Feedback Community Letter Release 213/14

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Sunlight, Oct 29, 2018.

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  1. IceMagician

    IceMagician Forum Greenhorn

    I have been reading about the changes on TS and I think that the "exchange system" is a bit unfair.....
    Talking about the saphires exchange..... We will receive the same for 1 Sacred saphire than 1 Royal saphire...... But the cost that 1 Royal saphire had was x3. The same situation happens with the Lesser, Normal and Mighty 1h runes. How could be those runes converted to the same rune if the mighty one, for example, is x9 of the lesser ones?

    I understand that that conversion table was made thinking only about the real value that the rune/gem has. I mean that if the rune/gem has the same % it is converted to the correct "New rune" and when the gem/rune has more or less % than any of the "new runes" you receive or 1 "new rune" much better than you should receive or 1 "new rune" much worse than you should recevie.

    For example on "1h old runes"
    Old Lesser Rune of Celerity 2% - New Lesser Rune of Celerity 6%/4%
    Old Rune of Celerity 4% - New Lesser Rune of Celerity 6%/4%
    Old Mighty Rune of Celerity 6% - New Lesser Rune of Celerity 6%/4%
    It is not fair to receive one "New lesser rune" in exchange of Lesser and Normal "old 1h runes" cause it devalues the old Mighty runes.
    The exchange in my opinion should be that if you want to convert old Lesser or Normal rune into a New Lesser rune you have to pay X amount of any resource. And the old Mighty ones that don't generate any problem on the conversion system could be exchanged directly.

    On the "2h old runes" it happens the same:
    Old Lesser one had 4% and it will be 6%
    Old Rune had 8% and it will be 10%
    Old Mighty one had 12% and it will be 16%
    In my opinion like you are getting a better rune than you should have..... the normal thing will be that you had to pay X amount of resource to convert it.
    And on the Old Supreme ones...... it is just not fair to receive the same than you receive when you exchange a Mighty one. Maybe it will be fair if you receive x3 or at least x2 New runes in exchange.

    Same situation happens on the old saphires. It can't be the same to convert one Sacred saphire than one Royal saphire. At least in exchange of a Royal one should be x2 than the Sacred one. And the fair exchange should be x3.
  2. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    I was thinking: after the patch in pvp, people will be much less powerful
    So cheaters will have even more advantage against honest players

    Do they actually plan to start hunting and banning cheaters in the arena?Because they're going to make the arena even more unbearable
  3. piteris2

    piteris2 Regular

    Not to mention all the twinks in low-level PvP. On the TS, it’s just as bad if not worse compared to the main servers.
  4. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Is not just unfair, is a theft from players is just insane.
    trakilaki and cigarbennett like this.
  5. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    So they actually try to balance and somehow they manage to get the opposite result

    That's quite an achievement
    Chapeau to them, they became super failures and actually now they have broken the limit of super failure, just like Goku broke the limit of SuperSayan

    Well, as i said before this is apparently not a permanent change, and this situation will be subject to modification, perhaps they actually might be willing to listen to trakilaki's proposal
    piteris2 likes this.
  6. piteris2

    piteris2 Regular

    However much I might have lost faith in them, let’s hope they do indeed listen to Traki’s proposal.
    trakilaki likes this.
  7. Sprokkel

    Sprokkel Active Author

    Nice that you also bring this to the attention.
    I will tell you what I have always told you in the past.
    I also sent the following statement as feedback to the DSO Team before, but it still seems to have not understood.
    When we compare a Mage, a Ranger, a Dragonknight and a SteamMechanicus with one;
    Banana, a Kiwi, a Pineapple and an Apple ...,
    I have informed the DSO Team that you can never equate 4 chars with each other, 4 different fruits are not the same, 4 different chars with different characteristics have never been equal to each other.
    DSO went wrong with regard to this subject from the beginning.
    In recent years they have already tried 20 or 30 times to match 4 different chars, but .... DSO Team, THAT NEVER WORKS IN AN HONEST WAY.
    I still do not understand that the DSO developers still enforce us to participate in an unfair arena game in which the fighters always have disproportionate chances.
    A crucial mistake made by DSO, but we players are the victim of it.
    Since I saw this topic pass by I could not resist to respond but I am especially curious about how other players think about it.
  8. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Here is my proposal for rune conversion to be fair:

    (Assume now the Rune of Celerity costs 107 Gilded Clovers)

    I have changed my proposal to have 107 clovers, so that players who have no mathematical comprehension can also understand it.

    SapphiresExchanged to
    Old 1h RuneExchanged to
    Old Lesser Rune of Celerity13 Clovers
    Old Rune of Celerity39 Clovers
    Old Mighty Rune of Celerity107 Clovers
    Old Supreme Rune of Celerity321 Clovers
    Old 2h RuneExchanged to
    Old Lesser Rune of Grand Celerity26 Clovers
    Old Rune of Grand Celerity78 Clovers
    Old Mighty Rune of Grand Celerity234 Clovers
    Old Supreme Rune of Grand Celerity702 Clovers
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
  9. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Thats trash m8
    So my Old mighty rune of Grand celerity for 1h will be 90 clovers which equals 0 on next realse since 1 rune is 107 or smt.... your suggestion is even worse than theirs, atleast with theirs you get smt back , but yours is pretty much - kms
    sargon234 likes this.
  10. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    your table is bonkers, it's taken even more resources and speed from players than bp

    Speed runes cost 100 clovers

    How in the hell a supreme rune of grand celerity is worth 540 clovers? That's insane, the rune should be worth much more than that, it should be worth at least 5 times as much
  11. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    You can't expect a 16% rune to get converted to a 20% rune. No, it will get converted to a 16% rune only. You are expecting too much, that is Your problem.

    I only want a fair solution to this problem.
  12. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro


    I made this currently event of full moon with more than 100 runs, somwhere between 100-200, i didnt counted, for 2 runes of 4%. So lets say one of those runes worthed 50 runsx10 min, lets say 10 hours of my life, les say this was usual medium drop rate for me on all events untill now.

    One supreme rune of grand celerity worths 27 lesser runes of grand celerity.

    One mighty runes of grand celerity worths 9 lesser runes of grand celerity.

    If they convert as same exchange rate mighty and supreme runes of grand celerity this unworthy team of DSO steal 180 hours from life of players. They steal our life because of their incompetence.

    Same for saphires conversion rate.

    Dont get me wrong, i have only one rune of supreme grand celerity, and 7 grand rune of mighty celerity, and 2 royal saphires, so this rate maybe will be in my advantage. Still, i am feeeling i am stolen.

    They even didnt bother to respond to us on this matter.

    Thats a shame.

    Ps: pls dont say u made one run in 4 min. I can do it to, but untill farm ess, find blood, ..., takes maybe more than 10 min.
  13. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    a fair solution involves taking away things from players and giving them back much less in value

    You're wrong and you should feel wrong

    What you're suggesting is literally an unfair solution to the problem

    The supreme rune of grand celerity should be converted to at least 3500 clovers, since the price of runes grew to be ca 7 times the cost of runes of grand celerity and over ten times the cost of runes of celerity

    Yours is not a solution, it's stealing clovers from the players
    Your numbers are bonkers
  14. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Not his problem , but rather YOUR problem because if we go according your table we looose everything. For example with their table ill get 11x 6 % runes, with your.......2 ...... i mean dude there is smt wrong if you make smt even worse compared to bp, the problem is in your thinking
    sargon234 likes this.
  15. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    You two are ignorant or what?
    In test server 107 or 90 or some amount of clovers (which is yet to be final) is a Rune of Celerity.
    A Mighty Rune of Celerity costs 3 times of that. Approximately 300.
    A Supreme Rune of Celerity costs 9 times of that. Approximately 900 clovers and that is the best rune in the game.
  16. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    yet in your table a rune of celerity 30 clover, while the new rune of celerity costs 107

    Using your conversion system we lose 70 clovers

    Your conversion table will make players lose even more than bp

    That's not a fair solution, that's an UNFAIR solution

    it has already been said to you that it's worse than BP's conversion
  17. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Please stop arguing for argument sake. I have started my proposal with an Assumption.

    First, learn what an Assumption means. And the assumption I made was the - Assuming Rune of Celerity costs 90 Clovers.

    Any 6th grader or higher would know what that means. If the Rune of Celerity costs 100 clovers, then the figures need to be adjusted accordingly. If it is 120, then adjust so. etc.
  18. DJBarman

    DJBarman Active Author

    Can anybody check the drop from 1 and 5 keys amphora on blackborg f.e ?
  19. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    can someone tell me what is your attack speed now and what will be with new release?
    you all are talking about runes conversion like you were losing something when probably its the opposite
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
  20. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Some of us are losing relatively to others. Someone who has 5 Mighty Runes of Celerity now will get 5 Lesser after the update, just like a total newcomer who played a few moon events and has 5 Lesser now.
    Maybe just don't assume but put it like a times x? So that x is the price, whatever will it be after the update... That would be a clearer way of presenting your suggestion, although still harmful, just to another group of people.
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