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  1. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Yesterday morning i crafted 4 gold lines damage helmet, and after that i go to work. When i came back, crafted helmet dissapeared from my inventory and all crafted and melted items was restored in my inventory.

    I already contacted support and they said cant help me.

    Thats just unfair and unprofessional,and may happen to anyone.
  2. Galvard

    Galvard Forum Mogul

    There is mini maintenance probably every morning in certain time. If you do something in this time it is not saved. Support can not help you in this case.
  3. Moot

    Moot Active Author

    There is a server restart every day. On Grimmag it's around 6.30 am CET. This always comes with a rollback. My advice: don't do anything around that time.
  4. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Already noticed support cant help, even is 100% BP fault that crafted items disapear from inventory. As i said, i consider this to be unfair and unprofesional. They can stop server for short term when making maintenance, or taking a snapshot before making rollback and compensate players for the loss in such cases, but only thing they did was saying that cant help, that is how they treat players who loos precious items becaus of BP fault.

    I just feel that i am disgusted.

    LE: Crafted helmet again and succed to make some 38,..damage. At least, luck loves me , even it seems BP doesnt help me at all.
    Last edited: May 23, 2018
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