Feedback Community Letter Release 213/14

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Sunlight, Oct 29, 2018.

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  1. Paavelson

    Paavelson Junior Expert

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
    Please_enter_a_name likes this.
  2. What is it, I can't see it for some reason?
  3. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Tier 7 gloves with 4 gold (platinum?) increased damage on this item lines (total ~243.5%), and a gold base HP line. Sweet, but, don't you want attack speed on gloves?
    Please_enter_a_name likes this.
  4. Sciamachy

    Sciamachy Forum Greenhorn

    They upped the prices a S.O.I. that was 64 clovers now is 1K, a rune now 400-800 clovers and the drop of clovers in Lair's 0.
    where is the drop for clovers?
    I can't find any :(

    later edit
    after a few runs got 7 clovers from a goblin :(
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
  5. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    No more Viscanium events

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  6. piteris2

    piteris2 Regular

  7. x_Dragon_Slayer_x

    x_Dragon_Slayer_x Someday Author

    LOL (this is not my screenshot, i can't even enter in the TS because of "full server")
    This is absurd. What's wrong with you (DSO)?
  8. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    First they took the Desert of Essences from us, now this... No, no and NO!!! Stop reducing the amount of possible events and start bringing them back.
  9. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    so the previous prices and drops were just an advertisement, it was to be expected after all, this is how they behaved in the past, it looked too promising, there was a catch in all of that
    Press F to pay respect
    No more viscanium then

    So they aren't even planning to redesign it
  10. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Well, from the very first moment i had read letter concerning upcoming changes, i am in a bad mood, i fell i have no mood for plaiyng this game anymore, but still i am forcing myself to stay a bit more in the game to see what will come.

    Not good mood is so bad that i even force myself to manually combine gems, that is a very ugly and boring way to do as is implemented now.

    Considering that it may takes a while untill changes will be on, maybe devs will consider if is possible to implement sooner gems combining new system on live server.

  11. Paavelson

    Paavelson Junior Expert

    i quote
    5 Access to and acknowledgment of these Terms and Conditions, changes and further notifications, contact by the User

    5.1 The User accepts these Terms and Conditions as binding when submitting their User Application and using Bigpoint Games and/or Services. These Terms and Conditions apply to every login within the scope of the Services and to participation in the Games and/or other use of the Services.
    5.2 Bigpoint reserves the right to change or amend these Terms and Conditions with regard to future arrangements at any time provided this is deemed necessary and if the User is thereby not disadvantaged in a breach of good faith.
    5.3 The User will be notified of the changes made to the Terms and Conditions either on the Websites or by email. Changes to the Terms and Conditions will always be clearly indicated to the User the next time they log in. The amended Terms and Conditions shall be effective immediately provided the User has agreed to such. Furthermore, the conditions as stipulated in section 5.1 shall apply.
    5.4 Should the User not agree to the amendments to the Terms and Conditions, both parties may terminate this contract with a notice period of one month, unless a mutual right of termination exists pursuant to section 8.2.1. The original Terms and Conditions will remain in effect until the termination comes into effect. Payments made for Games and/or Services prior to the termination date relating to a time-limited continuing obligation will be reimbursed to the User on a pro rata basis. Any additional claims by the User shall be excluded.
    5.5 When notifying Users of the changes, Bigpoint will inform Users of their right to the non-acceptance of such and their right to termination.
    5.6 Unless otherwise stipulated in these Terms and Conditions or in other agreements with the User, Bigpoint will generally communicate with the User by email. Users will ensure that they are able to receive all the emails sent by Bigpoint to the address they submitted at the time of registration and subsequently. They will also be responsible for the appropriate settings of the spam filter and for regularly checking all incoming email sent to this email address. For other correspondence, Bigpoint reserves the right to use any form of communication it considers necessary.
    5.7 When contacting Bigpoint, the User will state which Games and/or Services and which Game or Service Account the correspondence relates to.
    7.5 Amendments to charges

    7.5.1 Bigpoint reserves the right to reduce costs or to offer new products, services or methods of payment at any time, either on a temporary or permanent basis. In addition, Bigpoint is authorised to increase charges for all Services that do notrepresent subscriptions (continuing obligations), at any time and with effect for the future.
    7.5.2. Charges within the scope of continuing obligations may be modified with a notice period of six weeks either in writing or by email sent to the email address provided by the User. The amended cost will take effect if the User does not object to the modified charge within six weeks. The contractual relationship will continue under the modified conditions and costs. When notifying the User of such changes, Bigpoint will inform the User of their right to object to such, to cancel the Services, the deadline and the legal implications in force if they fail to submit an objection within the period specified. Should the User object within the deadline, both parties reserve the right to terminate this contract with a notice period of one month, unless a mutual right of termination exists under section 8.1. The original tariffs will remain in effect until the termination of the contract. Any fees (payments) made for continuing obligations that extend beyond the termination date will be reimbursed to the User pro rata. Further claims by the User shall be excluded.

    9.1 Obligations

    The primary obligation of the User is to pay all applicable charges, unless they are using the free basic version of the Game and/or Services (see section 7 above). In addition, the primary obligation of the User is also to comply with all the applicable Game rules and provide accurate and complete information required by Bigpoint when concluding this agreement and during the term thereof. Users therefore declare that all the information relating to their person or other facts relevant to the contract (in particular bank and credit card details) and which Users state on the User application form or during the contractual agreement are, to the best of their knowledge, complete and correct. The User shall notify Bigpoint immediately of any changes to this information, and shall confirm the data following a corresponding request from Bigpoint. In the event of a repeated violation of the rules, despite warnings to this effect, or a serious breach in accordance with section 8.3, Bigpoint reserves the right to suspend all the contractual Services and deliveries immediately and without warning and to terminate the contract.

    edit copy pasta

    --- MERGED ---

    im not even mad. by those stats what i have on testsever it still cheap lol. and idea to farm glovers without limit those prices should be even higher. because its meant for high end high end players not for end of cry players,.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 15, 2018
  12. darkwarss

    darkwarss Forum Apprentice

    Well.. I have farmed ~5k clovers with 2 more friends in a couple of hours, so I guess it's not that absurd :)
  13. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    according to their plans, access to secret lairs will be limited, you'll only be able to enter them a few times a day, so i think that's enough

    Also considering the devaluation of the clovers, can they really be called an end game currency? I would say that that phrase applies to today's status quo
  14. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    On test server where currently the entrance to elemental dungeons does not require entrance fee. But there will be an entrance fee on live server. It is hard to say how the fee will scale with difficulty. But one thing is for sure - you will be able to get LIMITED amount (??5??) of the entrance item per day.
  15. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    LOL, so players who test for free and give feedback for free, test some version (with entrance free) that will be difeerent on live severs?...

    Well, this is amazing, even i feel bad because i have a feeling that this game an all my work will become a crap, it makes me laugh loud. :mad:
  16. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    thanks for the changelog, do you know whats new in build 920?
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
  17. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    - price adjustments of items offered by Zumpe
    - some cosmetic things (titles of monsters of elemental dungeons)
    - ...
  18. x_Dragon_Slayer_x

    x_Dragon_Slayer_x Someday Author

    Do you know what "Secret Lair key" is for?
    Like others said, you won't be able to enter unlimited times to those maps. You can purchase 1 a day from: Gnob (~100 drakens); PvP merchant (1k); if you have luck, from Daily quests; Premium Merchant and I can't remember where else... but I think you only can buy 5 in total.
    I don't know much about the drop of clovers (since my char just have 10k dmg, I can't kill the goblins at the end of the map), just tried the "kill the guardian to open chests" one and got 10-15 clovers... oh, and the "mobs don't drop anything" one...
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2018
  19. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    I haven't been able to see most of Trakilaki's images since he started using lightshot. I get a 404 error and it wants me to log in to lightshot. I just use my imagination now to "see" those pictures. :p
  20. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Those rules are only there so BP can protect itself if there is a legal action in a court of law.
    If the player base leave the game unsatisfied by their behavior there is no need for actions or reactions ... since the game would be empty.
    BTW ... about the Blues. Of course you would feel that way ... but let me remind you ... not everyone has been banned for botting :p and lost their Blues. :)
    Nope ... you can buy 6-7 but IF LUCKY.
    1. Daily quests - If lucky
    2. Daily Deal - If lucky
    3. Emilia - if having premium
    4. Gnob - If having draken
    5. PvP shop
    6 - 7 - can't recall ATM

    BTW ... PvE-ers
    Check this out :D ... 90% of the maps are not playable - you can't use your skills.
    Example: Q7- only the upper corner next to Sigrismarr is playable ... you can't use your skills in the rest of the 90% of the map :)


    Good point ... i have already ditched Lightshot since all links are broken.
    The issue started 5-6 months ago when one had to extract the image link with "inspect element" browser tool. But those links are not working anymore .
    I am on a new app now ... very cool and better than Lightshot. It uses Imgur and all links are working "forever" :)
    Dragonnns likes this.
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