Looking Active Guild

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by muju8, Jun 20, 2018.

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  1. muju8

    muju8 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello Im muju8
    In-Game name is muju7 : i am wizard that is going to lvl 55 in heredur(currently lvl 49)

    im looking for an active guild and wich has discord or something where guild memebers can speak to each other and have fun so i hope

    and english speaking guild
  2. mojomagic55

    mojomagic55 Forum Apprentice

    I have new guild, looking for new members that are English speaking. It is called "theEVILFROGclan" , it is more laid back but active. Less rules, or at least less dictators....................
  3. muju8

    muju8 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello. sorry i founded a really active guild so im on it i will be touch on you when that guild will be dead
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2018
  4. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there heroes,

    We hope, @muju8 , that you are having fun.
    Closing for now.
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