Discontinued Events?

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by HelenWaite, Nov 26, 2018.

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  1. HelenWaite

    HelenWaite Forum Greenhorn

    Dear DSO,

    Is there a list of Discontinued Events?

    Just wondering if the Sewer Event and/or Dark Dwaft Heist Event will ever be back. If not, many of us can get rid of unusable items that are taking up valuable inventory space.

    Thank you
  2. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Do not just toss those items just yet. Most will be sellable for gold with the new release.
  3. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @HelenWaite ,

    There is no list of outdated Events as it is still not decided which Events will never come back or will be reworked. However with the new release all the items that are not used anymore will have a selling Price (e.g. the pickaxe from dark dwarf heist).

    This is the information we got from Design Team.

    Bubble likes this.
  4. dawmjr

    dawmjr Junior Expert

    good to know i have pages of stuff, in past i dump something , and in 2 weaks i need it , do i need keep this curs word forever