Feedback Community Letter Release 213/14

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by Sunlight, Oct 29, 2018.

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  1. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    What is the maximum number of clovers that can be acquired within one day?
    And what is the minimum number? ... I assume 0?

    'Cause, I mean, I haven't seen a gilded clover in my daily challenges for eternity :/
  2. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    you can get clovers from the secret lairs, if you haven't followed

    But that's entirely random, you actually not even get clovers from them
    Also they upped the amount of clovers rewarded by daily quest to 15
  3. dawmjr

    dawmjr Junior Expert

    pvp will always be broken, those who die say others overpower, im dk, i get no where pvp i say nerf all, 40,000 hp gone in one shot, , dk has to catch you, buold rage, other, build by self,
  4. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    I've been following the new stuff, but not all the details :/
    So on one day, on my luckiest day, I can get 15 clovers in Daily and how many in the Secret Lairs? I read you could only enter there twice a day or so... How many clovers can I get from one Secret Lair on my super lucky day in addition to the ones from Daily?
  5. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    it's random, it depends on your luck, that's why those prices are still insane

    I don't remember how much clovers are dropped

    You can only get 5 entrances in the secret lairs at maximum
    No, it was pretty much balanced when the maximum level was 45, they had to remove essences and potions
  6. Nelias

    Nelias Someday Author

    Yes Sargon, it was very balanced back to to lvl45 when 0 rangers in dracania were able to win 1vs1 vs a better dk. Only one ranger from grimag server was able beat top dks cause he had bugged low lvl items everywhere + old dragan. But that account was banned cause he got free glyphes and some other stuff from admin. SW had like 20% change to beat a top dk. You clearly have no idea about lvl45 and when i read some your ideas i have to say,that you have no knowledge about game generally. Most what you claim to be truth is opposite of reality.
    Pvp mage vs war is more balanced now than ever was.
    Btw. pve is actually more unbalanced (if i dont count bugged group talents working in pvp). A mage has a 1/3 dmg output of dwarf during boss fight.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2018
  7. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    Idk what you remember but there were pretty good 1v1 players especially rangers ,
    namely anonymous and many others .......

    Mage has 1/3 of dwarf dmg if the mage is brain dead q7 spammer and on grimmag uses ice sphere......
    with q4 and mana items and runes after 2 seconds i easily outdamage the dwarf.
    Granted i crit most of the times and not 1/3 of the times

    Also 20% winrate vs a tank ? look at spieletrend and his pvp videos and talk to me lter
  8. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Compared to now or future pvp it was more balanced, nothing like one shot fest, being able to get everything out of defense and offense simoultaneusly, broken bonus sets, arena full of cheaters,ecc.

    It was quite fun and the fact that it was more played suggests it was better during those days

    It wasn't perfect
  9. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Stay on topic, off topic posts will be removed immediately.

  10. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    why we dont have critical hit rate bonus?
    if everyone is using shields matches will last forever

    Last edited: Dec 8, 2018
  11. RoWaR

    RoWaR Forum Apprentice

    The time passes very fast and here will come soon 10-13 december, we are very close, so will be a R214 or will see in 2019. I have no big hopes from BP, they always in last time dissapointed US. And again this date will come and we will do not have any answer or we will have the answer later like always..., holidays come and they are on vacation i am sure! (sarcasm) :):rolleyes: and with a very late answer will come something like this; we gave unforeseen problems, and the R will come in january 2019..!! Hope i am wrong.
    stasis likes this.

    LEVENTD Forum Greenhorn

    With this patch PvP will be more fun, …

    Ment4l likes this.
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The new "lower" price of joker runes XD


    Nope the matches will last forever only in tank vs tank battle.
    SWs in example can't heal ... don't have high damage, don't have critical hit, don't have critical damage ... they will die fast.
    You can see that in the video posted above in the previous post.
    A tank with crappy gear can't be destroyed and kills everything on sight.
  14. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    but thats not a crappy gear, level 60 tier 7 green items is probably the best gear for pvp (easy to farm, easy to glyph, high stats),
    he is using shield and has more critical hit rate than me using carcaj..
    we should have 2 choices for offhand, offensive and defensive

    i havent seen many pvp builds but you say you cant beat that dk sus (or similar builds) with this?
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2018
  15. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    The arena look good, only the war are a little to storong, i see ranger and mages die very fast!! The time will reveal the truth.
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    No I can't ... no one from my class can.
    Not just I can't beat them ... I can't even scratch them.
    There are no "builds" anymore. There is only one pattern for all classes and it is only way to play it and yet you can't beat the healers if you play with damage dealer class ... and you can't do anything about it.
    Let me proceed with the next quote so I can explain ...
    That gear is crappy gear.
    I have already explained the mechanics of regular and unique items with examples and screenshots.
    No ... green items are not the ones you would want to use in the arena. They can't match the unique items or carefully crafted legendary items. I have already explained in what way regular items can be upgraded. Green items have lower base stats than magic items, magic items have lover base stats than extraordinary items, extraordinary items have lower base stats than legendary items, legendary items have approximately equal stats to unique items.
    Regular items can outmatch the unique items ONLY at low tier ... but they are losing power compared to unique items when it comes to higher tier. And the gearless PvP is not going to be played with T1-T2 items ... players will be using maximum possible tier.
    Let me give you one example
    As can be seen this magic amulet has huge advantage over the unique amulet BUT only at that particular Tier.
    If you upgrade the rarity to legendary item of a same Tier it would have even better stats compared to the unique amulet.
    However ... the unique amulet can be used at highest Tier (T7 in example). This magic amulet is no match to T7 unique amulet.
    In that case you would want to upgrade the amulet at higher rarity and maximum possible Tier. And then comes the screw up ... when you upgrade the amulet to legendary amulet (because legendary amulet would have best possible stats) and in same time you upgrade the Tier to T7 ... the legendary amulet has already lost its power and that same amulet at T7 would have lower or equal stats to unique amulet. While at lower Tier it had much better stats than the maximum possible base stats of the same unique amulet at low Tier.

    Now ... that is why those green items are crap ... they are not even all good at improved rarity. Some of them might have gold stats ... but those gold stats are gold only for that rarity ... if they were on unique items they would probably be lower than the minimum possible stats. If you pay attention some of those stats on T7 items are lower than the stats on unique T6 unique items we are using ATM on live servers.
    On the other hand ... my items are having almost perfect base stats upgraded to T8. The difference in stats is HUGE.
    Yet ... you can't do anything in the arena against healers. Now ... imagine that. My TS toon has those stats because I have resources no toon can have on live server. I have spent over 20M andermant since the start of the new R. Is that possible on live server? No it is not.
    That means the other classes on live server can not even dream of having those items in near future (they can ... later on).
    And that would put them even in more disadvantaged position.
    So there is the comparison with one damage dealer with ultra expensive "god like" items can't scratch an average healer with crappy items.
    There are no builds anymore. Everything is leading to:
    - shield + weapon with crit hit but lower base damage
    In same time
    - offensive offhand + weapon with crit hit
    - 2H weapon
    are NOT usable.
    So the only available build (shield + weapon with crit hit) is putting the damage dealers into disadvantaged position to healers. Because the block is much higher than the damage itself (total damage not base damage) because all items combined can't reach max crit hit. But even if they do ... even if the damage dealer has 80% crit hit (which is not possible) the damage dealer is still no match because there is no critical damage.
    On top of that ... DKs in example ... have shields with crit hit that no other class can have. That means they would have higher crit hit and higher damage output + higher survivability and more HP + healing ... which is equal to broken arena (That is why my proposal was made the ways was made ... I took all those facts into account).
    So the outcome is as following:
    - You deal too less damage
    - the healer is having same or higher damage
    - if you take small fraction of his HP he gets it back in few seconds ... while you have no ability to heal
    You don't have to heal if you have proper base stats so you would match them. Unfortunately that is not possible with the new PvP.
    If I show you this screenshot in example
    it would be very misleading.
    One would say "what is he talking about he is on the top of the ranking" ... but that is just because I was avoiding the healers and I was dealing only with the others while having good base stats. If I was getting into confrontation with the healers I would stand no chance.

    When the gearless PvP comes to live servers the player's rage would be huge ... and that would probably lead to class nerfing. And that is not what we want. Because there is not need for nerfing because the concept is wrong. So the current biggest game breaker to the TS PvP is the Arena Buff. That just proves the point that all buffs are breaking the PvP.
    Bubble, Viki, Ment4l and 2 others like this.
  17. AK47TestPlayer

    AK47TestPlayer Forum Baron

    Hey. I agree with you. The archers lack a critical strike to deal as much damage as possible.
    DamarèRo and sargon234 like this.
  18. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Makes me glad that I already have 8... now I just have to hope that R214 gets delayed till January and I can pick up another couple.
  19. piteris2

    piteris2 Regular

    Like @trakilaki predicted you’re hardly even scratching that DK...
  20. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    so they changed everything to change nothing, it seems that this quote from Tommasi di Lampedusa applies perfectly, PVP remains broken, player's frustration will continue and nothing new on the western front
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