Feedback Community Letter Release 213/14

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Sunlight, Oct 29, 2018.

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  1. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    12% will be 16%
    you'll have to move 1 rune from your adornment to your weapon and put a lesser rune on your adornment and you will get 26% on weapon and 28% on adornment (2% more)

    also you will get hundreds of clovers + some runes from both moon events so celerity runes are going to be very easy to get
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
  2. Hiro73

    Hiro73 Forum Expert

    The right thing is only one. Ps I'm talking about Rune of Grand Celerity that need too much effort to be found.

    Old mighy rune of grand celerity (9 lesser runes) in new mighy rune of grand celerity.
    Old supreme rune of grand celerity (27 lesser runes) in 3 new mighy rune of grand celerity or 1 supreme rune of grand celerity.
    The difference in resources used, time, ander between the supreme rune and the mighy rune is immense.
  3. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    im using crit dmg rune , i dont undestand why are you trying to show me that im mistaken when in fact im not..... i did all the calculations on my character with their table open so what are you even trying to do m8

    @DJBarman you go for x1 amphora for the scroll on new moon not for the draken sigh
    couda22 likes this.
  4. DJBarman

    DJBarman Active Author

    of course and now u know why ive asked for the draken drop so i know if to open them now or after the update i dont want to farm drakens via amphoras i want to know the most effective way to use my keys
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
  5. Paavelson

    Paavelson Junior Expert

    transition will be basicaly same. meaning that those values wich those runes are on live server, will stay with those values.
    and for all the other old players. get used to it that your saphires getting removed its one step to ballancing game because thre is lot of new players who doesnt have those sapphires and will not get them anywhere.
    but why so much hate ? you should be happy cause those shapphires are getting converted to runes. and you can upgrade your new runes.its fair deal as you see.


    or devs calculate our current rune and sapphire values to glovers and give glovers to players and we decide to buy speed runes as needed, and allow players sell runes back to glover shop for glovers if we reached to maximum
    so we get to choose to buy something else than speed runes. and ofc fullmoon and new moon still giving runes with nerfed rate as one guy stated and feedback thread stated aswell.
    about crafting. from pink to legend crafting is great outcome to get some golden random lines to legend. but crafting legends to legends its same nosense as on live server
    and crafting is EXPENISVE AS HELL. it felt more like forcing end game players to play pw ranking.
    normal content dungeon infernal 3 is great. but so called farmville minecraft bs is no go. rather put them bushes to be killable like 1 2 shots and it drops that thingy.
    mounting up and fail to mount and needed to wait 3-5 seconds cooldown is not good at all. remove it please.
    for new players who come to game and start new char. add for quests reward 1 glover and even for repeabtale quests, ofc player earns even more glovers by advancing further on drakensang. and even more on leveling up chests rewards and getting level, each level gives you that level you are amount of glovers..
    and currency bag should be shared with all characters. would be great i mean.
    new players see more old players and helping eachother leveling up by putting us to start over.
    so i apology for my awesome english :D
  6. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Another piece of feedback incoming.

    Now, in the live server, as of r212, if you don't run with quests to the cap level in like two weeks, but rather farm some bosses/minibosses and events, and daily challanges, you can improve your characters as the levels are passing slowly, such a character can be strong enough to do painful without being a legacy exp block abuser, wisdom, glyphes and gems are enough. However, with the new update, you can't craft flawless gems unless you reach level 50 (and now you legally can, this is the fact). That seems kinda unfair.
  7. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    Regarding this statement:
    There's no improvement in the selling price of drops on the test server.

    Also the drops are way lower that now, both items and coins.:confused:

    The +106% more coins dropped from the wisdom tree on TS is either not working or the drops are so ridiculously low that even with +106% more they're like on live servers without the buff.

    LS no wisdom/LS +106%:

    TS no wisdom/TS +106%:
    (Drops from the same mini-boss location/same map/same mode.)

    The 2 mini-boss kills drop quality difference: 3 exo and 1 magic (plus wisdom and RF) on live server vs 3 blue and 1 exo (no wisdom or RF) from TS. o_O

    Anyway, back to the gold matter, with crafting prices skyrocketing we're getting a nerf here not an improvement.
    I think that even if you change those coin drops from 1 Silver 23 Copper to 1 Gold 23 Silver, it's still not going to make people agree with the new ridiculous crafting prices.

    Ni dong ma?:rolleyes:
    Paavelson likes this.
  8. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    TS dailybuild_919:
    - mount cooldown lowered to 0.5s (really appreciate it)
    - chance to drop item of tier = map difficulty+1 in PW lowered from 5% to 0.5% (still better than 0%)
    - prices of items purchasable for materi got down (??drastically??)
    - prices of items purchasable for drakens got slightly down
    - ?? drop of legendary items has been raised ?? (did one Q1 run and got 2 legs; this has to be confirmed by someone)
    - 2 new emotes have been added
    - ...
  9. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Apparently they lowered the event advancement drop in new moon and they also introduced the possibility of dropping more cores from the bosses

    The problem is that you can only drop one type of core from the bosses, and you can drop 4 types of cores
    That means you only have 25% of probability to drop draken cores

    The draken cores are already rarer and more precious than other cores

    I suggest that draken cores should be merged with either materi cores or the cores dropped from the bosses in the normal dungeons
    or keep the situation as it is on the live servers where some form of draken core farming is possible
    AlmosTBlack likes this.
  10. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Male Bovine Feces! It's not balancing it is nerfing. Just exactly what is being balanced? Gems are no longer active in PvP. My toons have lots of items that newbies cannot get. Should all those be removed too? What about the large stashes of consumable items I have that newbies don't? Should those be removed too? (e.g., I did not have to spend one-minute farming entrance or ess for recent Ghost event.)

    Basically, anyone who played long hours to get Sapphires + Jokers and/or spent money is being ripped off!

    So it is not a fair deal as you see.

    Luck be with ye,
  11. Paavelson

    Paavelson Junior Expert

    well tell that to rest 50k players who didnt play this game from 2012+
    you will get 100% attack speed on 2h after uprading them
    and 50% for andorment

    you say you want to keep sapphires too xD
    no dude. fairness for everyone. sorry to name stupid but stupid players will use sapphires instead of onyxes on andorment.
    money maybe spent on some player sapphires. and time used to farm them well yea you have point

    do some math how much is worth sapphires in glovers and post it. should be better option to get fair deal of glovers out of sapphires.

    300 glovers per any sapphire in inventory ? :D

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  12. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Removing saphires from game i consider to be a fair decision, but only with a fair exchange rate.
    Current exchange rate is THEFT.
  13. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    that is not the best approach

    The best approach would be to leave them ingame and make them buyable and droppable from mobs as they used to before the introduction of level 55

    this game has a diversity problem, removing sapphires will only make it worse
  14. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    That's actually a problem most people have been overlooking so far, all being focused at the PvP changes, sapphire stealing and rune conversion... and if we are going to be able to play after this update, they have to increase both the item sell values and money drops.
    Ta men bu dong. :D
  15. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Arent they removed from drop, and removing them from players making it somewhat idk to be fair for newer players , because newer players have played over 2 years with the runes only my question is how much more speed do you need?,
    2.50 speed is my speed and i have 1x12 1 8 grand rune and 5 x8 from old transformed runes ..... idk i think that the speed i have is really good so i dont see the point of sapphire since its overkill, if you want really high atack speed farm and buy only atack speed runes and you will still get 2,70+ atack speed which is really good
  16. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    I would also be for the sapphires never to be discontinued, instead being changed to absolute values (so that they would fit the gem=absolute and rune=percentage system) - eg. flawed=0.005, splintered=0.01 etc. However, we have what we have... and what could we do about that?
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2018
  17. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Basiically u are wright, but best approach depends of what is fesible and what is not. Saphires was removed because they introduced runes of celerity,and saphires doesnt fit on calculations about break points (some may have and other does not).

    BP shoud have been converted saphires in the first moment when saphires was no longer avalaible.

    But, conversion rate that was anounced now on letter is insane.

    These guys do not realize that one royal saphire costs hundreads of euros or months of farm of our lives,and thats prove that this game is really dead.

    That CM Jesse is usless, is for nothing, he doesent have any clue about game, is for nothing.
  18. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Old clovers... or the new ones?
    Theoretically, one could convert sapphires to andermants and the andermants to old clovers, with one old clover being worth 25k andermant (value from daily deal). However, that ratio applies only if we take into account only winning them from the jesters (and not from eg. daily challanges) and don't take into account the purchasing power. Think one random legendary item was "worth" one clover... and how much in andermants? You can have (in live servers) a legendary item with random states, but of your choice, for less than 10k andermants (crafting from blues), so a clover would have to be worth much less. Not that any of those is a fair trade...
    So let's take a look at a "fairer" trade. One regular Rune of Celerity is now worth 10 clovers. It gives you 4% to attack speed. That's in between a Sapphire and Polished Sapphire. So shooting in between them (weighed mean in fact), you get 4767 andermants worth for 4% attack speed... You got it right. An old clover would be worth 477 andermants. Now, what can we do when each calculation gives us different results?
    You can't say real value of clovers in andermants, and thus you can't say how much a sapphire is worth in andermants. In fact, a sapphire is priceless. So what?
    Let the newbies have it. Old players will be happy. Newbies will be happy. You will be happy. I will be happy... Maybe even Traki would be happy (if they introduce his suggestion on pvp that is).
  19. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    the problem is that it forces everyone to use the same gems, it is literally the developers bossing the players around and telling them what to you

    It's not about speed per sè, it's about players' freedom
    if the game dies, it's not really our problem
  20. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    I recently did a couple of the repeatable crafting chest quests... after many runs in the advanced normal dungeons and collecting all required drops I turned these quests in and got.... REGIONAL INGREDIENTS.. The same ones I collected as I farmed the maps over and over to complete the quest in first place.
    These quests are long, boring and tedious. The amount of frustration attached to the whole mega farm part of the game is increased exponentially with this GARBAGE!.

    to be fair, why not give a coin reward for completing the quest each time and the coin can be exchanged for a crafting tome of choice, crafting tomes must be bought in order (normal, improved, magic)
    With this method the tedium and frustration is contained and the players are not getting screwed (again) by having to do a stupid amount of 1 quest, til they get the 1 drop they want.

    Thanks, Doc.
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