Feedback Community Letter Release 213/14

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Sunlight, Oct 29, 2018.

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  1. morituritesalutamus

    morituritesalutamus Forum Apprentice

    Some of the proposed changes appear to punish old timers and reward newly created characters. In particular the gem changes should not give free upgrades to the old gems since active older characters had to labor long and hard to upgrade their old gems. If in fact your reasoning is correct and gems need to be changed why not free-upgrade old gems to the newer ones but at one level/rank/type down (except for the lowest category, flawed) Delay gem conversion a month or an update to allow folks to true convert before the downgrade convert?
  2. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    i think pvp needs a little more attack speed
    and they should check dragonknights because they are quite a bit immortal now

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Of course they are immortal ... the devs introduced block buff while the critical damage is nonexistent. There is no critical damage in the base stats so it means even if you manage to get high critical hit you can only get default double critical damage ... which is not even close to match the block.
    Tanks and midgets can heal while Rangers and SWs can't heal ... even if they are using high block build they will be killed eventually while the others can regenerate their HP back.
    The other reason is the attack speed. Like I said earlier some classes have highly attack speed dependable skills while the others have skills not much affected by attack speed.
    piteris2 likes this.
  4. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Having played quite a bit with my level 53/54 test server ranger and a new SW created just for testing this update:

    1) drop rates in great desert and asar seem to have taken a hit with respect to extraordinaries, legendaries and uniques. I had hoped to level up to 55 and test out a full set of t0 or t1 uniques (including core crafting) from the great maps (the world helmet-pauldrons-torso-glove-boot combo, but it seems like it nearly never drops anymore). Additionally, it seems like minibosses and the beetle now drop more greens and blues and less extraordinaries and legendaries.

    2) Similarly, asar seems to drop a lot less uniques than before - I have not gotten a dunes set item (necklace-belt-adornment set) since r213/214 hit test server.

    3)Similarly, my level 20ish SW just finished working on the kingshill quests and is just about to start with the quests out of werian sanctuary, and the duria set does not appear to drop as frequently as it did in r212 (it hasn't dropped at all).
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
  5. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    My SMH moment for the day. I had to pay gold to complete a quest. Sigrismarr's Shackle 4/5 when you have to craft the rune hands... the workbench charged 20 something gold to craft a quest item! But I did get 65 silver back as a quest reward :p

    Also, 5/5 of the same quest is either bugged or this just happened 'cuz my toon is lvl 55... when I showed the rune hands to the eternal eyes they just disappeared from my inventory. I checked the compendium and it showed 5/5 was completed at the point.

    Luck be with ye,
  6. emmaaxxx

    emmaaxxx Someday Author

    Indeed, pvp again is not balanced, especially for 2 handed users. One problem by turning off the echantments, it makes some serious unbalances. In order 2 handed be balanced against 1 handed, 2 handed must have at least double output dmg . At this moment we are now like 20k(2hadend) vs 10k(1handed). On new release we MUST be like 4k(2handed) vs 2k(1handed).

    But by puting away the % echantments on wpn, a 2 handed is becoming useless. Its easy to see with some maths.

    for example on new release if u have 2000k dmg from base stats from gear then with a 2 handed wpn will just make u have 2000+1000=3000 dmg, with 1 handed u will be like 2000+500=2500, this 2000k base stat makes useless the extra 1000 dmg from wpn, its like u can play without wpn too u will have again 2000 dmg,

    But as we are now this 2000 base stat is like nothing against the dmg u take from wpn + its own echantments and gems ,
    it is 2000+ 18000 (2handed) , 2000+8000(1handed).

    This is just an easy unbalance to see with new pvp content , ofc there will be other more that will pop out in future . For example some exremely overpower items for pvp gear that we had useless till now.
    one example if u still didnt notice is the SHIELD from Haloween event 4k block + 4k crit is too good for a pvp batle with only base stats ^^)

    It is good that dev want to balance pvp, but just doing this with such drastic moves other unbalances are coming out too.

  7. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Feels like they made Dwarf the strongest back in may and now they pretty much gave the tank number 1 spot again.. just like that . i like that we dont have broken sets but i wont be playing pvp didnt before and i wont now, playing as a mage on pvp seems a waste ill tryhard farm for like 10 gold a day lel

    @emmaaxxx which brings the question why do the tanks have a shield with crit.... give them a dual wield of axes since axes have base crit line but they wont give you more dmg so it will be like quivers and books for mages...... why just why shield with crit..... offence with defence is just broken again
  8. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    poor newbies, it'll be a nightmare to farm glyphs after the next release
  9. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    You know that they will implevent lv 60 in the future right ? So not only noobs will feel it
  10. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    it seems that this full glyph players will be spared for this misery for now

    Also this patch seems a masked level cap upping, so, i guess we won't be seeing a level 60 cap for a while

    I hope they seriously plan to increase the drop of at least purples
  11. Mate, dwarves have been the most over powered class since their creation. They are basically Dragonknight's but ranged. But I don't want to start whining about classes, I can still outplay some even in CURRENT pvp state... :D
  12. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    hmmmm your video looks fast for .83-1.18 AS. Is this video running at normal speed?
  13. brayan1994

    brayan1994 Forum Apprentice

    date release 213-214?
  14. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    Good observation that hidden level cap.
    Is much easy and cheap for them to nerf the entire game and not bring any new content. That is the idea of BP about new content - nerf them to the ground so that on they way to remake the character they will fill our pockets.
    The new level cap will came much earlier since this new nerf won't bring them money that they expect.
    Im sure that until summer we will have lv 60. Not enough time to repair the characters after this nerf patch but who cares.
    I think is Faire that now we have DK and Dwarfs Op in arena is about time for them to be in top and I refer at mid players here.
  15. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    it's capitalist exploitation, pal, what do you expect? Have you watched industry trends?It's not about bringing actual new content, it's about exploiting already existing things
    I mean lootboxes,microtransactions in BUY2PLAY games and invasive DLC practices should ring a bell and reveal how exploitative the game industry is

    I already expected lvl 60 cap in early 2019, so i don't have to complain

    Also DKs and Dwarves seems to be doing great in the arena
  16. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    I was not able to enter the new dungeons after killing bosses in non-PW maps (after killing Asar Painful and after killing Khalys Painful). The portal appears, but when I clicked to enter it, it displayed the loading screen, and then immediately I was kicked out to town.
  17. HellenicMacedonian

    HellenicMacedonian Active Author

    Since enchantments changes and so we will need new crafts, it will be foolish to bring us up soon to 60 lvl.

    If the company intends to soon bring the 60lvl, please let us know as soon as possible.

    We will not constantly make new objects.
  18. piteris2

    piteris2 Regular

    It would be nice to properly test every change with this patch... if I could even get into the test server :(
  19. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    did they put back the pvp costumes in the pvp shop? they should put them back, some of us had discarded those costumes because we though they would not be useful anymore

    It was nice to see them there, they shouldn't haven't been removed
  20. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Today's bugs I noticed (build 915):
    • The quest 'Copycat' is broken. I guess Big John and Sister Tick do not like this release either and have quit the game :p They are nowhere to be found in Loxley in either normal or painful difficulties. (Note: this was found with a normally leveled toon @ lvl 26/27.)
    • Health Potions are going into the inventory instead of stacking in the quick slot. This was the new green ones.
    • CTRL key is not working properly when looking at dropped items. When holding the key down the labels all disappear on the remaining items when you pick up one.
    Today's rant :D

    The PvP Statement while encouraging in concept is seriously flawed in its implementation. The problem is that the devs are trying to establish a baseline to build on while allowing a HUGE variable in the process. That is the base stats' differences across the tiers. For this concept to work the players should be going into pvp naked except for the choice of a 2h weapon or 1h + offhand. And the stats on these should be identical for each class.

    My other gripe about the statement is that releasing it now just seems like spin to sooth the masses. If that was the reasoning all along then why wasn't that said when the idea MOBA was first hinted at. Heck, the gear could have easily been made and the process started six months ago.

    So here we are... at the end of another year... with a statement saying the priority beginning next year will be to improve pvp. Go ahead and check. You'll find that promise has been made about this time every year for at least four years now.

    Luck be with ye,
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2018
    piteris2 and Bubble like this.
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