i need some help

Discussion in 'PvE Players Wanted' started by Uprdna, Sep 7, 2018.

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  1. Uprdna

    Uprdna Forum Greenhorn

    Hello readers, i quit the game for a bit and i come back seeing the monsters buffed and new levels.I leveled up to 55 i have been farming for a while now but i don't have any progress really.I have 55000 frags because my friends helped me a bit.But most of times they are busy.I really need some help to get back on the game.I write here asking for help, i need to get 112000 fragments so i can get the Q7 weapon on tier 6.I will be very thankful if anyone decides to help me.I have 11 glasses for 100% increased fragment drops.Thanks for your attention.

    IKILLGIANTS Active Author

    most of the times is hard to find some people willing to carry you on inf3 for the purchase of the tier6 weapon ...i reckon its even harder to find someone willing to farm you 55k fragments,good luck!!!
    navelko likes this.
  3. Uprdna

    Uprdna Forum Greenhorn

    yea most definetly true but im talking about helping me a bit not to farm the whole entire thing, that will definetly be really rare
  4. Xerustes

    Xerustes Junior Expert

    Good luck, not the same server.
  5. vegetadavid

    vegetadavid Forum Mogul

    Hello, that dont will help you to jus have that, you can find better on legendary t6...
    I advise you to craft items and farm cores for later.
  6. Uprdna

    Uprdna Forum Greenhorn

    i have weapon for craft and cores i just need the q7 weapon
    vegetadavid likes this.