Suggestion Unique items collection

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Akageshi, Jul 8, 2018.

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Is the unique item collector's bag a good idea?

Poll closed Jul 9, 2018.
  1. Yes, I want this right now!

    2 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but other things have priority at the moment.

    5 vote(s)
  3. No, it's stupid.

    5 vote(s)
  4. No, it would only make the game worse!

    0 vote(s)
  5. Yes, but needs tweaking.

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    Please remove the thread. Thank you.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2018
  2. MademoiselleCaramel

    MademoiselleCaramel Junior Expert

    I really do not understand your need to collect every possible set and then save it forever. If there were a skin transfer, I would bother to farm old maps for useless sets, cuz they look nice... Otherwise, no thanks. Also they do not have that much of a melting values tbh.

    Btw, if you are a hoarder, then lack of space is your problem. Do not ask for rewards, you collect sets for collectors purposes only, right?

    Those achievements that already exists in game are pretty enough imho.
  3. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    what the point of having the uniques in the collector's bag if they still occupy a slot in the inventory?

    Perhaps you can have the looks of the uniques in the collector's bag which then could be used a cosmetic feature to substitute the look of other uniques
  4. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    "The possibility to get achievements and rewards for collecting unique items is to be discussed."
    I'm not asking for rewards. I included rewards to the suggestion with QUESTION MARKS to make the whole thing more attractive for people like you who don't care about unique items. I don't need any rewards.

    I don't need the feature, I'd rather like to have it. There's no reason to save the 'useless' uniques forever. Just like there's no practical reason to collect emotes or costumes, other than joy. Oh wait, you actually receive rewards for those... I wonder why you're not angry.

    Lack of space is a problem of at least 90% people in the game. I've never met anyone who was happy with the size of their inventory.

    The feature would not make you farm anything. If you don't care about collecting, don't collect. The feature means no harm to anyone.
    Oh wait, unless it gets screwed like heck and unique drop rate gets reduced by 50%. Can happen, but that's not my intention.

    Finally, if you feel like it's a useless feature, ignore it.
    Why should we always only want to have stuff that is NECESSARY? What the hell? Necessary stuff is supposed to be implemented unconditionally without even having to ask for it. I'm suggesting an unnecessary feature that in my opinion would be just... nice. What's the problem?

    Because if I get a unique item, especially one that I haven't got before and perhaps will never see it dropped again, I have to melt it, because it's a weak piece of equipment and it takes up space in the inventory. So I put it to my collection where I can't use it, but at least I keep it much like a slightly more interactive photograph where I can look at it and appreciate the 3d artist's work and reminiscent of the old locations and bosses and whatnot. It's a collectible. Games usually contain practically useless collectibles...
  5. MademoiselleCaramel

    MademoiselleCaramel Junior Expert

    I just wanted to explain my vote, but you immediately felt attacked. So just ignore my post, and let us finish this with "No, it is stupid".
    Akageshi likes this.
  6. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    I read your post thoroughly and you can see it in my reply where I addressed every point of your post.

    And yes, I felt that your post had this kind of annoyed tone that anyone even dared to propose something like I did. You used phrases like 'lack of space is your problem', meaning that nobody else could care less, or 'Do not ask for rewards' which suggests that you did not fully understand the point of the concept of rewards I used in the original post, which is that they could serve as an incentive for people, and their implementation is supposed to be discussed. Or that you 'really do not understand my need to collect every possible set' which makes me simply just reply with a question: Why not?

    You see, the game is pretty much based on 2 things: Kill monsters, collect stuff. My idea is to just build a small little thing on top of that. It's not a game changer. Kill monsters, collect stuff, make a collection.

    However, I really appreciate you took the time to actually explain your vote. Honestly :]
    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ likes this.
  7. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    The main issue I see with this is that unique items have different base values and may be used in crafting. Once an item is placed in the Collector's bag, you can't pull it back out. if you want to look at it, there is typically a screen shot of it on the Wiki.

    I think you just want more inventory.
  8. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    More inventory would be cool of course.

    However, the idea here is that you do not move unique items to the collector's bag. You keep the unique in your inventory while the game allows you to register it in the collector's bag. That way uniques turn into collectibles. You can then wear the unique, melt it, sell it, whatever. Its copy of sorts, however, remains in your collector's bag.

    Es for DSO Wiki, yes, you're right. But the DSO wiki is an external thing. It's not part of the game.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2018
  9. Chandler333

    Chandler333 Active Author

  10. OrochimaruSama

    OrochimaruSama Someday Author

    If it was just to save old single items to collection then not, but I share the same opinion as you with regards to saving something from unique items like appearance as well as quoted by the mademoiselle, it would be really fun to be able to modify the appearance of the items, which would also benefit the unique andermant merchants and would leave the game well diversified in relation to the creativity to assemble the design of the character. As it do not have the option, yes but with changes I will not vote.
  11. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    I didn't want to propose complicated ideas. Such ideas have close to no chance to be understood properly on a forum, let alone to be added to the game.

    But ok, let's say collecting uniques with no additional effect or mechanic behind it is not enough. I'm not sure if I get what you mean by your post: Do you mean an ability to use for example the model of the Durian helmet as a "costume" or a "skin" for any other real helmet that you are wearing? So your real Dragan helmet could look like the Durian one?

    I'm adding a new option to the poll...
  12. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    but the point of the collector's bag is too free up inventory space from cosmetic items

    It's useless to collect uniques then, if they still occupy a slot in the inventory

    At best you can save the appearence in the collectors bag and then use it on your piece of the equipment
  13. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    That's correct.
    Although another point is getting rewards, like buffs for number of collected pets.

    Well first off, I'm not aiming for usefulness necessarily. The suggestion is about turning unique items into collectibles. There are so many...
    Then about them still occupying space in your inventory, technically it's true, but in reality it won't be a problem. How? Well, what do you do now if you get a Durian helmet? I suppose you melt it. But if the unique section is added to the game, you can save the helmet as a mere collectible in your collector's bag, and then melt it. Or keep it, or sell it, or .... In another 2 years when the Durian set maybe gets replaced with something else, you will still have it in your 'legacy' collection. Of course, not usable.

    This option may be interesting for some people. But I have 2 issues with it:
    1. For some reason I don't quite like the idea of having armor A while masking it with some different armor B. But maybe I'd get used to it...
    2. Items like rings, belts, amulets, adornments, those have no models. There would be no point to collect those if you couldn't use them as "costumes". The original idea is to just have an option to collect all unique items, and as there's not enough room in the inventory, how else to save them than in the already existing collector's bag...

    Anyway, if the inventory gets 100% bigger, I'm dropping the whole collector's bag idea.
  14. OrochimaruSama

    OrochimaruSama Someday Author

    yes akageshi, that's exactly what you said, I think it would be a lot of fun to go hunting for specific unique items besides the items of the andermant merchants to put your exclusive appearance, and although it's a bit difficult to get used to, it would make the game more varied, in which players would no longer be identical replicas of each other at least in appearance.
  15. Zoltan

    Zoltan Junior Expert

    I have no problem with this idea. I also like completing achievements and collections. Still chasing Manipulation fork components...but that is another issue :)

    From what I understand your idea is merely a section in the bag that ticks off an item when you are lucky enough to get unique drop. Then you can look back at what you have collected and potentially revisit old maps to get any item you were not lucky enough to get as a drop when you initially leveled your character.

    I would certainly use this as encouragement to redo maps that were fun at the time but no reason to revisit.

    May not be a priority for developers but well worth putting on list
  16. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    But it has to be useful, otherwise it's pointless

    If you want uniques in the collectors bag, then they must not occupy a slot in the inventory, that's the whole point of the collector's bag, it is a mean to save inventory space
  17. Morinphen

    Morinphen Forum Overlooker

    I'm a hoarder as well and I feel you, but this is unlikely to happen due to how different actual items are from cosmetics, their variables, and most of all huge number (if you count literally all, new, old, etc.). Yeah, if we get transmogrification and we could register item skins, yeah, could be fun. Otherwise, we collect these at our own price, i.e. the inventory slots and arrange them in locker, or something. Sure, some say it's stupid, but to each their own. However, true... in that case space can become a problem, but it's nobody's fault but the collectors' :D.
  18. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    They don't have to occupy a slot in your inventory. You can throw them away after registering them in the collector's bag.

    But ok, it's a stupid idea. Does it hurt anyone? No? But yeah, it's stupid.

    Mods, if I may ask, please delete the thread. (Seriously, no lock, just delete.) Thank you.
  19. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Here is why it will never happen.
    Do you have the old unique items?
    Well you will never get them again ... new players will never get them again too.
    They are not going to put them back in the game again just because of collection.
  20. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    You want a collector's bag for equipment piece appearences, to use for trasmogriphication presumably

    Well, that's a nice cosmetic idea
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