R210 + Stormball Event 2 + Big Game Hunt 2

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by trakilaki, Jun 7, 2018.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

  2. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    Well, well, what do you know. The devs did it again, didnt they? Why did they have to turn the last reward of the big game hunt into this crap? im obviously talking about the rune, the mounts are okay. Lets say they wanted to change the rune to another type. Previously it was the Supreme Rune of Vitality. What does that mean? That in the last event we were getting the ultimate vitality rune. What did they do this time? They changed not only the type of the rune but they downgraded the tier too. From Suprene rune now they changed it to Mighty. And lets say thats ok. It would be okay if it was Mighty Rune of Vitality, but what we get this time? Mighty Rune of Vigor.... seriously?Not only almost nobody buys these runes, but they dont even care if it is given as a reward. They could give us any other rune. Any other rune of this tier would be great. Devastation,Celerity,Grand Persistence,Acceleration, Fortitude,Focus, Resilience,even the Materi blessing or the Wisdom seeker. All these are better than the vigor rune. There are like 2-3 crap-almost useless runes and they had to put 1 of them as 1 of the top rewards of the big game hunt event.

    As for the storm ball event, since i dont know much about it, i wont say anything except that the last reward of this event is 1 of those 3 crap aforementioned runes........nice????

    P.S: I suppose they consider this rune not only better but lots better than the vitality rune, otherwise they wouldnt have downgrade the tier of the rune. What can i say except...... ???????!!!
  3. Paavelsons

    Paavelsons Regular

    not only the rune of vigor uslessness, atleast make it usble only in weapon rune slots, it would make more sense then . they reduced gem bag quantity too. that rune should be supreme rune of wisdom . that would be more acceptable to all players as apology of those delays and bugged content wich we in group play still have.

    and this football bs. i hate football. im not fan drakensang why you make us even consider such afulness. i would understand if theres arena type 10v10 after some sort of token who will hold cretain time flag gains points whole team defend etc.

    AND those rewards in stormball page. rellly ? for the love of god relly ??? essences lockpics ???? change this asap. and atleast put there referee suit and toksedo suit wich represent owner of team. i would use only those 2 kinds.
    MademoiselleCaramel likes this.
  4. Opalsion

    Opalsion Junior Expert

    So the last Stormball event was in 2012, I remember it but I wasn't really playing events then so I didn't get any costumes. I've been waiting for this for ages and I got excited to finally get the shirt of my country's color and now they don't release it anymore? :confused: Now I may not be following a lot the sport news and I get some countries are not qualified, but they should make all of the national team costumes available for each community on DSO.
    VoulaAek1 and semen470 like this.
  5. MiSi1234

    MiSi1234 Someday Author

    Pic on the left is from the current release r209, the right side pic is from Test Server R210.

    In my opinion this is an unnecessary change, dwarves are already pretty OP especially in groups so I dont really see how this would balance anything. 15 seconds on the current skill is enough in my opinion.

    To me what could create some kind of balance would be 1 of these things:
    - remove the 100% increased dmg from the oil skill
    - change the working of that oil skill, and make it give 100% damage to Heavy shot (to increase the Heavy shot from 250% to 350%....instead of doubling the damage)
    - change the q7 buff from 3 secs to 2 secs, although this could be too much of a change so I'm not really sure about this one

    Another time I'll see if I can write more specifically about r209 and/or r210, for now I'll leave it at this.

    - Michelle
    semen470 likes this.
  6. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    I dont understand these changes too, I agree that the tesla thing is kinda unnecessary, but calling for nerf the Q7 buff and etc for our classes lmao.
    In regular map farm u cant really use the oil slick, so whats the problem in bosses..
    lovatic66 likes this.
  7. Kaydranzer

    Kaydranzer Someday Author

    The problem is that dwarfs can kill every boss on inf3 in under 10 seconds.
    Others need half a minute +
    But yeah, its justified, because you are 10 seconds slower on map than ranger/mage/dk.
    Stupid argument.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

  9. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Is the " This buff expires when the hit enemy dies" new, because i dont remember it being there ? and if its new holy thats some nerf for the rangers but only for the maps before the boss
  10. Yogo

    Yogo Forum Great Master

    It is a new thing. Like it?
  11. Mesala

    Mesala Advanced

    You still play ? :p:p:p

    As for the costumes of jerseys and 2 emotes per country, while I understand its a World Cup only teams, its kinda sad that my Greek friends won't get their jersey as well because they haven't qualified. Half of Grimmag server is Greek so it would be nice to have them included in this.
    Opalsion likes this.
  12. iNeXoRaBlE

    iNeXoRaBlE Forum Great Master

    Yeah i have to agree, i started the game at the end of 2015 so as a Greek myself i would like to have at least the Greek jersey and flag.

    About the weapon nerf, why TF would you still mess things again? I mean there are more important things to recalibrate and you keep on nerfing the one set that helps new players to farm faster?

    People who have full gems/crafts wont see a huge difference since they are doing q's at fast speeds, but new players who rely to that extra damage will see a huge impact on their damage.
    As a tank myself who is starting on 2h again this seem so unfortunate.
    Opalsion likes this.
  13. Opalsion

    Opalsion Junior Expert

    Mesala darling :D It's been a month now :p
    Well, it's not only the Greek community, I checked test server and they don't have Hungarian either and probably must be few more I'm missing right now.
  14. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    If the weapon nerf is for all classes, the this by far hits the mages who use q7 the most( + all the other classes ) but for mages to activate the set they need to use meteor a 400% dmg skill which if it crit it will oneshot the mob thus making the buff pretty much non existent for map farming and pretty much a boss set which for me its whatever but i just wanted to point that out
  15. Kaydranzer

    Kaydranzer Someday Author

    This was added to every Q7 Set for each class. I tested it with my mage, its the same as before. Nothing changed.
    Or else mages will be screwed, because meteorite kills everything.
    heror likes this.
  16. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Well i guess rip for those mages who use q7 i like it that those players looked down in q4 users but now they will be screwed in a disgusting way its not even fun for me...
  17. Kaydranzer

    Kaydranzer Someday Author

    bro Q7 Set is working like on live servers now, nothing changed.

    Ice missile got buffe to 75% base damage
    chain lightning was buffed to 60% base damage
    Meteorite got more range on it.
    guardian has 50% more armor and resistances

    Dwarfs got massive buffs too

    autoattack deals 80% base damage now
    rocket pack doesnt cost steam anymore and has a cooldown of only 5 seconds
    the c14 microrocket flies much faster now

    Dk now have an aggro skill on the banner

    rangers got more hp on their wolves/trees
  18. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    I like the chain lightning buff and the tank agro skill on the banner is nice , meaning that 2h tank will have agro too.
    What i mean is that now if you kill the mob that you use to activate the buff , the buff will expire so if you kill the mob with meteorite , you dont even get the buff i think.
  19. Veηom

    Veηom Forum Apprentice

    The ice missile increase works just for the skill itself right?Not the q8 set right?Or else it would be way too much.

    Who in the right mind would buff the strongest class a second time?5 seconds for rocketpack?Are you kidding me?

    You said that the q7 set works same as before...it might be a bug.Is the bonus description same as before,or is it like the one trakilaki posted?
  20. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    Essence cost of Dwar's turrets has been reduced from 8 to 5.
    semen470 likes this.
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