Feedback Community Letter Release 213/14

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Sunlight, Oct 29, 2018.

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  1. Demon

    Demon Forum Mogul

    I know 6 isometric ARPG and 4 of them are pay 2 play one is the fother of dso one Asian title that has no weastern release and two listed on steam one of those a French franchise in development and the last one has dlc. The 2 of those that are free to play is [EDIT] - the one I play now the best h&s ARPG and one in alpha now that looks promising.
    So all those 6 games you can play them for just about 400k andermant.
    Maybe you are talking about other games. One of them is free to play and no pay to win and every 3 months has e new league new content for free so I guess not all are like dso.
    From those games all better than dso I miss one single thing and that is dso pvp but I guess I will be OK since they have all other feature that we ask for dso, guild stash, stash for all characters, trade and many other that dso will never have.
    Now you know why I still wrote on dso forum hoping that something will change maybe they will learn something.
    Ah there is another one that I forgot with subscription but is too old for. My taste.
    As. I can see from pvp anounce I can let my DK rotten because is not worth to play this game he will drain money from.wallet more than all this 6 games but don't offer anything to worth the money.I have take a whise decision in April to quit the game.
    Good luck all with new changes.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 8, 2018
  2. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Stay chill, after release 213/214 almost no one will spend any cent in this "game" (i think many didnt spend since now or play less, leave game), so they will be forced to come back on earth with us (now they seems to be on other planet).
  3. Sciamachy

    Sciamachy Forum Greenhorn

    Lvl 60 might come sooner than we think, got this in my inventory
  4. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Nope. It's always been that way. Mine has said lvl 60 for over 1 1/2 years. If and when lvl 60 comes it will turn to lvl 65 as soon as you hit the new cap. This is simply a very rare case of the devs actually planning long-term ;)

    Luck be with ye,
    trakilaki likes this.
  5. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Here is my take on new PvP.

    You are making things worse.

    With the new changes, it will be hard to kill anyone. That also means it will be very hard to kill players who use a shield.
    This also means with the 10% heal that DKs have and 7% that Dwarves have, they can easily heal everything any one single player damage to them.

    This means the result from a Duel is always DK or Dwarves will win. It will be almost impossible for a Ranger or Mage to win a Duel against a DK/SM.

    About 5vs5, the matches could get really boring.
    One scenario would be two flag carriers running the flag, no one will ever be able to kill them and the match ends up in a draw.
    The other scenario is if the opposing team didn't guard the flag, the flag carrier will easily bring it home and the match will end in just few minutes.

    I will tell you what I have always told in the past.

    One hit kill is not a problem. It is a deception of newbies having so much damage but no defense and going to PvP with that
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2018
    cigarbennett likes this.
  6. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    that chest didn't exist back when level 55 was just implemented
  7. Sciamachy

    Sciamachy Forum Greenhorn

    I have that chest only in war's inventory, and I have all 4 classes at lvl 55 on TS and I didn,t get that chest on the other 3
  8. stacker99

    stacker99 Forum Master

    As I told you before - you as ranger pretend to be a victim but you are not right. I have tested 2 builds for PvP in TS as dwarf. Strange is that in duel I've met one ranger who kill me easy. With 2 sets - shield and cube set. Even with high block and regen I lose the fight. Next round I've met same ranger and try to fight with 2h weapon - gues! I win. The fact is that ranger was with shield too. So EA is still the only skill with no analog
  9. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    frozen sphere could be considered an analog to explosive arrow
  10. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    No. Frozen sphere only explodes at selected point if hit target at selected point , but EA explodes whenever hit a target during his path or at selected point.
  11. piteris2

    piteris2 Regular

    A few patches ago, FS functioned a lot like EA, then it got changed to how it is now. Just wanted to point that out.
  12. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Feedback - use of the wisdom runes is not clear r213/214. I have 5 of the +2 wisdom runes on my newly created spellweaver in the pauldrons (the premium pauldrons), plus the wisdom buff going for mentor. I should be able to get a minimum of +22 wisdom every time I see a drop (1 from minimum drop + 10) * 2 (from 100% wisdom mentor buff) and yet I am seeing drops of 3, etc.

    Is the wisdom rune mechanic changed or still not fixed? I saw the discussion above (about being limited to 5/5), but I only have 5 of those runes.
  13. darkwarss

    darkwarss Forum Apprentice

    What happens if you have max wisdom level and you have wisdom runes equipped? They are useless. Please make them increase something else if you are at max wisdom level.
  14. jmpessanha

    jmpessanha Active Author

    @darkwarss When you reach the maximum level the game stops drop ancient wisdom and the runes become useless.
    heror likes this.
  15. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    i have 5 x +5 and 22 +1 XD that are useless to me now feels bad man
  16. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    When u reach max lvl, your normal life will finish and u will be teleported in Dracania and condamned to farm Q1-Q9 and same events for ever and play gearless PVP.

    SO, good luck :D
    Bubble and darkwarss like this.
  17. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    I don't like the Celerity Conversion table. I have on my weapon adornment 4 Supreme Runes of Celerity and 1 Mighty Rune of Celerity. Currently these give me 4x8 + 6 = 38% Attack Speed.

    When Converted using the updated table, these will only give me 4x6+4 = 28% Attack Speed.

    The reason why I used them on Weapon Adornment is that I share it between both my 2H and 1H builds, so I don't have to switch the Adornment when I switch the builds.

    Why are you penalizing us? How come a 2% attack speed rune and my 6% attack speed rune which I made by combining 9 of 2% runes gets converted to the same rune? Really disappointing to see this conversion table. I hope You will adjust it.


    Question: With the new platinum lines, it is easily possible for a player to reach 5.0 Critical Damage limit.
    Is there a plan to increase this max or remove it all together?
    My preference would be to remove it because anyway it is not applicable in PvP anymore, so why should there be a limit?
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2018
  18. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    but your weapon runes got buffed and you dont need to change between 1h and 2h anymore, anyway we will get more attack speed.. despite some loss in runes conversion

    about critical damage limit, i was thinking about critical hit rate and i really dont know why these things have a limit
  19. I agree, I'd love to have the critical damage and even critical rate cap unlocked. This way we could use 1h + offensive offhand again... but they said they want everyone to use 2h so that aint happening.

    Imagine having 100% crit rate and 600% critical dmg with 1h :D
  20. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    if anything, 2h and 1h should have different caps for critical dmg
    Please_enter_a_name likes this.
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