Suggestion Use materi fragments to buy spirit stones, mighty spirit guard

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by nvmind, May 30, 2018.

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  1. nvmind

    nvmind Forum Inhabitant

    I suggest that spirit stones, spirit guard, mighty spirit guard to be available for purchasing with materi fragments.
  2. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Spirit guard are already purchasable with materi fragments
    Seriously, are there still people who haven't realized this?

    As for spirit stones and mighty spirit guard, continue dreaming, resurrections in boss rooms cost 120 ag, it's a source of income for them, especially if one only plays solo, they would never allow free resurrections in boss chambers

    And spirit stones can be easily gotten from the jesters and cost ag, not much, so they would not make them free
    MademoiselleCaramel likes this.
  3. nvmind

    nvmind Forum Inhabitant

    No one said free. And I didn't say cheap. But make it an option. Let me decide if I spend so much materi fragments for one mighty spirit guard
  4. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    free because it doesn't require real life money

    As such they would not let you

    And consider that while they may grant this wish, thye might take away something else
  5. Iselda

    Iselda Advanced

    I'd love to buy the spirit stones with materi fragments :) As for MSG... ahh that would be perfect, but guess BP won't make this happen :'(
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