Level 55

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by wildmonkey, Jul 29, 2018.

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  1. wildmonkey

    wildmonkey Forum Apprentice

    So im a SW i just git level 55 it took me about 3 weeks to do this and now i dont know what set should i grind and how to grubd it because i only got 3-3.5 k dmg so so even painfull is taking me over 10 mins to clear the first map .
    What items should i try to get and how to do it ?
    If someone has time and would help me in grimmag server i would appreciate even 1 run per day with someone boosting me in infernal.
  2. MademoiselleCaramel

    MademoiselleCaramel Junior Expert

    I do not know a lot about SW, but I could help you with unlocking pw maps, and some infernal1 maps. Sorry, that is my top for solo play xD
    What is your nick in game?
    wildmonkey likes this.
  3. wildmonkey

    wildmonkey Forum Apprentice

    Thanks allot i would love to get your help with the maps . My nickname is wildmonkeylv
  4. MademoiselleCaramel

    MademoiselleCaramel Junior Expert

    Okie, I will contact you tomorrow. I am not able to be online today in game, but from tomorrow morning, I am free, so c ya in game :)
    wildmonkey likes this.
  5. wildmonkey

    wildmonkey Forum Apprentice

    Can i get your nickname ? I play like atleast minimum 4 hours a day so i dont think you will miss out when im playing .
    MademoiselleCaramel likes this.
  6. MademoiselleCaramel

    MademoiselleCaramel Junior Expert

    Cinnamoncaramel, feel free to msg me when you see me online.
    wildmonkey likes this.